Saturday, January 22, 2005

WELL...I'm gonna throw up in a couple hrs, I just know it! For the love of me, I really really hope I don't. I'm all sobered up right now but internal organs are gonna backfire on me anytime now. See, I didn't do the moderation thing cuz...well you just can't if drinks are cheap and ppl keep buyin you rounds!

So we meet up with Fish at Shmooze and we were runnin a bit late so I thought maybe Larry was already there and waitin but he wasn't, he came after us so it was OK. So we all chilled and talked and drank and danced. Drinks for 3 of us was like $6. Ridiculous! Only til 9 tho but it's totally fine since we were there since 6 and went on for 4 hrs. Yeah, I was drunk before 8!

OMG I obviously didn't know but Shmooze has a kind of unisex, there's separate areas where the men and women go but they share the sink area. I've been to a clubs with unisex bathrooms, that's not new but they had a 2-way mirror!! The ppl at the sinks see their reflection but on the other side, it's the girls' toilets! I walked into the stall and I was like WTF?? I see ppl right there. It was really weird. Like, you don't know it but behind this wall, there's a girl doin her business and is half naked and lookin at you right now while you're fixin your hair. Not only can you watch ppl while they don't know it but it fools you too. Well me anyway. For a second, I coulda sworn this guy was starin straight at me while I was in the can then I remembered it was a mirror. Bizarre.

So everybody loves Larry off cuz he's thoughtful and has manners and is funny and easy to talk with and even bought us all a round. But...I'm just not diggin him like that. He's such a nice guy and treats my friends so well and he's one of those rare finds but still. I don't know what's wrong with me. FUCK. Maybe I'm just a bitch. Now I'll hafta do the whole 'let's not' thing again. I really would like to keep him as a friend tho...but I know for certain that he's not gonna take it just like that.

Anyway, so after Shmooze we headed off for the Maddy. Larry came with us and with all the girls in the car, he was gettin shifty like we were gonna drive him somewhere secluded and rob and possibly kill him, haha.

Some of Cat's old coworkers (and the dude she's diggin!) were there so we chilled and talked with them. Well, we had gotten McD's cuz we realized we didn't eat dinner and were hungry so while me, Fish, and Kim were finishin off our food, Cat and Larry went inside :P So apparently in that 5 mins, Larry had made buddies with just about half the crowd in the bar! But he said he's been there a lot so. We played pool and then we doubled up for teams and evvvvvvvverybody wanted to play us, haha. Like, ppl were linin up to play the next game. Superstars! I made buddies outta all these ppl who were watchin. Good crowd.

Then me and Fish jetted cuz she just wanted to go home after a long day of school and straight partyin and I went with so she wouldn't drive back alone cuz Cat and Kim were stayin for their boys. Plus our feet were hurtin like whoa. I knew those bitch boots were gonna do me in. That's why I never wear anythin with a heel or even a slight slant :P Seriously, me and her couldn't walk without pain. Oh to look good.

Crazy night. I'm sure I'll comment more about the Larry thing cuz there is more I can comment about :P

Friday, January 21, 2005

I was just checkin my school email and the website said that first semester grades were up. I went to see and SHUT THE FUCK UP, I got an A!!!!!! Hahahahahaha!

First I was in shock cuz, you see, I just don't get A's. Seriously, I haven't had an A for a final grade in all of my university career. That's my fault but anyway. Then I LAUGHED cuz I still didn't believe it, it was that funny to me. Then I was laughin cuz really, I didn't try all that hard for it. I musta kicked some serious ass on that last paper. Thank yoooooooou!

Ahhh...that just made my day. This calls for a drink tonight. Before I checked the grades, I was like, well if I got bad then we'll be drinkin...if I did good then hey we'll have a celebratory drink too so either way, there will be drinks involved so I dunno why I'm tryin to reason with it! :P

I'm slightly out of it right now but I'm sure I can pull this off without makin a mistake. Me and L had the old 'what do you wanna do? I dunno, what do you wanna do' thing but she wanted to eat somethin so we went to Quizno's. We went a few days ago cuz she was a Quizno's virgin and now she's really into it. Understandably, cuz it's really good! If you've never tried it, you're MISSIN OUT!

Then since there's a pub behind Quizno's, we decided to try it out. It's not really new but we've always said we just wanted to check it out so might as well. It's pretty nice inside, it's 2 floors and it feels like a cozy bar room in your house if you're really rich and keen on alcohol. There were these 2 server girls just chillin cuz it wasn't that busy at that time so we were chattin and watchin The Apprentice on the tv :P It felt like you were just hangin out with your friends at someone's house. I like.

There was no skimpin on the alcohol, lemme tell ya. I dunno if it was the drink or the nachos or the combination of them, I can never tell what's at fault! But I have that ambiguous feeling of either needin to fall asleep/pass out/bein a bit sick, haha. What's it gonna be?

