Friday, October 24, 2003

I should really get some sleep, I look like shit. But everythin's that essay done and handed in. K I took longer than I thought and was still typin it at 7 and got to school to print it out at like 9 but hey, as long as it was in before class was over. I was waitin for my print job to come out but some girl before me was, no playin, gettin like 50 pages done. Holy fuck! I was standin there for like a good 10 mins. Like damn, come on! I gotta get this in. I'm like, anyhow this class ends early and I miss the prof, I'll kill somebody. I got to class and the doors were locked but I could see thru the lil window that they were still showin the movie and I didn't wanna make anyone hafta get up and open the door for me so I pretty much waited outside for 20 mins. I was thinkin about goin out for a quick smoke but with my luck, they'd let out while I was gone :P And I woulda called L but there was no reception where I was. But I got handed it in and left to get right back on the bus like half an hr after gettin there :P So I technically went to no classes at all this week. Time to play :)

Thursday, October 23, 2003

I'll admit it felt really really good not goin to either of my classes today :) Yet I was still up at 9 and home at 7 somethin. Chilled at G's for a bit, then we picked up L and went to school so G could do library biz, so I did get some work done. Very little cuz L was with me (had me doin her grad school stuff too) but still. Had a bigass coffee :D

By the time G was done tho, we missed all the matinees for The Rundown and Kill Bill. The shopaholics somehow worked it so we ended up at the mall again. I was starvin since I didn't eat anythin since 10 and they kept makin me wait til L could get her damn panzerotti from a specific place. But we got food and watched 28 Days Later at my place.

And I'm procrastinatin as we speak but to my defence, I'm tryin to fix my shitass printer...that still won't work...and now I have ink all over my fingers and probably a bruise on my bone tomorrow cuz I whacked my wrist on the desk pullin out the power cord. That's OK! I got til 5 pm tomorrow, I can dooooo it!

Wednesday, October 22, 2003

Haha...OOOOPS!! Forgot to call Al. Ah well, all will be forgiven :P

I'm a terrible person, whatever. I'm also a hardcore slacker. Yeah I've got that essay to do and what do I do? I go out...and skippin class tomorrow too, heehee. But I'm still goin to school with G to work a bit, then watchin a movie :) How do I even pass??

I can't wait for Halloween, yo. Last yr was off the fuckin hook. Me and L are gonna go trick or treatin too LOL She'd probably hafta sport a mask tho, esp since she's so tall, cuz they'd never buy that she was young enough to be still doin this LOL Free candy, partyin up for me.

OK I'm gonna go to bed now. Skippin class and the rents not knowin about it takes work so I gotta be outta the house at 9 :P

Monday, October 20, 2003

The past couple days have been a blur I think. and L watched a Spongebob Christmas special DVD with the free rental stubbie LOL Watched the hockey game, we won...against Montreal, how bout that.

I won't talk about the Michelle thing cuz it'll just get me beefed :P YOU'RE ALL USELESS!!

Got back from the bank, cuz of my money matters. I owed G from the prezzies and I gotta leave some in there. See, G...I TOLD ya the money'll be there today. Personally, I'm gettin tired of bein right all the time LOL God, nobody listens to me!! Well it's all good now. Gonna buy me a CD player finally.

Oh yeah, today's Al's bday...thinkin if I should get somethin...or even call, that fucker LOL Just playin. We should go out and do whatever, even tho I should be workin on my essay due Thurs ;)