Friday, February 24, 2006

Yay, good week! I did nothing on Wed, got my errands done, watched my shows, dyed my hair, went to the Auto Show last night, work was pleasant today, and it's pay day! :) Team bonus again this time too, nice.

Yesterday me, L, Al, and Godwin hit the Auto Show around 7:30 pm cuz ppl had to get off work and get picked up, etc. We usually go on in the early afternoon on a weekend but this was the only time anyone could really go. Plus Thurs is the last day for $5 off admission ;) And we usually take all day to go around all the exhibits cuz they're in 3 buildings but this yr we took it all in about 2 and a half hrs, haha. We had to hurry before they closed.

I'm not much of a car person but I know what looks good! I took tons of pix of pretty blue cars. Sexy.

2 of us had work in the morning so we couldn't make it much of a night but it was still good. Cops on horses, fast-food drive-thru, bondin with fruit TP covers, haha.

So I hadn't worked all this week. I was completely not up to date on what was in the flyer and new products we had and whatnot. Good thing there weren't a lot of customers. Well, I don't wish for bad business but I can't help the number of ppl that come in. $20 commission for a 3 hr shift, not amazing but coulda been a LOT worse. And I sold PRP! Not big and not PSP but still. Anythin to relieve the Clarence fear. And I had a decent guy who bought a camera and all the accessories but not PSP but it's OK cuz he was really nice to me and had refreshing conversation. I'd like to think it wasn't cuz I had nice, newly dyed hair and was wearin my enhancement bra, haha. KIDDIN!

I met the new guys in the store: Kash who told me I looked exactly like his gf's sister and Frantz who is ironically from Quebec and has a crazy strong French accent! And yeah, that's really his name! I know it's weird to be fascinated with a French accent since we're supposed to be bilingual and it's all around us in school but still...nobody around here speaks it so it's cool. Anyway, they seem nice.

Teddy, Ryan, and Dini were in today so it was good chattin with them. Thank god I was outta there at 1...well actually 1:30 cuz I tend to hang around with stuff to do even tho I'm technically off. I saw Evan just as he was startin his shift, he coloured his hair too.

But balls, my phone that I bought at work went on sale this week so the cost price that I paid for it went down too. I'm price-protected but that still means I hafta bring in my receipt to get the difference back. Everythin seems to drop in price after I get it.

I'm kinda tired...too used to goin to bed at 2 and I had to get up earlier than I'd like this morning. Gonna go take a nap. L8s

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Innnnteresting. Yesterday was dubbed me and Godwin's Big Day Out, haha. This will be a link-heavy post :P

We headed downtown in the afternoon to pick up a ticket for me for the 30 Seconds to Mars show from Rotate This. The dude in the store couldn't find any tickets left at first and me and Godwin were like, close! Cuz he already had a ticket from before cuz he's a crazy fan (but not apparently not that big of a fan cuz I was the one who told him they were on sale, ha) so he wanted me to come too but they were sold out on Ticketmaster so I tried the Rotate site and it said they weren't sold out yet so I figured I'd trek down there to pick one up and that was the longest run-on sentence ever. Then we were about to leave and the guy's like, oh here they are! They were hidin...sorry for scarin you, haha. Score. So I'm gonna see sexy Jared Leto next month in concert. I've loved him since "My So-Called Life", only the best '90s hs teen angst TV show ever, haha. I was protestin to Godwin before that I hadn't even heard any of 30STM's music except for their awesome song "Attack" but he reeled me in. It's just weird to go into a band's show without knowin any of their material. But I don't really care in this case cuz seein and takin pictures of Jared will be worth it alone, haha. And only $18! Take that, stupid Ticketmaster...don't hafta pay your stinkin service/convenience charges! I support local record stores who only charge $1.50 extra!

Then we made our way to Steve's Music Store (equipment headquarters for bands) cuz Godwin plays and is into his rock instruments. I was surrounded by guitars and amps and all these other things I don't even know what their purpose is. I was like in over my head...the hipster employees could probably get that straight off me, haha.

Anyway, so we got that stuff done then walked to the Eaton Centre for some potential shopping. We browsed but didn't buy anythin. Which was probably good cuz I honestly don't know where we'd put our shopping bags after (we were goin to a show later). We had parked at Fairview Mall then subwayed it down, hence the walkin all over downtown. Oh yeah, Godwin was somewhat harrassed by a (crazy?) homeless person who thought me and him were together, haha. Winnie's like, aww...he thinks you're my woman, haha.

