Saturday, December 13, 2003

It's all about the malls these days. The gals said we'd be goin to Sauga on Sun so I wasn't expectin to go shoppin before that but L wanted to go so I was all set to go bananas. I bought stuff from Boathouse :D I love this place! Got some black scrub pants and a cute T that go with my Minty Fresh shirt...Squeaky Clean! LOL The guy asked if I wanted to donate some money for cancer research with my purchase and I was like yeah OK, how much is good? He's like whatever, I dunno, I can't really tell you how much to give. Hmmmm. So he's like, I'd say $4.02 and I'm like, what's with the 2 cents? He said it's cuz my total's whatever whatever and it'll come out to an even $50. I was like ehhhh. This technically isn't even my money to give away but I felt bad, I mean it was goin to a good cause, CANCER come on! So I said OK, why not. He's like, really? Wow, I didn't even think you were gonna go for that, haha. I'm all, yeah well I'm in a generous mood ;) He goes, really? Well you can help me out some too. Haha. And I said, well if you take credit...:P So much for gettin that T on sale LOL Kiddin.

I tried on a buncha other stuff all over but surprisingly didn't buy more than that. We were even lookin to get me Baby Phat or Roca Wear gear, haha. Thuggin it! Cuz I'm that rich LOL More like, cuz it's so not my money! But checkin off face stuff, tinted Softlips, and hair dye (goin 'INTENSE' red! It'll still be dark but hey) off my list. Stuff I couldn't find in Shopper's (or for cheap)...thank you Walmart! Score LOL

So we went to STC today (I think by Mon's time, I'd probably hit up 4 malls :P) cuz Sarah wanted to get some stuff before goin to work. I got to look around but I figured I'd rather go all out on Sun. I love comin home with all those bags! Haha. Besides, P took up all my shoppin time by keepin me on the phone for like half an hr. So after gettin some more of G's errands done, me and P went over to her house to watch Better Luck Tomorrow.

And damn, me and her finally got around to the whole big serious talk about what happened to her this past yr. It's MESSED UP. I hardly ever get all real like that and I don't really like bein in that emotional serious place and then it's kinda weird cuz we always go back to normal THAT quick, like talkin freaky serious shit 1 second and be laughin jokin the next. But that chick's gotta know this shit. The whole time she was missin, we couldn't believe she'd think she couldn't come to us about it or even call us cuz everyone was scared about where she was. We'd drop everythin to come get her or if she called, she HAS to know that of us. But now I know everythin that went down. I'll call to her tomorrow mos def.....I feel like it's some intervention thing :P I was havin this deep revelation thing goin on around my bday. It was the whole you never know what'll happen tomorrow kinda thing, so I was all about the hugs and tellin everybody I loved them biz. It's important to let ppl hear it...or let them know if they don't. And that's my feel-good msg of the day, kids :)

Thursday, December 11, 2003

Wow I was bored yesterday. Ya know somethin about me? I'm so textbook. I mean like when I drink or burn. You can tick off all the steps cuz I'm that symptomatic. With booze, I always get pink in the face first (which means of course my face is mad warm too), then either I start to get loud and find everythin funny or I get kinda quiet, then my eyes blur, then if it gets bad...well you know :P Smokin up, I get the red eyes, the dry mouth, I get the giggles, the munchies, then I blitz out and wanna go to sleep LOL Textbook. Figures right?

So that said, I fell asleep last night so fast :P I was watchin old camcorder tapes of this yr's bbq, last yr's New Yr's Eve, my bday last yr, and the cottage this summer. Good times. And L, you SO did say cloud cover, thanks ;) LOL We were lookin up at the stars (it really is nicer away from the city) cuz it was that day that Mars was the closest it'll ever been since a thousand yrs ago or whatever, and G was askin about seein stars and L said somethin like, it's cuz the clouds are coverin's called cloud cover. OK maybe it's just me, high or not, but I found this fuckin hilarious. Clouds are coverin them, it's called cloud cover....really? Cloud cover huh? Never woulda figured...sounds all technical LOL K it was funnier when she said it but anyway. So I was mockin the way she said it then she's like, I know, that's why I changed myself. Then I said somethin about, like wearin diapers? Apparently no one else thought her sayin she changed herself was funny :P Who talks like that?? Changed myself?? English much. Then of course they all chalked it up to me bein stoned outta my mind, like I was makin no sense. Yeah so that was that whole tangent from what I was talkin about before. I swear I'm not a pothead.

Wednesday, December 10, 2003

I'm gonna put my lovely new credit card to good use and go SHOPPIN!
Things to get:

New tops for winter
Hat/beanie/toque/what have you
Slammin black boots
Tinted Softlips
Vichy face stuff
Rollin papers LOL
Avril's DVD

And this is stuff all just for me, haha. I actually can't wait to hit up the mall. But we're not goin on a spree trip til Sun...when I wanna go to Muchmusic and see Evanesence, poops.