Drivin home, L stopped by McD's for a cone. Well she's got some skills cuz she can drive with one hand and hold an ice cream in the other. She's foolin around like she'd gonna drop it and she pretended like she was gonna splutz it on my boob and was all, wouldn't that be funny? And right then she loses her handle on it as if she was about to throw it out my window, hahahaha. It fell on my seat and would've landed on my thigh if I didn't move my leg fast enough but it got on her purse, bahaha! I woulda been mad at how close that was if I wasn't laughin so much.

Anyhoo...I did it. I finally called Larry back, haha. So Kim, Cat, and Fish and me are gonna go to Shmooze tomorrow night. Not even tomorrow night but early early evening cuz they wanna go 'after work' at 5:30 for drinks and to lounge with young, hopefully successful businessmen, haha. But Larry said he'd be there too so squash that one for me :P But it's OK, we'll see how the rest of the night goes cuz I'm not sure where we're goin afterwards.

And Sat my grandma and dad are leavin but she's goin for good so we're all stayin home for dinner and my sister said my dad wants to take a family picture. I think cuz it might be the last time we see Grandma esp since well, to put it honestly, you never know when she's 'gonna go'. Lovely.

But thennnn...Kim's friend Angela is throwin a bday thing for her friend at her condo and they sent out an email about how they're gonna surprise her with a stripper, haha! It's gonna be one of those classic situations of the party bein too noisy and a 'cop' comes by about it. I said I'd be down for it if the girls were goin. I just wanna see her face when it happens.

Thursday, January 20, 2005

I really hafta start fixin this sleep cycle of mine. I only got up an hr ago just cuz Al called and got me outta bed for a bank emergency. And I went to sleep at 4 last night...this morning. Motivate me!

Well yesterday it was P who woke me up cuz she had some hair crisis at work and long story short, took the day off (she also has "orange" hair tho it's actually auburn now, she's a bit traumatized, haha). So wouldn't you know it, we went to Q's last night.

Do I go on enough about how I love my Q boys? It was pretty uck outside so it was kinda slow inside but then they eventually showed one by one: Shane, Tom, Adam, Brent (new one), Al, some other dude who's name I dunno but seems to be goin out with that chick who works there that P doesn't like :P I'll change her name to Kelly in the slight offchance that anyone who knows who I'm talkin about will read this. Anyway, I thought Kelly was startin to get friendlier to us cuz she was makin non-mean eye contact at least and talkin a bit. I think there's this weird, slightly tense vibe between her and P just cuz of the Ian history and I'm just whatever cuz I'm by association but I've never had a problem with her. I actually think she's kinda nice but there is no doubt the thing between them could be a lot better. Then you'd need the backstory of the times Kelly told her not to sit on the pool table and only her, and the thing with the pool cue. I just don't put the hate on anyone til they actually straight up did somethin to me, and to my face. Otherwise I don't care, like why waste your time on it? Fuck you, you know?

We went to Timmy's after with Shane and Adam and some kid named Frank. They were playin some game, I don't remember what it's called but of course I was just watchin cuz you know that thing about me and new card games :P Then Tom and Kelly and the bf came in cuz I guess Kelly got to close early and just leave the bar if no one's there, haha. So in the card game, if you get over a certain score, you're outtta the game. So Adam was out so he's like, I'm gonna go for a walk. We all thought that was cuz he was that mad about it cuz he gets competitive like that, haha. But he actually just wanted to head over to the bank to deposit a cheque. So I went with him. P tells me later that when we were gone Shane was sayin how he apparently wanted to do me LOL Not in those words but...I'm like, WHAAAAAT?? You know he's jokin. She's like, no, that's what I even told him, "If you said that to her, she'd think you were jokin." So I honestly just think it's really funny. They make me laugh. So Shane had to drive us back to Q's cuz we didn't take separate cars and then me and P headed home. She's like, I like bein with Adam and Shane...they make you feel hot, haha. Oh yeah, so I'm wearin just a tshirt and jeans with an Old Navy hat (a beanie or toque if you're so inclined) and Adam's all, you've never looked so sexy. What is THAT, since I wasn't anywhere near tryin to look even slightly more than publicly presentable, hahaha. The hat did it...and I only wore it cuz I didn't wanna deal with my hair.

Numbers....ohhhhh numbers :)

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Seein that the film text I needed still wasn't in the bookstore nor available in any Chapters store, I had to go to school yesterday to check the prof's office door for the readings. Thank god they were there. Not like it really mattered cuz when he said there'd be questions due, he mainly meant you better get those readings done if you're in group 1 and it's your turn for questions this week. So really, I didn't actually have to do those readings at all aside from doin them for my own benefit. Fun stuff! All this photocopyin costs, ya know. OK fine, I didn't get to read them all last night and I was still goin thru them on the bus this morning but still. I thought it was gonna be crucial.

It was so damn cold today. So it was bonus that I had to walk back and forth between the fine arts building and the library to photocopy the readings and put them back.

