Friday, December 30, 2005

I think I'm gettin fed up with work. But that's probably just cuz I need more variation...or less ppl askin stupid questions and those who keep cuttin me off when I'm answerin those stupid questions. And those damn Spider Wrap contraptions were tickin me off pretty good today too.

At least I sold some stuff...had a couple returns...but I stayed in the positives :P This Boxing Day Week is killin me, sales numbers-wise.

I just got back from Pris' condo. Me, Fish, Jason, and Chris met up there and chilled just to get together cuz we haven't seen J and Chris since the last time they came home from Austin. Darien came later on too. Good ol' laughs like hs times. And Chris brought that bomb-ass coffee liqueur mix thing that pours out in 2 liquids into a glass. So sweet yet so alcoholic :)

OK I'm really goin to bed now.

I just realized I left my coffee travel mug at work. It's sittin on a shelf underneath the till. Ew, it's gonna be full of day-old coffee. Anyhoo, Hooters and Mink tomorrow night for Kimmy's bday...yeah that's right!

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Holy bananas. I don't think I've had such a hectic week.

Umm...Sat I finished off everybody's presents and dropped them off with the help of Gina. Then we stopped by Future Shop cuz I wanted to do that commission flip. Yeah I was in even tho I wasn't workin :P Too bad I couldn't even FIND the 2nd one I had to do so that was crap. Productive enough day tho. I don't remember what I did that night. I think me and L went over to G's to chill and hang with her sisters and Justin and whatnot.

Christmas was alright. Was at home doin family stuff, then we went over to G's again to talk New Yr's Eve plans. I think we were there last yr for Christmas too, haha. Then I pretty much had to be in bed by 10:00.

So Boxing up at 4 in the morning to make it to work at 5. That whole day was some experience. There was a crowd of ppl waitin outside the store before I had even gotten there. Evvverybody was workin on Mon. It was so ass early. The store opened at 6 and we had a meeting beforehand. It was like the Big Game or somethin. They opened the doors and ppl RAN in. It was crazy. Pure insanity. I can't even describe workin retail on Boxing Day, esp bein an electronics store. It was just grabbin and shoutin and ringin up the tills and furiously writin your code onto sticky-notes so you'd get commission. Our dept tried to make it some orderly, fair system so that we would somewhat get equal commission cuz it was basically chaos but that didn't work out as well as planned, haha.

The time flew by tho. I'd look at my watch and couldn't believe it was noon already and then I realized I had been there since 5 am. Good lord. I was supposed to be off by 2 but the manager said that if they were still busy, they'd need us to stay so we had to check with them before leavin. I was like, might as well. So I was there til 6. At least I didn't hafta stay til 8 and clean up. The place was such a mess. Obviously no one would even try to keep it neat at a time like that. But it was great cuz as the operations manager said, "This is the only day when you can give shit to the customer." Haha, so true. That power was beautiful.

Since I was technically workin longer than I was scheduled to, I went with Paula to take a break and go get some coffee. Apparently the store was givin out free coupons cuz I shouted to L if she wanted a coffee and she gave us some. To think, I was gonna pay for my coffee on a day like this, haha. Then the 2nd wave of employee pizza came and me, L, Richard, Michelle, and some others had lunch.

My uncle showed up at the store and he didn't know I worked there. Whenever I had to get somethin from another dept or ask someone somethin, I kept gettin stopped by customers and sidetracked with another errand or questions. I don't remember how but I ended up in the appliance dept tryin to help ppl find a microwave :P I was tryin to help my uncle with somethin but always got interrupted. But then he helped me find stuff for other ppl cuz he knew I was on commission. He got the last microwave for some guy so they were buddy-buddy. He's the cutest!

It started to die out around 6ish so I bounced cuz I honestly had enough of that :P I didn't get off at 2 like I thought so a nap or even my own Boxing Day shoppin was out. That sucked. But at the end of the day I made about $300 in commission, which isn't THAT much compared to the other Product Experts. I had just wanted to break 300 and I was sittin at 270 or somethin and I was gettin upset, haha. We periodically check our sales on the computer and I had built some more commission and I yelled across the kiosk, "Evan! I made 300!" He's like, "Alright! Now you can go home!" :) It was pretty nice not really workin and chattin it up with Evan and Michelle while sittin on a stool one of them had stolen from somewhere. You don't know how good it is to actually SIT cuz we're standin all day on any normal work shift.

I forgot that I had some dinner thing at my cousin's house with all my relatives that night. My parents didn't even tell me they were comin to the store to pick me up. I see my brother and I'm like, what're you doin here? So I had to go straight from work to my cousin's house. So again, no nap...or even gettin to change outta my work clothes. But my contacts were really buggin me as soon as I got there so I took the car and drove home to get my glasses. My eyes were burnin from havin worn them for about 15 hrs.

It was pretty much all the relatives from my mom's side of the family. OMG I had to do a double take recognizing some of my cousins' kids. Most of my cousins are like middle-aged, married, and with children so seein the kids as teenagers was crazy. I know I sound like an old woman when I say 'they're so big!' but still. And the babies too. Guess it had been a while cuz the last time I remember them was when they were like 2 and I couldn't even tell who was who cuz they were all walkin and talkin and grown.

Anyway, the Leafs game was on but I couldn't keep my eyes open after dinner and kept noddin off on the couch. So my sister and Matt drove me home so I could go to bed.

Thank god I didn't have work til 4 pm the next day. Ahhh, the sleepin in was amazing. But it was also a pretty crappy day, commissions-wise. The 27th is brutal for returns. WHY do ppl buy things on Boxing Day when they're just gonna return it?? Just cuz it's on sale? Not only is that retarded but it means they've kept it from ppl who actually wanted it and would've kept it. So all my dept peeps knew that lots of commission on Boxing Day means lots of returns the day after, so that cuts it down a lot. I didn't have too many but I had a thousand somethin dollar camcorder returned and it was a sweet $50 commission. Not only did I lose that but it dug into my sales budget for that day so I started out minus a LOT. And I sold hardly anythin that day so I couldn't make up the difference and ended up still minus. That return hurt so bad. I think yesterday was the first time that I was gonna get paid on base wage instead of commission cuz my commission was less than what I'd make on hourly pay :P

Oh and Darien visited me at work yesterday. As goin with my rule, I won't comment on anythin about Darien. It was nice to see him I guess. But ya know the story, no one's really really excited to have him here, esp since it's the busiest week of the yr. You're supposed to be with family and everyone's workin and no one will have time for him but he still insisted on comin. The guy wasn't even gonna TELL us he was comin so I dunno how he would've expected us to make any time for him. But that's enough about that, I said I wouldn't get into it.

I had work 5-10 today. Kinda shitty again with almost nothing in sales. I'm hittin the minuses these days with the returns. Blah. It doesn't help that we have like no stock left.

I should be goin to bed...8:30-4 tomorrow. That's pretty much it, this post is too long anyway. The only thing I'm gettin excited about is gettin together with Angela, Chris, and Jason, and New Yr's. Oh and I just got reminded...I was typin Jason and I thought of Jay (army boy) which then led to Aaron. Yeah, I saw Aaron's sister in the store the other day, complete with parents but no Aaron. Anyway, I saw her and didn't know if she'd recognize me anyway but I turned around cuz I didn't wanna do that awkward encounter thing. If anyone needs a refresher course on Aaron, look up the posts around summer of last yr, August-ish.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas!! Tho it's kinda late.

Can't write much right now...gotta work tomorrow at 5...A.M.!! Will tell of this weekend when I have the time, probably between sleepin and/or shoppin :P