Wednesday, May 07, 2003

Started summer school yesterday, ick. Hearin a lecture about French New Wave film is always very exciting...which is why it's so weird that I fell asleep durin the movie Zzzzzzzz (sarcasm here) :P Thank god it's only twice a week cuz I don't think I could take it. But this class is gonna be a bitch...12 page paper due in a month worth 50%! At least I know a couple ppl in that class tho. Tony's thinkin of droppin it on the 1st day! I'm like, you're such a quitter, you can't leave me alone in that class I swear...and you're SO losin points with me if you drop it (cuz of course he brought up stuff again). So he's like, so I'm basically a whore. LOL I'm like, hey I didn't say that, you call it what you want, I'm just sayin that's what'll happen if you drop this class...or what WON'T happen ;) haha! I keep seein all the same ppl in diff combinations of my classes, so weird. But I guess that's inevitable if we're all in the fine arts programs and film.
I think I was in a comtemplative mood but whatever I was gonna say shockingly slipped my mind. *sigh* Life. Not gonna say it sucks cuz it doesn't at the moment but I dunno, it's just 1 of those times when you just don't know what to make of it. I'm workin my way into the crazy talk pretty soon! Shuttin up now!

Tuesday, May 06, 2003

Hmmm it's Mon (Tues technically) and G's bday has officially passed. The old chick is 23 LOL But we won't be doin anythin til Fri when we're celebratin for real. I did end up goin to the movie on Sun with them after all, but I'm not gettin into that cuz that was a whole stressful mess that I'm not about to go over again. But X2 was good :) Cyclops...James Marsden...mmmm. Some chick kept kickin the back of my seat tho and I was close to knockin her 1 in the face. I'm sicka ppl who bug the hell outta me at the movies dammit. This is why we tend to start shit that leads to brawls in the theatre LOL

Sunday, May 04, 2003

Gaaah, I'm stuck. Waitin for G to get home from work and tell her that I dunno if I can make it to the movie tonight cuz apparently we're doin dinner for my bro's bday. And of course, her shit cell phone isn't workin and I can't even get her vmail. I'll be just as glad as she is when she gets her new cell tomorrow. So she went and bought tix for everybody without tellin ME, OF COURSE...just like they made plans to see the movie this Tues, again, without consultin me. They didn't realize I had class that night even tho I told them this many many times thru my bitchins about how I had to start summer school next week. Soooo, either I'm not gonna see X-Men 2 tonight with them or I'm gonna be (even more of) a black sheep in the family cuz I might miss out on the lil punk's bday stuff.
Kinda a lax weekend so far...I think I went to L's on Sat, don't remember LOL Caught the last bit of the De la Hoya fight on satellite and watched Heartbreakers. I dunno, things are REALLY gettin to be a blur lately, it's freaky. I'm losin my mind!