Al didn't burn my Usher CD properly for me. Everyone else got a good copy too, booo. I put it in my stereo and nuthin is playin. Then I see the entire thing is 8 mins long and it's all dead air. Nice. I also have 3 versions of basically the same CD I keep tryin to burn at G's house, haha. She messed up the 1st once since she insisted on doin it herself but put the wrong tracks on it. Then Al missed a song on the 2nd and the 3rd I did so it's straight. But everythin didn't fit so they're all diff by a couple tracks :P

I always seem to fall asleep in class but when I get home and I can actually take a nap, I don't feel tired anymore. A long time ago, I theorized that a person can die from boredom. I truly believe it.

My eye was TWITCHING and it was freakin me out! What the hell is that when your eyeball or some muscle in your arm or leg just starts to spasm like a heartbeat? Crazy.

Oh American always makes me laugh. The balls of some of these deluded.

Sunday, January 16, 2005

This weekend went so fast...esp since it's still Sunday and I'm wastin it away. I just wanna sleep but I can't. I have a slight headache but I'm not hungover. And I'd do hw but I still don't have my book :P Tomorrow I'll do it. Friggin Chapters. Friggin school library.

Anyway, Fri night me and L hit the liquor store to get stuff for Sat and then brought it back to G's house. Heather, Sarah, and Clothes were there with their bfs so we met them. we went to Seven. They had Red Bull samples and the MC kept mentionin this every 10 mins and I was like, holy crap if he keeps stoppin the music like this, I'm gonna go down there and drink them all myself! The music was good but the reggae was gettin to be too much for G so we peaced outta there. Those were some crazy peeps in there tho. I lied and told this guy who was tryin to dance with me that I had a bf. He's like, yeah I coulda seen that. And then I lied about everybody else bein attached too cuz he asked about my friends :P Yeah, no.

We figured with the girls and their friends at G's, they woulda still been up at 4 but they were all sleepin when we got back. And I know we made SO MUCH noise comin in. It was dark. L stabbed me in the stomach with her fingers...and G in her neck...and I bit G's finger, hahaha...all accidentally of course. So we were laughin and this dude named Gary was apparently sleepin on the couch so I'm surprised he didn't wake up and tell us to shut up. He's John's (Clothes' bf...talks with a hype Aussie accent) friend and everybody met him just that day. He was totally cool about it the next morning tho cuz he was just like, you are some crazy ppl! Anyway, of course with boys there, there was not just one video game system but 2 so me and L played Xbox til about 5:30 am. Then she got sick of losin to me and we went up to bed. Or actually, the floor of G's room :P Then there was the thing about scarce bedding and me and L ended up sleepin next to eachother sharin blankets, haha.

The next morning everyone told us how loud we were and how they could hear us giggling. G had some bank appointment early so she jetted and we made breakfast (Gary likes to cook, what!) but she brought back Timmy's for us :) Yeah, me and L got no sleep. G and Gary went on to the supermarket to pick up some things...bahahaha! ;) The rest of us messed around on the computer and played Playstation for a while. I miss Vice City! John got me a buttload of sick weapons, haha. And you don't care so anyways.

We went to get movies and then I went home for a couple hrs to shower and change clothes and whatnot. Ppl were showin up at G's already but I wasn't ready to leave til 5 somethin. G and Pris came and we went on a food haul to pick up Chinese, pizza, and fried chicken. Damn, there was so much food at her house cuz Heather went to pick up stuff too.

And we partied. There were a lotta ppl I didn't know and would have no reason to know, mostly Heather's friends. We played cards...Al was teachin them to play poker, I woulda paid attention but I knew it was a lost cause cuz I just cannot learn new card games. It takes me so long to get it, if I ever do. I used to know how to play poker back in like grade 6, I dunno why or how, but I forgot. P made some unlikely new buddies and were playin some noisy ass game upstairs...on the landing :P We watched Anchorman! Funny movie :) And the rest I forget...but I know me and L were bein foolish. Liquor brings out the loud in me. Good times.

"My eye is poppin."
"What does that mean?"
"It means that I'm crazy."

"I'm dizzy, I'm SO DIZZY!"
"Why are you dizzy?"
"I'm's what she says in the movie."
"Must you be so melodramatic??"


"She's makin porn upstairs! And gettin addicted to Sims!" LOL

John, Clothes, and Gary didn't sleep over last night so we could spread out ppl in the rooms more. Oh yeah, I accidentally klepto'ed Gary's watch for the entire day Sat while they were lookin for it all over at the house while I was at home and on the errands :P We were playin around with it and I left it on the whole time without realizin it wasn't mine. Oops. I said sorry a lot. So G slept in the master bedroom so me and L could use her bed. Everybody passed out but I was still up but eventually went to sleep too. I didn't get sick, woohoo!

We got up around noon so it wasn't bad. Had Pop Tarts :) Then it was home time. It's fun crashin at other ppl's cribs.