Friday, November 05, 2004

Shit, the Av concert was wicked! I don't remember most of it cuz I was like in a trance, haha. The music was amazing and I just may have the best pictures in the world.

So The Man picked me up and we went to get Meen at work and then we headed downtown. Last night couldn't have been a worse night to be out. It was raining hard and dark already at 5. Oh, side story...we stopped at a red light and I noticed a blue Civic and it had a crufted rusty licence plate and I thought maybe it was L. I'm like, nah how weird would that be? Then I'm like, but how many blue Civics would have dirty plates like she does? Hahaha. I told The Man to inch up and her windows are tinted but I was pretty sure it was her mom in the passenger seat. Rolled down the window and waved and her mom turned around and waved just as they made a left. L didn't see me at all. But her mom was probably wonderin who the hell the guy was :P

The doors were at 6:30 so since we had floors, it was gonna be a rush for the best position. And that also meant that once we found a spot to stand, we couldn't leave it at any time or else we'd be left at the back...couldn't leave for the bathroom, couldn't leave if the openers sucked, couldn't go get a drink or food, couldn't sit for the next 4 hrs. Jockeying for a good spot is serious business :P But we figured we could time ourselves to get there early enough. We found parkin for $7 (woo!), got some food, took a bathroom break, then bounced for the ACC. Somethin I love about T.O. is that there's 'PATH', which is like a whole underground system so all the major attractions downtown are connected, so we didn't even have to go outside the whole time.

We lined up at the gates and Meen was worried that all these ppl were ahead of us and we should've been there earlier, etc but really it adds up to a few rows. Like, you'd hafta have about 1000 ppl in front of you to be concerned how far back in the crowd you are. They always say no camera and stuff and sometimes they don't care and don't even enforce it but you never know. I didn't want them to take mine away so I took it outta my lil bag and put it in my jacket pocket but it was stickin out so bad. Meen tried puttin it her jacket pocket which was actually The Man's but she thought she'd get patted down. That never happens but I was like, fine put it in my hood, haha. Didn't even matter cuz they were doin bag checks but didn't even look in mine and just let me walk in :P We got wristbands so they know we're floors and we walked into the venue. Me and Meen were like, shuuuuuut the fuck up...cuz there weren't that many ppl in front of us. SWEET!! I'm all, I told you so and she's like, ohhhhh baby. We were maybe 10 rows deep.

The show started right at 7:30 with some guys named 9 Mile? Didn't care about them. Then Not By Choice came on after. They were alright. I can't believe we were just standin there the entire time. By the time Avril came on, I moved up some and had to leave Meen and The Man behind, haha. I'm like, well we're gonna get separated so...see ya later! But I got some crazyass high/naturally fucked up girls in front/around me so I got my toes stomped on when they were jumpin and hair in the face whenever they whipped their heads around. I'm like, I hope you know you're gettin lip gloss all over your ends, haha. Here's a good thing about an audience that's mostly all teenage girls--it's a good smellin crowd, not sweat or B.O., haha...which is a very good thing cuz we were mashed up in there pretty close. The only thing I could smell all night was shampoo and girly the chick next to me wearin Victoria Secret Love Spell (I know it cuz P wears it, haha). Some guy that was totally stoned with somethin was gettin helped thru the crowd by his friend and sometimes, they had to stop and make sure the guy wasn't gonna collapse or whatever cuz he had some freaky look on his face with his eyes wide bug-open.

Anyways, Avril...she talked a lot more this time and was more hyped. She was, I dunno, like happy and zen. I think she got some from Mr. Sum 41 before the show started, haha. And for some reason she was talkin in a high voice that night, she never sounds like that. All the songs were good. Kinda disappointed she didn't do Fall to Pieces but I don't care THAT much. I wanted the pants she was wearin! She looked good, I took so many pix of her and the guys in the band. I missed Matt with a guitar, argh! :P

I had talked to Jay about maybe doin somethin after the concert so I asked Meen and The Man if they were down for anythin. No one could make a damn decision, haha. I called Jay on a break and he said call me when you know what you're doin or where you're goin. We ended up goin to Marche and I wasn't feelin like doin anythin alone with Jay that night anymore and Meen had to go home after this anyway cuz she had work in the morning. Figured Jay woulda been sleepin at that time esp since he had army trainin stuff all day. He called me when we were drivin home already :P Anyway, that was that...there's a whole thing about maybe doin somethin Sat night after he does a Rememberance parade thing, after P's bday dinner.