I think the screen is blurry and the colours are wack but it might just this drink's fault. And I was just about to comment on how good I was typin but then I realized how many times I had to backspace :P

I think you can tell when I have more time on my bein off school...and gettin the party outta my system...cuz I tend to post more, haha. I don't think I have anyone to play with tomorrow :( Poops on work!

Tues night, you know what that means? Well if you're not from where I'm from, you wouldn't. But if you weren't from around where I'm from, you don't need to know this LOL Kiddin. It means some of the following things: KFC Toonie Tuesdays, cheap night at the movies, there's probably a hockey game on, cheap long distance day, and Pasta Night at Boston Pizza. Today it was hockey and BP :) OK so they lost for the 1st time in 8 straight but hey what can ya do?

The Simple Life is the FUNNIEST show ever. I love it. They're so bad, those spoiled spoiled rich girls!

Bloggers offerin this Audioblog thing for free. I think I'm gonna try it out. Ooooh, bein able to hear my voice...LOOK out! LOL Hopefully I'll do it while I'm not wasted outta my mind cuz you only get 1 :P "Aaaaaaaand...send!" LOL

Tuesday, December 09, 2003

I haven't done a survey thingy in a if I don't make these posts long enough LOL Well! No one's online to talk to me and I need somethin to do! :P

Do you have a cell phone?: Yes

If yes, what color is it?: Blue and black

What do you eat for breakfast (usually?): I don't eat breakfast cuz I'm never up in time for it's whatever lunch is I guess

Do you go on Instant Messenger a lot?: Not as much as I used to

Who do you talk to the most online?: It's always someone diff

Who was your first best friend?: Cathy

First boyfriend?: Dennis...I made him kiss me in the closest, I was a kindergarten SKANK! lol

Favorite subject in school?: Gym

Favorite thing to do on a Friday night?: Go out

Do you do any arts and crafts? (if so, what?): I draw sometimes...and do stupid crafty things like those paper models of famous monuments when I'm super super bored

Do you prefer pink or purple?: Purple

How about a driver’s license?: Yup

What color is your school bag?: Blue

Would you describe yourself as tan, pale or in between?: In between *shrugs* but probably more pale cuz it's winter now

Have you gone to any concerts?: Hell yeah

Do you like taking photos?: Yeah, I'm a kickass photographer :)

What was the last thing you bought?: Breakfast yesterday (I'm only callin it breakfast cuz it was pancakes, even tho I ate it at 6 pm)

Last thing you ate?: Pizza

Last thing you drank?: Water

Last thing you read?: The newspaper

Last movie you watched?: In the theatres? Elf

Last song you listened to?: I Give, You Take by Maria

Last time you were sick?: A month or 2 ago?

Last homework you did?: My friggin film final essay

How does your hair look?: Wet

Do your friends annoy you sometimes?: Yes they do

Do you wear sunglasses when its sunny out?: Always

Who was the last person you had a sleepover with?: G, last night

Do you prefer pencil or pen?: Pen

When was the last time you showered?: About an hr ago

Do you make fun of people a lot?: If they give a reason to *shrugs*

What CD is in your CD player?: Burned hip hop CD, Outkast greatest hits, Evanescence

What was the last really fun thing you did?: This entire weekend :)

When was the last time you had candy?: Today

Books or movies?: Haha, MOVIES

Have you ever broken a bone?: No

How about someones heart?: Wow, no comment!

Hugged a stranger?: Yeah

Skipped more than one meal in a day?: Yes and I just about died

Monday, December 08, 2003

Best bday week EVER!! Haha that's right, my bday lasts 4 days, playas. This was some sweet weekend. Except for when I retched :P But that's OK. Went to dinner at Kelsey's with most of the crew. J couldn't make it cuz he was studyin for his exam that night, Kim couldn't stay long, and P and Lionel were late but it was still good. Can I say how much I love everyone buyin me dinner and drinks this whole time? :D Kim bought me shots before we even started lookin at menus. I'm like, Kimmy I haven't even eaten yet, do you want me on the floor? You know what happened at your bbq LOL She kept tellin me to drink them ("Lint and shit's gonna get in them." LOL). I'm like, what are they even? She says Liquid Cocaine and B-52 (I think) and they're not strong. I'm like, haha whatever, I've had Liquid Cocaine and it burns like a bitch so don't lie. But I downed those bad boys anyhow. Maybe it was cuz I hadn't been drinkin much since before Thurs rolled around, maybe it was cuz I was on an empty stomach, but those shots got me cross-eyed, boy LOL My vision was gettin kinda blurred and I'm tryin to look at what I was gonna get to eat and I lean over to G and I'm like fuck G, I can't read the menu! What's this say?! LOL

I think everybody workin there thought we were all gettin hammered. But they were nice enough, they gave me a Polaroid of all of us and did a papparazzi session with all our cameras, haha. "I can't see the hole!" LOL And our waiter was cool. "Gerald is it? Can I call you JER?" "Priscilla, stop lookin at that!" "Hey Jer, what yr are you in?" Turns out we go to the same school. And they did the big sneaky and had everybody workin come out and sing and clap to me and brought me a cake.

