Saturday, September 04, 2004

I forgot to go buy a long distance card to call L and Vick. I wonder if they're OK over there. In Treasure Island, heeheehee. I thought about goin to the mall to pick up a Goldline card but not with what I'm wearin...and I'm not about to change. And I don't wanna get another 1 of those no-name shit cards at the corner store.

I'm such a dumb rass. Turns out my only class is on Thurs not Tues, which means I DO start class this week! Argh! I got it confused with my winter semester class. I'm so not ready for this.

I'm deliberating whether I should go over to G's to check my email (and to give her facial cleanser that she forgot this morning back) or call Fish to do somethin low-key (like chill and check email at HER house, haha). In any case, SNL Cheri Oteri eppy at 11:30...exxxxcellent.

Be prepared for a very schizo post.

Lucid was alright. It's verrrrry nice inside but I couldn't help picturin where the old video games used to be, haha. It's huge. And we ended up payin only 10 for cover :) I dunno, maybe it was the crowd on that particular night that didn't make it a really really good time. Kim and Cat are pure jokes, we need to go out more.

Fuckin G slept over and she always ends up wakin me up early. She wasn't supposed to this time cuz she didn't have to be nowhere or drive anybody to work etc etc, but no. That damn phone of hers and its irritating ring...9 in the friggin morning, wtf. EVERY TIME! You know when you're woken up suddenly but you're still so out of it that you dunno if whatever happened in those 10 seconds you're awake was real or not? Haha.

So G jetted and me, my mom and bro went to the hospital to see my grandma. She seemed OK. The rents and my sis take turns stayin so that someone's always with her. *Sigh* Pensive me time.

I laid out in the sun this some colour, watched some clouds, caught up on the paper, what-have-you. Isn't that so picturesque? Seein clouds go by, watchin birds fly a mile up in the sky. Haha, that rhymed like booyah!

So I'm sittin here while the kids are out and the rents are at the hospital still, and I'm gonna be in tonight cuz they need someone to be home in case.

Tomorrow I'm goin with Pris for her bro Kenny's bday party, haha. We're hittin Playdium :P

Friday, September 03, 2004

Al told us Bryan from hs is engaged. SHUT THE FUCK UP! Bryan! The most immature fool there was, gettin married. He was cool to hang around with in that funny guy/idiotic ass way...I mean, it's Bryan...but still, wow. I woulda thought him and L would get married, the way they fought LOL

We're goin to Lucid tonight! Crazy levels, lotsa ppl...and $15 cover but that's OK! Just wanna check it out.

Ugh, I woke up too early today :P And I got a surprise visit from good ol Aunt Rose. This is when bein a female really sucks. But nobody wants to hear about my 'lady problems' haha, so...

Me, Al, and G watched Garden State. Made me laugh, made me cry...go see it :) Natalie Portman's really good in it. Al is convinced that Zach Braff (from the TV show Scrubs) is the brother of the guy from the TV show Ed. I'm like, dude, no...they PLAYED brothers on the show. She's all, no man, they're really brothers, I heard it somewhere...they even look alike. I'm like, that's the point!! That's why they played brothers on the show! They don't even have the same last name...and the guy from Ed is Canadian and the other's American. She wasn't havin it. Oh but she'll see...they all realize I'm always right in the end.

Then we went to dinner at BP, dropped Al home to do somethin with Mike, and me and G went to Starbucks (the big house on Main). L called from Florida :) How excited was I? Haha. Except G took up all her minutes tellin her every detail about her orientation that morning and I didn't even get to say anythin :P

Thursday, September 02, 2004

"Thor? Who's Thor?"
"The god of...hammers!"

That was so damn had to be there. Yeah I played Trouble with my brother today. It was that or Monopoly or Life, the 2 slowest most un-exciting games there are.

I got some random hs memories that just came into my head so I thought I'd share them. Like Fish and Shy's interpretive presentation in drama class with them prancin around the room with coloured chiffon above their heads while a tape played of Shy goin, "...are you art? Am I art? Is art art?" LOL Shit. And I just forgot what the other one was. My short-term memory is shocking. God I'm useless, haha.

So I actually stayed in. Figured I should since I've been goin out a lot lately. We shoulda did somethin with L and Vick before they left, but they gotta get up at 8 am so guess not :P I TOLD them about the hurricanes, who's right again? I can't believe they're still goin, the fools! I talked to L tonight tho...we'll be callin eachother with phone cards, hee!

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Turns out Kim isn't movin in at school til Labour Day so we just might go for a road trip to Darien Lake on the weekend :) In Fish's Eagle Summit, haha...there can be no other car. I'd laugh if it finally died on this trip. Well, first I'd freak then I'd laugh.

L and Vick leave for Florida tomorrow for a week. Sad face. I don't think I've ever been apart from L for that long, let alone her go on a trip without me, haha. Now that's co-dependence! We went to Chapters yesterday to find her a book to read while on the beach.

"Could you find a map that was even more tourist-y? Why don't you just say, 'Oh here, TAKE my money'.." LOL

And I let her borrow my CD player to bring with too. I said, "You break it, you re-buy it." Haha. (Her and G bought it for my bday :P)

My sister left an art show brochure on my desk. That was actually kinda nice...even tho she still owes me $20.

Oh god, it's Sept. I refuse to say summer is over. Cuz it's not! Only til school starts...and I technically don't start til the 14th cuz the semester starts on the Wed and I only have class on Tues :)

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Indian was cool, it's a bit more clubby now. It was me, Fish, Kim, Cat, Fish's friend Mike, his friend Al, his other friend Al and these 2 girls Grace and Heather. We played pool, chilled, talked. I had nuthin to drink, go me. That was a fun Sat...Kim's sauna car, Fish's flight attendant get-up, a nasty lapdance..."That's just WRONG." Haha. We know Al's dirty lil secret. Holy crap. Crazy.

Sunday was good too. L, Pris, G, Vick, and Fish went to Milestone's for dinner and I met up with them later. Between the 6 of us, there were 4 cars. Why? I dunno. Can you say environment? Then we went to Timmy's where this group of teenage boys sat unusually close to us, haha.

So the Olympics are over. We ended up with 12 medals. Good try :P

MTV Awards were good. As usual, it was mostly ppl I didn't really wanna win but oh well. Usher is a man-whore. I'm singin my confessions...oh it's startin to rain...I'm gettin all wet...I better take my shirt off...AGAIN. Geez.