He has army work tonight so he was askin if I wanted to do somethin in the day. He was on MSN last night when I got home and he was like, maybe lunch? I'm like, dude I'm not even up for lunch HOUR. That day will come when I will finally drop the friend bomb, hahaha. Dammit.

I don't even mind that I'm not goin out tonight. My neck and shoulders hurt from last night. More than head-boppin but not quite head-bangin, haha. And I'm still kinda sick. But I was completely fine at the concert, which is strange. I guess the adrenaline or endorphins made me all better for a few hrs, ha. It's like, ahhhhh Avril...I feel nothing bad anymore...I love this song!

We were goin back to the car in the maze that was the shoppin place and PATH and maybe we were startin to lose it but we started laughin at every lil thing that normally wouldn't be funny at all :P Meen was wearin The Man's sweatshirt and he's a big guy so this was like a dress on her. He was messin around and tied her arms together behind her back...and he was in Boy Scouts so this was some badass knot, haha. At this point, do I hafta describe how fuckin hilarious it was when she tried to get the mall door open without her hands? And when some dudes asked which was was the GO bus, she was tellin them and tried to point with her shoulders thru the sweater LOL They musta thought this was the most retarded sight they've ever seen if they weren't so busy tryin to find their bus. Yeah, she was annoyed.

For some reason it took us like an hr to get home even tho was hardly anyone on the highway. The only logical answer is that we didn't know where we were goin :P I knew how to get back up from all the times we drive downtown to go clubbin but I totally wasn't payin attention and was halfway to asleep in the back. We were playin dumb memory games to keep awake, haha. Then The Man was like, wait. We were goin the wrong way home on the wrong highway and none of us even realized how that happened, haha.

On a totally unrelated topic, I took an IQ test on and I got 120, which makes me a lot higher than average. I laughed! 120! I dunno where that comes from cuz it certainly doesn't show on my marks and my shitty memory and how slowly I pick up learnin new card games, hahaha. But I'm a 'visual intellectual', which is true, so I'm good at seein patterns and the big picture, etc.

Ooh I forgot to call P to tell her happy bday! Gonna get on that.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Holy fuck, I got sick yesterday and it got worse as the day went on. This morning I felt like death, my sinuses were killin me and I couldn't breathe but thank goodness I'm feelin a lot better. Lotsa liquids, liquids, liquids...and preferably some drugs of some sort. This shit better be gone tomorrow cuz there's no way in hell I'm missin the Avril show! I just can't believe I got up as 'early' as I did :P

I dunno how I got sick. L's sick too (some virus) but I haven't seen her since Sat. The only thing I can think of is bein in the rain on Mon. It wasn't pouring and I wasn't out too long in it but I was only wearin a T and a jacket...and Jay was huggin me and not lettin go as I was gettin into the car and P was like, open the damn door! Haha. So it's probably his fault. Fuckin guy!

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Oh what a weekend...or week...whatever Wed to Mon is :P

How good was yesterday? I found more floor tix to the Avril show for Meen so I called her ass up at work and she bought 2 for her and The Man so I'm not goin alone anymore, haha. Yeah, baby!

I dyed my hair again finally. I had gotten so used to the uneven colour that gettin my hair red again looks so different. The only thing I hate about the reds is that you hafta rinse out so many times. It's not fire engine red cuz I have dark hair to begin with but it looks good in the light.

I watched Eternal Sunshine again cuz it's just 1 of those movies that need repeat viewings. It made more sense this time...I was actually payin attention and totally sober. But still, I don't prefer those fragmented, non-linear movies, I like fluidity and continuity! Make my brain piece things together that are out of sync in time and space, will ya? Damn you :P

So Jay wouldn't leave me alone about doin somethin last night haha, so we went out. But everybody and their best friends were callin me on this particular night so I was Miss Popular to the point of gettin annoyed, haha. But P was bored the most so for her benefit and mine, I invited her to come out with me and Jay. I just wasn't in the mood to be/deal with him alone. I don't think he cared tho cuz he loves my friends, haha...and he came anyway. He met up with us at Q's and we played pool and foosball til 2 am. "Best...goal...ever." LOL We met a couple dudes Ian and Al (who're regulars and I remember seein them around or they used to work there or go out with girls who used to work there) and we played with them too. That's so 'Cheers'. Swing by the bar and know everybody's name and they know you. That was so much fun. Then we went on a hunt to find a place to eat that was still open that wasn't drive-thru but settled on BK cuz that's all there was. Then found a Timmy's to sit down and eat, haha. Oh man...the ice idea that wasn't workin, the Timmy's that had no food, Al bein into P, pullin a U-ie on Jay on a rainy road, Ian standin behind Al as he was bendin over to take a shot, "WHA-ppened??" LOL Got home at 3. Exceeded my expectations for a Mon night.

