Thursday, May 06, 2004

Note to anyone who doesn't know: if you tell L to shoot a bubble tea ball out of a straw into a glass, she will. And she might spray a lil watermelon milk at ya too LOL "IT'S ALL VICK'S FAULT!" ;) Happy bday G...*spit*

I'm so tired from walkin the mall for hrs. I got another bra but absolutely nuthin for a mother's day present. Or anythin to wear for G's thing tomorrow. And she now has the same underwear as me, haha. Never mind. OMG if it wasn't funny enough that L and G wore similar outfits last night, they did it again today. They just picked me up and I was sittin in the back lookin at L and she had a denim jacket on. I looked at G and she was wearin one too. I'm thinkin, no way they did it again...cuz they tend to end up wearin the same clothes. I looked at L's beige pants and looked over and saw G's beige pants. I'm like, are you guys wearin the same thing?? They both yelled at the same time...L's like, I KNOW!! I came out and saw her and was like, dammit Gina! LOL It was pretty much identical but L wasn't about to go home and change. They woulda looked kinda lame goin around the mall like they had planned it so L had to take her jacket off, haha. You know you're spendin too much time with someone when.....:P Hahaha!

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Happy bday G!! :)

I'm a bit cranky right now...partly cuz I burned my finger on the freakin iron (not doin my own clothes, mind you), partly cuz my internet's bein stupid and I still can't get into my email after 2 days. But mostly cuz THE LEAFS ARE OUT! :'( That really sucks balls.

K so the day was goin good...went to the mall to get presents for G and my bro, bought me some bras and underwear, was a productive Tues. No JJ or movies but decided to go watch the game. Fish was downtown and Vick was watchin at home so I called Lionel. So we went to BP with L. We bumped into P there. I haven't seen Lionel in so long so it was good times. And then the game wasn't lookin good at 2-0 but my lovely Leafs tied it up and everyone in the place went CRAZY. Then fuckin Roenick went and scored in overtime. I hate lookin at his face. Him and nasty Handzus. Aw man, everybody was so sad. We left all bummed out. What're we gonna watch now? :P No more hockey nights. I just hope Tampa KILLS Philly and Calgary wins the Cup. Cuz Tampa Bay can't win a hockey championship, that's like a team from Alaska winnin a beach volleyball tournament.

*Sigh* bro liked his presents. I got him 2 tops from Old Navy. I went thru the whole mall goin, if I was a boy, would I like this? Haha. We all know the kid can't dress decent unless we get him somethin coolio. And he certainly won't go shoppin for himself. And now my mom tells me that he wants a cell phone and as a trial run, he's gonna have it for a month just to show that he doesn't need one. And he doesn't. He doesn't go anywhere except for school and when he's not there, he's home. And who would he possibly call? The same dorks he sees all day at school. The few times he's out doin who knows what, he's already with the same ppl. WTF does he need a cell for? Cuz he wants to be cool. Geez...I know it was his bday yesterday and I love him like you're supposed to love family, but he's just gay sometimes.

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Crap. I dunno what to do tomorrow: see those movies for a repeat sneak, go down to Much/MMM to maybe catch a glimpse of Janet Jackson, or watch the game. And I can't do any combo of any of these options cuz they all conflict that sucks ass. Oh and I think I hafta go shoppin for presents too. DAMMIT. Why does everythin hafta happen at the same time? JJ's gonna be at Much at 5 and MMM at 9 tho. Must figure this out.

Oh yeah, it's my bro's bday today too. Eesh.