After the Eaton Centre, we went to Jack Astor's for dinner cuz Godwin has an insane obsession/addiction to their Raspberry Twister creation. We were so hungry even tho we had gotten some McDonald's for a "snack" and were eatin chunks of Toblerone too, haha. Eeeeeeatingggggg! Then we had shots and beer before bouncin.
So the main thing of the night was "Bookie's Nu Music Nite" which is a free showcase of local bands every Tuesdays by Edge 102 held at The Horseshoe Tavern. Godwin was originally goin with some friends of his but convinced me to come too since we were already downtown. He's gettin me into his alt-rock scene and goin to these classic live music venues that I would never otherwise go to (like The Opera House for 30STM). They were playin 30STM on the speakers before the bands came's a sign ;)

We met up with a couple of his friends, Matt and Peter (who I've met before). The big draw for goin was that Godwin's favourite local band Lye was playin. I'll admit I was goin on looks alone cuz I was like, OMG they look kinda scary, what're you gettin me into? Haha. But I was open to hearin their music so I was down with experiencin their show. Then he was tryin to freak me out by tellin me about how I was gonna get killed in a mosh or get busted up by fat goth chicks and the singer would be screamin "deaaaaaath!" growls, haha.

They were actually not bad. I'm not into that kinda music at all but it was a good show. The lead singer Brett seems like one of those ppl who are intimidating and goth-y but are like friendly and "normal" when he's not on stage, screechin, haha. They all seemed pretty cool tho, from when they stopped and talked to the crowd a few times between songs. It was Brett's bday at midnight...there was singin and fake money thrown. He's definitely got the rock thing down. He got into ppl's face during songs like so close they could've been kissin, haha. He was grabbin heads and messin ppl's hair and walked into the crowd, even goin all the way to the back where the bar was with a guy tryin to keep up with him untangling the mic cord, haha. The crazy bastard sprayed beer into the crowd and I didn't get any on me then but he threw water later on too and that got me all over my arm. I was like, noooooo! My cameraaaaa! And I got some Brett sweat whipped on me, haha. I have some badass pictures cuz we were like 2nd row. I was just hopin the singer wouldn't touch me or get in my face with the mic to scream along with him, haha...esp since I know NONE of the words to any of the songs!

I think Godwin was very excited. He got their CDs from the merch booth and got them signed and met a couple of the members. Their bass player's a girl and I gotta say, that's pretty fuckin hot, haha. I have a lot of respect for ppl who can play. She has wicked hair!

Before Lye came on, there was another band whose music was the kind of stuff they'd feature on "The O.C." Very decent tho. I found out near the end of their set that they were Pilate, who were a surprise act. I thought I recognized one of their songs! They're kinda big in Canada for an indie band. The singer's voice live sounds better than a CD.

Cool night. I am NOT missin work at all! :)

Monday, February 20, 2006

Ahhhhhh...sleepin in today was nice. I have the best schedule ever this week: no work til Fri! So basically it's yesterday, Fri morning, and Sat, that's it. I'm very glad for the lack of shifts but then again, I was like, it cuz I haven't been all that great the past week or so? :P Meh. I'll take the 4 day break, thank you. And I was just sayin how I haven't had time to do all these things! I should change my availability.

Yesterday was decent. Friggin Clarence was watchin my ass on PSP of course. He's startin to become this like, huge bird with sharp claws on my back overseein everything I do. But it was just Evan and me as always on Sundays so Evan was the hero and saved our dept by bein the PSP superstar.

For 8 hrs, Sun was actually not that bad. I'm so out of it. I guess I should study up some more on the shit we sell. And practice my PSP presentation out loud to myself, like a lame-ass. What am I, in school still??

I'm still havin fun with my phone tho. I got excited when I downloaded "Gold Digger" for my ringtone, haha. I text msg'ed like a mofo yesterday while at work to Godwin (and Evan even tho he's pretty much 2 feet away from me, haha).

