Saturday, August 28, 2004

Went to The Rose and Crown last night. Yeah...I said I'm done with drinkin and I went to the bar. Idiot. But we found out that G can't parallel park and I can't add, haha. But who can after you've had alcohol?? That's my defence anyway. That's all I can tell I've killed brain cells in great numbers. We're only goin out every single day to bar-whore cuz G's got the week off from work cuz she got her wisdom teeth taken out.

Dammit, left my jacket in her car...after my lighter and my CD :P I'm always forgettin stuff in her car or house.

Well...Kim's goin back to H-town for schoolio so we're goin out to play before she leaves. I'm gonna hafta get creative with how many ways I can have Coke :P Even tho I drink Pepsi. It's lame enough I'll be orderin soda at a bar so I'm not about to be picky about my cola.

OK I honestly don't remember all that's happened over the last 3 days but whatever, deal with it or stop readin my blog, dork :)

Perdita Felicien...ah man. That sucked but she's a cool chick, she was so good about it. Canada broke 10 medals, haha...double digits, baby.

Holy crap, that hostage situation thing near Union Station. Crazy.

Wed...I think there was shoppin involved...oh and dinner! :P Oh I got my pix from the Ev concert back. Not that great but decent. I have the shakiest hands. Bad for playin Jenga...'Dangerous' Jenga LOL There's a few pix from the Maddy too. I look good, yeah! Haha.

Thurs me and G took Heather and Clothes downtown to bar/cafe/pub hop. Fun stuff. Clothes is a rock star, she can put away the liquor like a champ. I couldn't have any booze cuz I had killer pains in my stomach before we left...and I said I wouldn't drink too, haha.

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Another 1 of those mornings. Me and P went to Q's and Timmy's last night and I went to bed early at 2, haha. Whole 6 hrs sleep. I actually ate breakfast today, ha. My breakfasts would normally be considered lunch to most ppl.

Me and L on the phone yesterday:

"Wow I'm suprised you're up."
"It's 2 o'clock!"
"Yeah but you like to do the 3-4 o'clock."
"Haha...shut up, I do the 1 o'clock, thanks."

Oh and while at the mall, me and L were mockin G in how she always says she doesn't have money and has all these bills to pay even tho she has a job yet keeps buyin these things she doesn't need, cuz she wanted to go into this ring store. Not even 2 steps into the place, L blurts out this lil gem:

"...oh, so you got money to sperm."


The girl workin there most likely heard and was tryin not to laugh I think. We were first just stunned at what she said and L's there with her mouth open, then we're like, what??? Then of course, we laughed til we almost died. I assume she was tryin to say both 'spend' and 'burn' at the same time. She's like, Freudian slip Freudian slip! And I just had to say that THAT loud just as I was walkin in!!

Fuckin priceless.

Monday, August 23, 2004

This weekend kicked my ass, but in the good way. Serious this time, I'm not drinkin anymore...I swear LOL I'm a lush. But I think I need AA. I'm the most alcoholic lush you'll meet, haha. Damn this internal system of mine! Sat morning was not pretty. I still managed to get up and function tho...barely :P NOTHING will keep me down from a Sat night! Haha. And guess what was there at Mike's bbq last night? Booze! But I was a good girl, I turned down drinks and smokes after Fri ;)

The aftermath of goin to the Maddy was ugly but despite that, it was some good times. Over the whole weekend, hung out with old friends and met about 15 new ppl who were friends with everyone else. Bananas.