Saturday, October 08, 2005

Wow I didn't even realize my last post was from today. I'm out of it.

We went to G's. Eatin, boozin, downloadin, talkin, whatever. Fun times. Everybody was out of it. G's kinda sick with a cold or somethin so she's got a runny nose and was constantly needin to use a tissue...

G: "Agh, I just blowed my hair??"
Me: "Ahahaha! And did you say BLOWED??"
G: "I haven't slepttttt!"

Then we picked up Sarah from work. "Yes, yes, kids say the darnedest things." LOL I love Sarah.

When I got home, I went to lie down on my bed and I fell asleep in my clothes. Then I woke up and had to get somethin to eat cuz the alcohol on its own wasn't gonna be good.

Right now I'm chattin with Pris on MSN about her bday thing tomorrow. In the day, her, Al, and Dar are gonna do a lil celebratory skydive. The fools are gonna go jump OUT OF A PLANE. Actually, I think I'd do it if I had the money...and 2 weeks to mentally prepare myself. Fear of heights and all :P So I dunno if I'm gonna go with them in the morning to witness it. We told them they're not allowed to have anythin happen to them (god forbid) cuz it'll ruin all the bdays, hahaha.

Friday, October 07, 2005

I don't know why I'm up, thanks for askin.

Maybe it was the Timmy's coffee last night :P Guess what they have now! These things called Hot Smoothees, which are just flavoured coffees. Who named them THAT, I dunno. But they're good, and they have hazelnut and butter caramel and 2 other ones. I'm excited, haha. It's about time...which is weird cuz I was just thinkin how I wanted a hazelnut coffee but Timmy's doesn't do that. And I haven't even heard of these new drinks, they didn't do any promo or anythin. We just saw it on the menu sign and we're like, wtf is a Hot Smoothee?

But yeah, me and Dar went out for a chat cuz I guess we haven't had one of those since he's back :P He got me a lil blue bear from the Grand Canyon :) Her name is Arizona's from Arizona and it says so on the tie-string around her neck, haha.

Me and the girls got Pris' bday present at the mall yesterday too. She wasn't bein too cooperative on gift ideas so we just ran out and got her her one certain request: Scene It? Disney Edition, haha. I dunno what is it with that girl and Disney.

I realized that there's a tax cheque this month, sweet lovin! I was thinkin and I was like, Oct is gonna kill me...but wait, don't I always get a cheque around this time? Cuz I remembered I always get helped out a bit by that 50 somethin dollars with the presents during what Al calls 'Octoberbabiespalooza' :P YAYUH!

I gotta cut my hair so bad. And dye it again too but I'm thinkin to drop the red this time and go back to brown. Well it's technically a light brown right now cuz the red's gone but I'm gonna do a chocolate to even it all out cuz my ends are lighter than my roots. The upkeep is a hassle so I'm just gonna go natural for now.

Ummm...I don't have anythin else right now so that'll be all.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Hockey is back! Too bad we lost tonight! Agh, that was upsetting. It was 3-2 in a shootout with the new rules, but at least they got a point with the 'tie'. It was goin so good too...leadin all the way into the 3rd period, esp with the Lindros goal to take it with like a minute to go. Dammit. It'll be a love-hate thing.

Oh well, that's the Leafs. Back to the days of ups and downs, near-heart attacks, and chicken wings ;) And talkin about games like it was SUCH an important thing.

We were at Shoeless Joe's and got a round table in the back with the booth seating so the 5 of us were pretty much screamin and yellin like we were at home. Well we would've done that anyway at any bar but here we had a couch bench to lay out on and nobody else beside us :) My Tom Collins was pretty much gin and ice...I dunno whether to thank them or curse them for that.

Oh my good god, L did the funniest thing I have ever seen in my life. Let me first say that during the night, L was kinda out of it cuz she was tired from work and had a headache and everythin she was doin was just not right :P We were walkin towards the door cuz we were jettin. It was L first, then everybody else, then me takin up the rear. The bathrooms are at the side right by the doors and some guy was comin out. He and L almost bumped into eachother but they stopped themselves just in time. But I dunno what the hell it was that L did, I dunno how to even describe it. She did that jerky stutter-step that you do when you try to stop from colliding with someone when it's a bit too late, then she spun around, stutter-stepped again when she saw that Vick, Alex, and Dar were right behind her and thus had nowhere to go, then nearly fell and hit the ATM machine and they had to catch her LOL And the entire time, she had this wide-eyed and lost look on her face. If ONLY you could've seen it! It was like one of those robots who keep walkin til they hit a wall and keep hittin those walls til they find their way out. I'm havin such a hard time writin this without laughin. I kill myself every time I replay it in my mind, haha. Anyway, the guy was like, "Sorry! I'm so sorry!" after the near-collision. Then when she did her crazy dance, the guy's eyes got big cuz he saw this all happen too, haha. It was a lot of commotion but I didn't catch it all cuz I was blocked by Vick and them. I think the guy had to help her too cuz his hands were out. Oh man, did we laugh. The guy was laughin too and I can only imagine cuz I would've been like, wtf?? We just had to be like, she's drunk, she's drunk.

Anyway, I miss goin to the bars on Tues/Wed and some Saturdays to watch the games and drinkin and havin wings. The Leafs season is on, baby. I can be such a guy, haha.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

I went to Milestone's with L yesterday. She's a bit obsessed with their spinach & artichoke dip. But we got a Bellini fishbowl too :) A Bellini's good for the slow it creeps up on you later on. I got all kinds of pink splotches, haha. Envy me.

It's way too warm for an Oct night right now. I'm gonna go out for a bit.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

We went to Havana tonight. I wasn't really feelin a small club but it's always a good time there anyway. Plus $3.50 drinks ;)

I saw Joe from Q's and possibly Adam outside on the sidewalk! But they were across the way and I didn't wanna scream so I wasn't quite sure if it was Adam. I miss my Q boys.

There was a guy wearin Mickey Mouse ears, breakdancin. Interesting.

I was just all about the comfy kicks I got to wear cuz my feet were HURTIN the other night from wearin those crazy heel platform shoes.

I'm goin to bed. L8s.