Saturday, June 26, 2004

White Chicks was so damn funny. Sucks that we had to sit in the FIRST row tho :P

I talked to P today on MSN about last Sat and goin out tomorrow night cuz we're goin clubbin. She is gonna bug when I tell her she's goin to Evanescence.

Oh yeah, and Aaron's goin to Cyprus on the 3rd for 2 weeks. And I forgot when he said his bday was so I asked and he said the he'll be in Cyprus. So I won't hafta worry about THAT when it comes around, haha. But he won't be able to give me a ride home from the concert on the 18th, hahaha! Wait...2 weeks from the 3rd...actually, he might be back by then...but he'll be tired and I can't ask him the first day he's back. Just kiddin anyway ;)

Friday, June 25, 2004

this is an audio post - click to play

I fogot to add that part of the reason we went to see Dawn of the Dead was cuz Aaron remembered that he did some electrical destruction work for the movie. It was shot somewhere in the area and it takes place in a mall and he was like, yeah there should be a Roots store here and an elevator here, etc. So we wanted to see some of his handiwork, haha. He's not in the credits or anythin tho ;) Oh, and I haven't been at an AMC theatre in a while...but I really like those seats! You can lift up the armrests so the seats are like a couch. We were lyin across like 3 each cuz we were pretty much the only ones there, haha.

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

I scored Evanescence tickets! :D Last I checked, they had nuthin but 400s left so I was like ah fuck it. But I was checkin last night and they put up some seats in the 200s. Yeah...fuckin...right! I was gonna go to the Tickmaster at the mall but I didn't catch Meg online so I couldn't ask her to get them for her and whoever else or not (if she's not online, it's cuz her Messenger kicked her off and she's not home to log on again...cuz she's ALWAYS got it on haha, no joke). And then I was out tonight but I talked to her later on and got it all sorted. I bought them online so we should be good to go. Me and probably P, and Meg and Kev and 1 other person she knows. Sweet!!

I didn't really feel like it, but I did somethin with Aaron today, haha. I was kinda in a meh mood but we went to play pool and I drove myself so we were in separate cars, haha. I didn't wanna deal with the drop-off biz :P Him and his buddy Chris think I'm a total hustler now cuz I beat them enough times, haha. And then I said I had to go drop somethin at a friend's when he asked what I was doin later. I said I'd call him to see what's goin on...I actually went home and THEN called him and said I was goin home, hahaha. I'm evil, I know.

Le sigh, haha.

Monday, June 21, 2004

this is an audio post - click to play

I don't even know who won what award it was so friggin loud, haha. I also dropped my cell on the ground. When I say ground, I mean sidewalk...and when I say sidewalk, that's the nice hard concrete. CRACK! But it's OK, I know you were all worried ;)

Sunday, June 20, 2004

19 hrs til the MMVAs! Then I can finally take this damn wristband off :P I had to get my brother to round the pointy edges with scissors cuz I kept slashin myself when I moved my arm around. I really hope I get to see Kayne, Hoobastank, or Evanescence perform tomorrow...or at least hear them live wherever I'll be standin.

I'm waitin here for Meg to get on MSN to see how we're gonna meet up, but she's not on and she's got work tomorrow. Anyway, I went out with Aaron tonight. We went to D&B's where we cleaned out those addictive machines where you make a buncha coins fall over the ledge. We got like 1600 tickets worth, haha! Then we went glow-in-the-dark mini putting again cuz he felt he had to beat me this time. I love winning :D

Lalalala...I dunno how it's gonna work with not bein allowed to bring a jacket or bag in with me to the awards...or a camera. This should be interesting. Watch me on TV!