Catch-up day today, I've sworn to myself. But I'm lookin forward to the nights I can actually go out and do things (like get drinks with Win-win) cuz I don't have morning shifts to wake up for the next day! Hypesters.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Fri turned out to be OK. I was just wishin that nobody would come in and ask about cell phones and plans like they usually do on my Fri shifts :P Even better than that, hardly anybody came in at all. I made peanuts in commissions but I didn't even care, I just wanted to be done with work. I pretty much just merchandised and stood around. Godwin came to visit me :)

But Kane and Evan were supposed to come in at 1 and neither of them did. I was like, what the eff...I'm leavin anyway, I'm not coverin the Comm dept. I ended up stayin til 1:30 for some reason or another (oh yeah, there were actually customers) and then Kane asked me to stay 15 mins longer cuz he had to run the floor. Evan, BTW, didn't realize his shift was at 1 and not 2 like he thought :P Then Clarence asked to talk to me if I wasn't busy and I knew this was one of those sales targets meetings and how my PSP percentage sucks. Of course he gave that to me but that basically turned into takin up an hr of my time. Like WTF, guess he didn't care that I might've had somewhere to be. My schedule said I was done at 1, not 3. But man, I was seriously thinkin about how much I've started to hate this job during that session. There's so much goddamn pressure on sellin fuckin PSP and it's really irritating. Maybe it's my presentation and approach, fine, but some ppl just WON'T buy it! I always get the ones with the reasons. And it's just not in me to push push push. It's uncomfortable for me with all this focus on this service which I don't even really see the value of. I'd only buy PSP with my product cuz I get 50% off the price with staff purchase.

Anyway...speakin of staff purchases, I finally bought myself a new cell phone! I don't use it all that much in the first place so I got a pay-as-you-go Solo blue :) Free text msgs, thank you! It's all I ever wanted, haha. I got that with discount plus the 2 yr PSP, which all came up to exactly $88. I could only pay with my Mastercard but if you do staff purchase with credit cards, there's an upcharge cuz it costs the store whenever someone uses a credit card, so Godwin pointed out that I could buy a gift card of the amount of $88 with my Mastercard then use the gift card to buy the phone ;) Genius.

I've spent a lot of time learnin how to use my new phone and programming everybody's freakin numbers in it.

So after work on Fri later on I was tired so I took a nap. When I woke up it was like 7:30 and I was all, huh? Huh? Do I have work?? I didn't know where I was, haha. Talk about out of it.

Then me, L, and Debbie went out to Philthy McNasty's for a lot of bar food and some drinks :P Our waitress spilled a plate of quesadilla that we ordered. She was really nice about it and she was a sweet girl so we didn't care, then she said she'd bring us a round of drinks on her just for that. They were $3 drinks that night anyway so I ended up payin for 1 when I had 3 :D Nice. Then we danced and mocked loud, ditzy girls near us, haha. When we were about to leave a couple girls who were wasted came up to us and asked if we wanted to meet a really nice coat check guy, haha. One of them said she was married (she looked 20) so she couldn't take him but he was into brunettes so...she directed her attention to me :P She was really sellin it and L wanted to jet but she kept at it and even linked her arm into mine to pull me towards this mystery boy. God, it was like tryin to get rid of a drunk guy who wants to hook up with you and he won't take a no, haha.

That was fun. So today me, Chris, and Al went downtown to get Chris' tattoo done. She went to the same place I got mine done and even got Stuart, the same artist that I got too. It took not even 15 mins but apparently she was in some pain. She was like, "You liar! You said it wouldn't hurt!" Haha.

It was SO MOTHERFUCKIN COLD out today!! Holy shit. We would've done some shoppin down Queen St but it was not the weather to be walkin outside. We got some ice cream/bubble tea/Freshly Squeezed juice then headed back up. We chilled at Chris' cuz it's the last chance we're gonna have time to spend with her cuz she's leavin for Austin again on the 21st. She made dinner while me and Al went to Blockbuster to rent a movie. Somehow Al used a super old coupon that still worked and we ended up payin like 2 bucks for Old School, haha.

And now I'm home...kinda dreadin work tomorrow. See, it's gotten so it's not fun anymore. Yeah yeah, I know work isn't supposed to be fun but you know what I mean. Hey, even one of their mottos is "Have fun while being the best" there.

OK I should be headin off to bed soon but I still haven't gotten around to the many things I need to get done so I'm gonna go do them. Open to close tomorrow, yay!