Friday, April 28, 2006

Done it to myself again and didn't go to sleep at a decent time so I'm tired now, but it's OK cuz this week has been alllll good.

It's been friggin amazing to go into work and start a shift not carin if I can make enough commission :) Sun and Mon pretty much took care of 90% of my whole week so I don't hafta stress myself scrounging for any meagre sales or worryin about Clarence in the back of my mind. That's what the good ol' days of work were like before, when I didn't used to particularily hate it at times, haha.

There was drama at work between Evan and Sandra that was both juicy delicious and mouth-droppingly tense. Exciting times around here. But the defense goes to Ev cuz Sandra was in some cranky, testy mood or somethin for those couple days cuz she was even snipe-y at me the other day. I was just askin L at the customer service desk if she was free to take me and my customer for a layaway transaction cuz the lady was payin by cash. Me and L were havin a work-related conversation for all of 10 seconds when Sandra barks to me to talk later and take care of my customer first. When my customer is right behind me and we were precisely talkin to eachother about helpin my customer. My face is all, wtf do you think I'm doin?? I said, "We're talkin about the same thing." Sandra just shakes her head like I had even done anythin wrong in the first place but she know when you call someone out and they have nothing left to say? Like when you and everyone else knows you're wrong but you won't admit it. Yeah that's right...TOLD. Me and L were just lookin at eachother like, what the hell's WRONG with her? Haha. I dunno, somethin was up her ass.

Wed and Thurs were my days off where I basically couched most of the time, haha. Went to G's, went out with L.

Had our usual morning meeting at work today. They caught this other idiot shoplifter in our store who was pretty much a menace with a magnet key stealin out MP3 players and memory cards. Again, with the wearing of the same outfit each time he was in the store. Good thing tho, I guess. Turns out this guy had warrants in Ottawa too so they didn't even need our evidence for him to be arrested :P Find a better living, losers.

I gotta say...I'm on fire this week! I was totally plannin to coast today cuz I was pretty much set for the week and therefore not expecting to sell much. I was hardly tryin and I made above subsidy! So refreshing and AWESOME. Ahhhh...less work to do tomorrow, haha.

Everythin that needed to be done was done, I had decent customers, all was taken care of. I be on the ball, yo. And Kenny and the other Ali popped in today so I had visiters :)

Silly me thinkin I could maybe possibly get out at on time at 4 cuz I was doin so well, haha. Not even. I didn't get to take my half hr cuz it was kinda busy so out of the 7 hrs I was there, I figured I still deserved my lunch so I took it at the end of my shift, haha. If I wasn't such a good employee, I would've jetted straight home after my break :P I stuck around just cuz. And Evan was takin forever to tell a story cuz we kept gettin interrupted and I wanted to hear the whole thing, haha. He's goin on a cruise for a week tomorrow and then somewhere else for another week. Work without Evan for 2 weeks, what to do? I'll miss Boyfriend, haha.

Sucks that I hafta take his shift tomorrow tho. He got scheduled for some reason so now I hafta open instead of goin in at 11 like I was supposed to. I'll see if I can make it out tonight for...anything besides a nap anyway, haha.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

I'm so tired right now. But of course I'm not goin to sleep just yet cuz I have some inability to go to bed before 2. Apparently I'm into doin bad things to myself cuz I can't even help it when I know I have to get up in the morning for work and I'm gonna be sleep-deprived and blah all day.

This was the weekend of no life. I did end up doin somethin Fri night...Chris, J, and Al dragged me out for a while. I was tired but it was still fun to be out talkin with them. Oh hs days! It feels like I haven't gotten to really know what's been goin on in Chris and J's lives since they've been down in the States for the last while.

Work, OMG, work. I did 10 hrs on Sat, 8 on Sun, and 8 today. With long shifts like those, you can't do much cuz they take up all of your day.

Sat I pretty much gave up the commission dream, haha. Which was justifiable cuz business was just weak. I was supposed to be done at 8 pm and Kane was like, just stay til close, it's one extra hr. I might've under other circumstances but I was so fed up with bein there so long I just wanted to go home. Didn't matter anyway cuz I did end up there after 9 cuz of this one customer. He was originally at the store to get a new Treo to do an exchange. I took the call from the other store that he was comin so I put it on hold, then I went to the front of the store to take it to customer service when he got there so I met him personally. VERY nice guy. Pleasant and cool to talk to. Like a Vin Diesel except white and not hot, haha. So long story short...this gettin asked out at work thing needs to stop! :P It would've been totally fine if he kept it at friendly chatter. It's all straight tho. It probably would've been nicer if we had been able to keep in touch without any of that awkwardness cuz he used to be a bouncer so he knows a lot of club peeps and it would sweet to be able to get linked up and bypass, haha. Oh well. I have his business card, haha. Oh and he's 38, I think he said. Ew?

Sun was actually good. I made about $130! Crazy. I remember sayin before Sat's shift that there's no way in hell I could make that kinda money cuz I have never been able to make that much besides on Boxing Day which is the greatest exception of all exceptions. Well, there I did it! So yeah Sun was the shit, haha.

And then today's shift was wicked too! $112 :D Risin up outta subsidy, yessssss. I dunno what's goin on but mama like. I did have a longer 1-9 shift tho. I can pure sleep in tomorrow cuz it's back to the 6-9's for a couple days. Woo-ha!