Saturday, September 27, 2003

Just found out I can't work election day :( The paper had an ad for jobs as poll officials right in the area so I figured I'd try for that cuz all you had to do was call. And that'd I'd skip film class on Thurs to make a buncha money, derr! Esp with those damn Oct bdays comin up :P The lady just called me back and the trainin session is on Wed when I ALSO have class that I CAN'T skip. Dammit dammit! I dunno, man...2 important and 1 not so important classes versus about $150 for a day's work...what to doooo??

I'll tell ya what I'll do...I'm gonna have some drinks, frig it! LOL

Went to the mall (2 actually) cuz L and G wanted to run some errands, saw a certain Harvard girl who's actually goin to law school now...I'd hate to say she was a geek in hs but she was, really really smart but she looks DIFF now! Still kinda a nerd but looks a lot better LOL), got some food (yesterday's diet was BK and more Pepsi Vanilla and Mint Oreos :) Got L hooked!), checked out some new CDs (G got Limp Bizkit, L got...I don't even remember their name...Perfect Circle? They insisted on listenin to that screamin rock madness in the car even tho they knew I had a ragin headache, bitches!) Then I had to endure more of that stuff at G's place cuz the dorks dunno how to download shit right before they could even start burnin CDs. Do you know how hard it was to find a decent CD to listen while waitin for stuff to dl in that house?? All the ones in G's room were lame, Heather had nuthin, so I went back out to G's car for the good CDs and got the wrong case, found Coldplay in Heather's room with the wrong CD in there, settled on Sarah's one this'll-hafta-do burned CD, then G finally found me the actual Coldplay CD I was lookin for LOL Geez.

We had to go pick up Sarah from work and typical G thought she said she was off at 8. Try 10. And Sarah doesn't have a cell, she was biz at work so she couldn't get on the phone when G called, etc etc. All kinds of miscommunication. So we were sittin there waitin for her to come out for a good hr. Turns out G's either deaf or losin her friggin mind cuz eight does not sound like ten...but if you knew that Sarah started work at 6 like G knew, you'd know there's no such thing as a 2 hr work shift. Dumbass! Sometimes, her ignorance just astounds me to no end...but sometimes it's really really good for laughs :P

Man, I had to go to the bathroom SO BAD cuz Sarah was takin forever. The mall was closed so the only place I could go was in the movie theatre but that was all the way up there and when you gotta pee, you can't walk all that far :P While we were waitin, I saw some chick walk out that looked like Al. I'm like, wow that girl really looks like her but figured it wasn't. 10 mins later, G saw the same girl and thought the same thing. We all looked again and finally realized it was Al! LOL We yelled at her and she was lookin at the car like, who the hell? She comes over and we all do the hey what're you doin thing. She's like, sorry if I'm kinda out of it. I'm like, you were drinkin WEREN'T YOU? LOL You skank, you said you don't drink anymore! But it was jokes. She went to a bar with her coworkers and somehow made it back home on the subway and was waitin for Mike to pick her up. She was swayin and zoned out and her eyes...LOL

That'll be me tonight :D Oh yeah, we're goin barrin!

Thursday, September 25, 2003

Didn't fall asleep in any classes today, go me! Then again, I had a big ol coffee.

We went to the coffeehouse (the 1 with the comfy chairs upstairs :D) the other day. The stuff we wrote on the windowsill's still there LOL Ick, I hate that smell that gets all on you and your clothes. It's not a coffee smell but a coffee shop smell. Know what I mean?

Me and G were drivin home and saw a dead skunk in the road. It's not a shock to see roadkill around here. K it's a squirrel, it's dead, it's just lyin there...but this thing was SPLATTERED. I saw friggin guts. I think I'm traumatized cuz I can't get that gross image outta my mind. And of course it smelled like hell...not like carnage but like skunk. G's car seems to let in all the nasty smells even with the windows up so we always know when a skunk's been around :P

I wanted to work for election day again to get paid but it's on Thurs next week and I have class. But I can always skip right? Then again, I still hafta send out some form for me to work for them. Dunno how I got in last time, Meen got me hooked up. It's some sweet 1 day and get like 100 somethin dollars. It's a longass day but ya just get it over with. I remember goin downtown with Meen's peeps all in the van at some sicko early hr and not gettin home til like 2 the next morning cuz we couldn't find a gas station that was open. But I made some mon-ay! :)

Sunday, September 21, 2003

Saw Underworld last night. It was good. If I had to choose, I'd be a vampire than a werewolf. Obviously, the hair issue LOL They made the whole creature of the night thing seem friggin cool but then I realized, vampires are demon things that come from freaky satanic beginnings. Hmm..maybe not then. But I'd be like the vamps in the movie. I'd still look like a human, dressed in kickass black gear, and not bite ppl.

G finally figured out how to burn songs from Kazaa. L was at her house makin CDs but the sister clan were all arguin and yellin and G had to run an errand and she didn't wanna be alone with the screamer females so she came to my house LOL Holy crap, I was havin such a crabbyass bad day cuz the family was givin me a hard time for some reason and it was like a godsend to actually have an empty house for a couple hrs. And then I went out, so it was a beautiful thing not seein or hearin them for the whole night LOL