Sunday, May 02, 2004

Me, Vick, L, and Rene headed to Niagara today to gamble, heehee. Yeah that's right, drove an hr and a half there and back just to piss away our money. Well we woulda done the whole tourist-y thing and checked out the falls, etc. but we've done it enough times and it was rainin We hit the Hershey store and the duty-free shop (OMG bigass cartons of cigs for $35! I'd be in heaven if I smoked anymore) tho. Anyway, the casino was fun. Valet ;) All we do is play slots cuz honestly none of us know how to play the card games or anythin. I never played the last couple times we came to the casino, just a few of everyone else's coins here and there. Rene does poker but he already lost $20 on slots and Vick wouldn't let him. We always need someone else to tell us we've had enough :P

And we're such low-rollers cuz we play nickels, ha. But that's OK cuz Vick won $35 on nickels last time in Rama. Me and L did 10 bucks each and she was out in like half an hr. Oh my beautiful machines...they were bein so good to me...til I went all gambling addict and couldn't stop til I lost it all, haha. I totally know what some ppl go thru when they just can't quit. You're losin but you think you can make it up with the next one and it'll be a big score so it'll all even out. Maybe this one...maybe the next one...yeah this one'll be it...then you can't stop. And then you're shit outta luck :P I got a couple big wins but they went to bankin more plays. I was up 200 somethin credits ($10) but I lost most of it. Then I played some more and made it up. Then lost some more, haha. I was like, if I just make it back up to 200, I'll stop. Yeah...never got back up there...more like down to 30. Since L was already out, she didn't have much to do so she asked if she could play with some of my coins. I gave her a handful and she went to another machine in the row behind me. After a while, I hear "Hey!" I turn around and she's like, I won like 400! I'm like, damn...what! She did the same up and down thing but eventually made up a decent 200 somethin. I kept tellin her to walk away before she threw it away again, haha. I was walkin around lookin for a new machine to try and I saw a Leprechaun's Gold. Looked good to me...I figured, hey luck of the leprechaun, it's green and pretty...they'll be nice to me. Made some more $$ and then it tilted, haha but I got it all. I didn't wanna leave it but they were jettin. We walked past another Leprechaun machine and I'm gazin at it goin, aw leprechaaaaauunnn. L's like, walk AWAY from from the leprechaun, haha. I still hadn't used 1 roll of nickels so I cashed out with about $20 :) And Vick's like, I'm so down about losin all my money...I need a drink LOL Since technically L won most of money, I said I'd buy her one.

The Leafs game was at 4 so we went to find a bar. Ended up at this huge ass BP down the street. If only the BPs up here were that was like a Dave & Buster's. Well we watched only to see them lose EMBARASSINGLY. I'm divorcing Bryan McCabe. I dunno wtf goes on whenever they play in Philly. The group of guys at the table next to us were Leaf fans too and when the score got to 6-1, 1 of them with a jersey on took it off for the bball jersey underneath, hahaha. We gave up watchin after the 2nd period and made our way back down the street. I was already buzzed by the 1st period. I was like,'s not even 4:30 in the afternoon and I'm gettin loaded, haha.

We went lookin for some Pop Rocks to eat ;) And mix it with soda. And DIE, haha. Memories. I found a blue Beanie Baby bear and was so tempted to buy it cuz I've always been lookin for a lil blue teddy bear to get. Woulda bought it with my casino winnings if my bill at BP for 3 drinks, nachos, and half a fettuccini wasn't so big :P

Combined with the booze I had and not gettin enough sleep from last night and gettin up at 10 this morning, I expectedly fell asleep in the car on the way home. And that was my Sunday.

Oh yeah...we went to see Mean Girls on Sat. Me, P, and L were goin but G didn't want to but ended up comin anyway cuz her sisters were and so she wanted to go cuz everybody else was. Big dork :P So we came in separate cars and somehow they got to the place first. But we got in the side doors when ppl were comin out (and were called cheaters by this smilin bf and gf, haha) so we strolled in the theatre. We couldn't find them for the life of us tho. "Gina!....GINA!!" Haha. She wasn't pickin up her cell so we were standin around lookin for phantom girls like lame-o's til I spotted Sarah's head. Good movie never paid for! :D Hahaha, I love P. She rocks. And my jacket sleeve smells like her. Hmmmm....*shrug*