Sunday, October 31, 2004

Happy Halloween, peeps! :)

Lemme tell you, I am HURTIN after last night. OK Sat went like this: me, Kim, Cat, and Fish were supposed to go out and make Kim's stress go away while she was home this weekend, not necessarily cuz it was Halloween weekend. Me, G, and L usually go out and do somethin so we were all gonna go together. Then Fish was bein flop and wasn't goin so the rest of us crammed into 1 car and went downtown. Except Kim and Cat weren't dressed up in costumes cuz they just wanted to go clubbin like any other time. "We're goin as...skanks." LOL

SO I had an amazing costume which I made up of just normal clothes. Cowgirl! Me and L were gettin desperate since we had nuthin as of Sat afternoon so we hit Value Village. She picked up some packaged stuff and I bought a red plaid shirt and red cowboy boots, hahaha! Ridiculous. If you told me I would be buyin red cowboy OK! I can't believe I actually found cowboy boots there...let alone red ones that matched my shirt...let alone in my size :P There were these nicer suede ones but way too tiny and a few bucks more. Anyway, I was there to shop thrifty. That was all I needed cuz I had a few things at home I was gonna use--belt with a hideously large shiny buckle, my mom's brown suede country-like vest from the '70s, and a red bandana I got for a dollar. I even had a picture of 'my' horse in my shirt pocket, haha. All of it for $15. Of course you can't have a cowgirl get-up without the hat. Meen has one but apparently she was havin a bday party for Mo and wasn't near her phone. It makes the costume but I figured I wouldn't wanna wear it in the club where I can hit ppl in the eye and havin this thing on my head makin me sweat all night.

Anyway, L went as some goth...thing (I dunno, she was all in black with long nails and a long black wig with purple streaks), G was a fairy, and her friend from work was the genie from I Dream of Genie (and her name was now Genie :P). She was hearin about it all night from ppl on the street, askin for 3 wishes and them singin the theme song from the show, hahaha. ALL NIGHT. And a buncha ppl in their cars on the highway stared and yelled and shit cuz they could see her cuz we were all sittin in weird positions with the 4 of us in the back. Some car was drivin parallel to us and waved. I did a double-take cuz it was a man dressed in drag LOL "Wait, that's a MAN!" The other ppl in the car saw me do a half-jump. We laughed our asses off and gave the devil-horns. Those men as women are the funniest, no matter what you say. I see them all the time on TV and whatever, but it's so much more awesome seein them in person. Ooh and we saw a girl in a gigantic Elmo costume! Like 1 of those professional ones ppl wear at theme parks, with the removable head and everythin. Crazy.

Since Kim and Cat were with, we broke tradition and instead of goin to Croc Rock we went to Steam (they have a point ticked off cuz we had to pay cover...poop to that). And I dunno why they're special cuz there was smokin everywhere which I don't get cuz it's the law now and all that and they're not a patio or had some designated smokin room. It was the entire club. So we ended up smellin like it at the end of the night anyway.

My feet KILL, it's daylight savings time and I have no idea what time it was/is, and I was kinda nauseous to the point I was thinkin of throwin up :P (fuckin liquor, always tricks me and gets me when I'm sleepin). Oh yeah, I was walkin to the couches in the club and the floor was wet and I slipped ridiculously (I mean, flailing arms and legs) and was sure I was gonna fall on my ass. In front of ppl. But I didn't...I just speed-walked away like I was drunk and meant to do that. I still love Halloween. And I got caught out when I was standin there starin at the ceiling of the parkin garage and I'm like, is that fluffy or is that bumpy?? You know those bits of plaster on white ceilings (for reflectin light or some shit like that)...I thought it was that stuff but at the same time, it looked like insulation or somethin. I was also very buzzed at this moment. So everybody's lookin at me like I'm insane but I also had a very good point cuz nobody could figure out what it was. A cute guy walks by and he's like, it's sponge LOL I'm like, ah sponge! Thank you! Apparently other ppl had been pondering the mystery ceiling material too. So I went jumpin and tryin to touch it but obviously still couldn't reach, and L's freakin at me that I'd like, get poisoned and die if I touched insulation. Maybe, but I highly doubt it was insulation...the guy said so, haha. And I only swatted at it with my fingertips, max :P

Jay called me yesterday about goin out tonight for another Halloween party and G wants to rent scary movies. We'll see :D