Friday, February 17, 2006

OK that last post had nothing to do with the fact that it was Valentine's Day BTW, haha. I had work on Vday, that's what I did! :P I was just havin the worst work day ever. I'm over it now but I'll just say that this bitchass fucker of a customer yelled at me while I was on the phone with another customer AND swore at me!! The fuckin idiot was loud enough that the very NICE woman on the phone heard every word he said. Stupid dick. I hope he gets what's comin to him. But that's enough time I'll spend talkin about him right now. I'm sure if I'm bored enough one day and I have the time to post about the situation, I will.

Anyway, so that piece of shit human being pretty much ruined my entire Tues but then Al and Chris came by the store and took me out to eat. Well everyone knows my thoughts and opinions on Valentine's anyway...just go read previous yrs'. I went to dinner with my gfs, haha. *Links arms and skips* We went to Kelsey's and they gave red roses to all the girls :) That was nice of them. I think we were at some other restaurant last yr and they did the same thing. I am also gettin deja vu about writin about flowers. Hmm.

Well, I had a good dinner and a Crispy Crunchtini so I felt better. Tho I will admit that I fantasized about the things I would've done to that crusty man if I wasn't an employee, like throwin rocks at his car or boxin him straight in the face. You know what? I think I'd take bein in jail overnight if I thought it was worth it, ha.

So. I'm not lovin this 'work every day this week' thing as I am not lovin the 'gettin up at 8:30 am to do it' business. Yesterday was til 3 but again, I stayed longer. Today a bit too. Surprisingly, it's been alright tho sales-wise and customer-wise, so the week has redeemed itself. I thought I was gonna absolutely eat crap today cuz it was just ghost-town cuz it snowed last night and I had literally zero sales. I figured meh, I'll get subsidized anyway cuz it's not my fault for lack of customers but then it picked up and I sold a couple camcorders and such. And I was by myself too.

This freezin rain is ridiculous. There was LIGHTNING. There's snow on the ground and rain comin down and lightnin and thunder. What the eff??

Holy crap, I had to scrap all the ice shit off my car when I got off work then my windshield kept makin those crazy yet pretty snowflake/ice formations and foggin up the second after I clean it with my wipers. THEN I had to shovel the driveway. I think I hurt myself doin these winter activities. Forgot to stretch :P

Tomorrow morning will be fun to drive. I thought about walkin it to work cuz it'd be safer and maybe take less time but then the sidewalks would probably be just as slippery and I'll be tryin not to fall on my ass the whole way there so that'll take about a hundred yrs. At least I'm off at 1! Haha, I just realized it's a 3 1/2 hr shift, what is that?

Ew, I forgot my travel mug at work for the 2nd day in a row. Yup, it's still sittin there under the till :S

I should be goin to bed about now but I forgot to wash my pants for work so now I'm waitin for the laundry to be done and chattin to Godwin.

Please don't let it be disastrous tomorrow. I just wanna enjoy my Fri and Sat when I'm free of work!

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


More to this, obviously...til next time.

Monday, February 13, 2006

OK, Sat night...oh WEGZ! :D Each time me and Al have gone there, we get surrounded by guys, haha. We were sittin by ourselves on this platform area where ppl walk by to get around the rest of the whole bar so we're about at eye-level. We were just chattin and a couple guys stopped and brought up conversation. It was totally random and they had that buzzed talk goin on cuz they were just goin on about out of nowhere subjects and "HAHA!"ing and me and Al are just givin looks of amusement to eachother. Then a few of their friends came from somewhere and joined in. Our waitress came back and was like, whoa, I left you a few mins ago and now you've drawn all these guys! It was kinda funny cuz we were raised off the floor and there's about 7 dudes on the side, hangin over a metal bar which separated the tables from the walkway :P

They were nice guys. We had gotten there kinda late so by the end of the night, it was too late to play pool cuz they were gonna close soon so we just played foosball.

Man, drivin to WEGZ was an adventure itself. Al didn't know how to get there as well as she thought and we were goin the wrong way for a good while...into Horror Movie Land. It was pure darkness on a lonely stretch of road with nothing around. There was even this point in the road in the horizon where it dipped so it looked like you'd disappear off the edge of the earth. "That looks scary and dangerous...imagine if that led to nothing and there was this huge drop...let's GO!" Haha.

Oh yeah, we saw Nadia and Shazia there. Weird. I hadn't seen Shazia in a longggg time, hardly even in hs.

I was so tired before I left the house. I had to take a nap after work. I didn't exactly come home from the bar early either and I had work at 10:30.

