Friday, March 05, 2004

You'll probably never see me post this early again :P I really dunno why I'm up. But I've showered, washed my hair, ate breakfast (!), checked my credit account, haha. I have a feelin I'm gonna be pretty bored today. Esp since it's all rainy out. But I guess I can always find a lot to shit, watchin L's tape of O.C. and my movies for class, downloadin for another CD, finally gettin around to organizin my room (2 stereo systems layin around, a laundry basket blockin my closet, empty cooler bottles I keep forgettin to recycle, the blankets on the floor from when G slept over on Vday, haha!).

Hmmm...L should be up...I gotta call her! Hafta tell her about my weirdo dream! (which I'll also write about later)

Thursday, March 04, 2004

I'm drinkin a lot this week, haha. Don't get me wrong, I'm not gettin pure smashed but I'm havin alcohol everytime I go out...which is almost everyday :P Tryin to build a tolerance here! We went to Milestone again tonight cuz L was cravin that spinach dip thing. Damn, 1 sip of my Tom Collins and she made the most hilarious face. Apparently it was sour as hell. I'm like,'re just not used to it. Then I tried it. Wooo, harsh. I think they use fresh lime juice instead of mix, haha. I was wonderin why it wasn't the usual green green colour :P Feel THAT in your mouth!

Holy crap. I was IM'ing with Meen (the big suck dropped the online film course) and she asked me about stuff about school and jobs and the summer, etc. and she told me about goin to Japan to teach english for the yr. She just about sold me. She wanted someone to go with her, and with the info I was hearin about, I'm surprised everybody wasn't jumpin on it. I'm so fuckin hyped about it now. But at the same time, it's all very 'no way, could I really leave home and live and work in Japan for the yr and actually make my own money?' Then again, I'd hafta apply and actually get thru the interview first :P So I'm gettin my hopes up and HER hopes up, haha. We'll see all seems really far away since I'm still in school and haven't even graduated yet. Crazy.

Wednesday, March 03, 2004

Weird things happenin on the bus today. There was a woman sittin in front of me but facin the other way and she had her baby in a Snuggly so she (?) was facin me. Awwwww! It's only when you see them for yourself that you understand the awe and amazement of babies. Me, with my 99% solid mentality that I won't be havin kids, I just about changed my mind right there, haha. She looked at me with these big innocent eyes and her cute lil face just made me smile the whole time. Adorable!

And THEN there was a funeral procession comin from the other direction. It was a buncha limos followed by a lotta other cars and they had cop cars keepin the flow. One even stopped and a cop got out to stop the opposite traffic. I just sat there thinkin, wow...what this person meant to all these ppl. The time and investment that goes into the plans, this amazing service, to say goodbye just moved me this time for some reason. I was also listenin to Fuck It while I'm seein this, so this slow jam made me watery-eyed! Then I was like, am I about to CRY?? What the hell? Then I stopped myself before a tear dropped :P Dunno what all that was about, bein overly mushy/emotional. Just weird.

Tuesday, March 02, 2004

Random comments time: Leafs won tonight, Average Joe Hawaii's ending was kinda shitty, and the film that I was supposed to watch and post about from 3 weeks ago, I think I accidentally put my VCR timer off too soon cuz it cut off the whole last half. And my grade for my midterm still isn't up.

I made a mad dash for the mall before it closed at 9 cuz I still had my Bluenotes coupon that expired today. There was a nice black jacket I saw in the EC but I didn't have $60 in cash on me and there wasn't a Royal Bank machine anywhere (my service charges are brutal) so I figured I'd get it the next day. So I bought it today! :D Ended up puttin it on the credit card anyway, haha. I have a wack of dolla dolla bills now.

Oh lord, haha. I called Andrew to see if he was down for somethin...holy crap, phone tag all night. It's a prob cuz he lives uptown and I live over here in M-town and neither of us have a car, haha. I was like, alright, we're gonna eat up here and we'll meet you where you are later. So me and L had dinner at Montana's then headed to where he lived (he was like, you can come over to my place if you want haha...I'm thinkin, nahhhh later on, later on :P). We picked him and Mike up and went to Fox & Firkin for drinks. Sweet place...just might hafta visit it more often ;) I think I drank more than I should've. But Andrew paid the entire there's a guy I dig, haha. What a frencher!

Monday, March 01, 2004'd think that this was my Reading Week break cuz I went out more this weekend than my own :P I'm still tryin to get L down for the idea of goin somewhere this week...anywhere at Niagara or even H-town :P Fri me, G, and P went to Midnight Oil cuz P said it was a pretty cool place...even tho you'd be like, what the hell was P doin there?? LOL It's like the chill room at a house party...kinda small, really dim haha but it's nice. Couches and a pool table :) Stupid coin slot pushy thing kept gettin stuck tho...and it ate a ball. We tried to get the guy to get it out and rolled the cue ball in all the pockets to try to knock it out so we had to play 2 balls short. And I was tryin to teach G how to play so that made the game really really long. These coupla guys wanted to play after so 1 of them put a loonie on the rail to show he wanted the next game. G's like, what's that mean? LOL I'm like, whatever...we're done...and it's a toonie anyway, muthafucka, hahaha :P

So P's new guy Marcus met up with her there so we met him. They left to go do...whatever (what they did is their biz so I'm not gonna talk about it, haha).

She told me about it the day before cuz she was just bustin to tell me her giddy details and analytic dilemmas. It was nice out so we went for a walk. I can't believe I was walkin around for an hr. We went over to G's house (and pick up P's hairstylin dummy head...freaky! Haha) and I walked her back home and that entire convo took that whole time.

So yeah, Sat I was supposed to go to some rock concert with Andrew cuz his friend's in the band but I didn't have a ride downtown and nobody was in the mood to trek down there with me, car or subway or not. Me and L went to Jack Astor's for dinner and whatever. They had a Hurricane drink for their Mardi Gras thing that sounded good and L, always the bad bad influence, was like get it, get it. Damn, this thing came in a freakin monster-sized goblet. It was like a big BOWL. I'm like, am I gonna finish this? But I did :P Almost 9 frickin dollars. Then L wanted to see what Midnight was like so we went there after.

Yesterday we wanted to go shoppin downtown so we hit the Eaton Centre and Queen St. Natalie met us down there and we went to dinner at Milestone. Holy crap, I ate too much. Then we went for bubble tea so that made me about to bust. But mmmm...chocolate milk tea...with bubbles :) Gotta love those balls! LOL I love Nat! She's kinda like a slightly toned-down Six from that show Blossom, haha. Then after THAT, me and L drove back and went to Timmy's :P That was a long day.

L only bought a top and I came out with shit after all that walkin and browsin. It's just not right to want to buy somethin and actually have the money to, but not even come home with anythin :P