We saw Craig and his bro Shawn from hs there but we weren't sure it was them. Weird. We totally didn't know Craig was there with his family and we had been goin, Creck! Creck!, makin fun of our old business teacher. They were sittin in the booth right over there the whole time :P But they were like, oh hey. So it was them after all and they came and talked for a bit.

I got a CD player (they paid attention!) and they bought me dinner and more drinks. I asked Lionel on Thurs about hookin me up with somethin but never answered me. Figured Lionel was just bein a Sneaky McSneak tho and I'd wait til dinner on Sat. Who strolls in from doin work for school an hr late? I'm like, damn took you a while and Lionel's all, I had to wait for somebody! And at the same time, handed me a bday card. It felt a bit fatter than it should, maybe I got money or somethin. Haha, no you didn't! No fuckin way! "Yeah don't open that in public." LOL

I can't believe Lionel delivered.

Lionel got me weed.

Lionel got me WEED...for a present LOL Lionel's amazing. I love Lionel :D

After dinner, me, L, G, Vick, and P were goin clubbin and everybody had to bounce cuz they had other stuff they had to do. We hit up The Docks. It was kinda slow in the beginning, esp since we got there early. Of course L was gettin a headache. I'm like, no you're fuckin not cuz nobody's gettin sick or tired, it's my bday and we're not leavin til damn late! We were chillin in the reggae/soca room on a couch and just gettin too comfy there was makin me, L, and Vick tired LOL Alcohol makes me sleepy sometimes. So there's the bunch of us, half-asleep in a wrong.

Then it started pickin up, thank god cuz that'd just be wrong. Let's go! Everybody fuckin UP!! Haha. I brought Al's camera with me but turns out the damn battery died so not only could I not take any more pix, it wouldn't close. I called Al from the bathroom to ask what was up with it but I was stuck with it like that. The friggin lens was juttin out and I had to stuff it in my lil bag so it made my bag (which I wear across and it hangs at my hip) look like it had a hard-on LOL

We moved to the main room and the music was sick. Again, P hooked up with a guy...2, 3. Got sandwiched LOL She's a freak. I got some guy up on me and I'm like, well OK, how YOU doin. It was the "I love the way you move", "You are so hot" thing all over,'re DRUNK, ass LOL He's like, can I buy you a drink? Damn right. He was the beer type so I told him he had to have a chocolate martini shot with me. We got back to the floor and P's like, I found somebody you can dance with. I'm like, k, but...him. She's like, here, G'll dance with him LOL The other dude was a friend of the guy she was gettin it on with. Apparently he goes to the same school as me too. Forgot all these names! My bad.

I totally left the other guy hangin. LOL Whoops. That was kinda cold but ah well, bought me a drink! LOL That sounds evil. By the time I stopped with the new guy, he was gone. I knew G couldn't keep him occupied for even a lil while LOL She probably turned away from him. But she said he was like, who's that? Her bf? Haha, jealous much! ;) It was another 1 of their homey's 23rd bday too. Crazy.

Man, I had so many shots that night. And so many drinks 4 days in a row LOL G slept over at my house. Em, OMG, friggin msg'ed me like 7 times in a row. Damn woman, what do you WANT?? LOL I'm like, she's drunk, I know it. So I called long distance and yup, she had a few. And I was just sayin, yeah I had a bunch to drink and I didn't get sick and I'm not even drunk. I took 2 Gravols before we left for the club and it was fine. Went to bed, was 99% sure I was alright. Wrong this time again. It always gets me! LOL I unconsciously knew somethin was up cuz I was alseep but wasn't havin REM sleep or whatever, I think I was havin nightmares or somethin. And I was gettin the shallow breaths, like I was gonna get the heaves. I was like, fuck me. It's 6 in the morning but still pure dark outside. Figured I might as well go throw up cuz I'm not gonna be able to get back to sleep. Why fight it, it'll probably make me feel better LOL So I puked. Wasn't too bad but I couldn't get that nasty sour taste outta the back of my throat even after I brushed my teeth :P

Finally got outta bed at 2 in the afternoon. G always gets up earlier than I do so she brought her readings so she could have somethin to do til I woke up LOL She's like, did you throw up? cuz I think I heard you get up and you were gone a LONG time :P

She went home for a few hrs, then we all went out for breakfast at The Station, some cool diner, at 5 pm LOL Yeah I had pancakes in the middle of the evening. That's all I had all day...and lotsa water. Then we chilled at G's and burned CDs.

And that was Thurs to Sun. Now that's how your special day is stretchin it over the week! :D