Ugh, so Sun. That was such an ass day, I don't even wanna talk about it. It was just a tiring, lemme-finish-this-so-I-can-be-fuckin-done-already shifts. Damn, retail really brings out the ugly in ppl. I cannot BELIEVE the audacity of customers sometimes. The sense of entitlement! I was seriously entertainin thoughts of quittin cuz I decided if things kept up this way, I wasn't gonna stick around. I mean, I really wasn't enjoyin myself and I don't need to take ppl's shit so screw it. But I will restrain myself from the long, heated rant and I was just caught up in a bad moment.

I wasn't makin serious money so what happened later on was pretty welcome. Near closing time, these men were askin about a camera and camcorders and they seemed to know what they wanted. They were takin almost everythin I was throwin at them like they were rich. They ended up with a pricey camera, an accessory kit, 2 camcorders, and bags. Then I was like, oh man, please don't let this be credit card fraud or a return! Cuz you get kinda paranoid when it's a big purchase like that cuz honestly, it's more likely that they're tryin to scam somethin. Everyone who works there knows. I was about to ask Evan if I should sell to them cuz I don't need: A)financial scandal, B)illegal activities, or C)a brutal return after 14 days. But then you can't NOT give a customer somethin they want.

But you better believe I analyzed signatures, haha. And the guy was payin by Future Shop Card, which he just applied for and was approved so there wasn't really risk of a stolen card or somethin. Everythin was goin on this man's card and some of the stuff was for his friend cuz they were gonna owe him the money back, and they were goin back to the homeland and leavin that stuff there as presents for the family, so I was like, sweet. Tho that's also the reason why they weren't gettin PSP, poops. That woulda been a killer sale. Well it still was but at least Clarence (one of the managers) would get off my back about PSP. I had nice commission. They totally made up my night.

It was 15 mins past closing time and we were all still millin about cuz there were a few customers around too. Those same guys were lookin at stuff in home theatre and askin about a cell phone (which the friend also probably would've got if we had this particular model in stock...I was about to do a layaway on that too but he said he'd get it another time), and lookin at computer stuff.

I had all their stuff brought up to the front, demagnetized, and bagged and then the friend changed his mind suddenly after comin back from the computer section and wanted to return his camcorder stuff cuz he wanted to get a computer instead. Aww. So it went right back before it even left the store :P But it was OK cuz my commissions were still pretty good. It was just a strange situation.

But the bad parts of the night were still havin that icky feeling on me and I wanted to shake it off with some alcohol. Yes, sometimes I like to dull it by drinkin, I'm aware...I don't have a problem :P Just slam back a lil somethin, I had work again in the morning :S

I fell asleep on the couch, ate dinner, then headed out to BP with L and Godwin. Had some fun times. We shared nachos and a Rolo cake (mmmmm) and had retarded, hilarious, perverted conversations. And me and Godwin had some wicked Krispy Krunch shots. We saw Travis there! Ha. We were like, "That guy looks like Travis..." *Squint* Cuz it was :P So he came over and chatted for a while. I felt much better after all that. Then we had to make it an early night cuz me and L had to wake up at gross hrs.

And work again this morning. Kane called in sick so I was alone from 10 to 3 til Evan came in for his shift. A bad scenario would be a bunch of customers askin me about shit I don't know, like cell phone plans and puttin together camera packages with a discount. Thankfully, there was hardly any of that. In fact, it was pretty much dead which is strange cuz I was expecting a lunchtime/after school crush of ppl. I sold jack. I made about 5 bucks, woooohoooo! Haha.

I had done all my tasks so I had nothing else to kill the time except read my training book from when I first got hired. So I reviewed all the textbook procedures, haha...which was a pretty good thing cuz it's handy to remember the better ways to sell.

I stayed around about another hr in a pointless attempt to make some more money. I just ended up talkin to Evan, Dini, and Shirley longer :P There was like nobody in the store so we were standin around havin a nice 'we don't care if anyone hears' chat in our dept about smokin up, haha. Looks like Evan's havin a weed party at the end of the week ;)

I still can't get over how I have work every day this week til Sat. I'm doin full-time hrs! And that's not even countin this past weekend. Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, and Fri...all in a row. Most of them opening. I'm gonna hafta be good and go to bed early this week. But not tonight :)

And that was a post about a whole lotta crap, haha. But admit it, you were somewhat entertained. C'mon! C'mon! Yeah? No? Alrighty.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

I could fall asleep right now.

Worked Sat, went to WEGZ with Al, saw Nadia, there were boys, and so on...I'll talk about that later.

Had work this morning, I did 8 hrs til close, also one of the worst days so far but kinda good at the same time. More about that stuff later too.

Tryin to decide whether to go out with Godwin and L tonight or take a nap.

That's all, g'night.