Saturday, December 25, 2004

You know what I do on Christmas Eve? I go to L's house to watch movies, haha. I had dinner at home then we went to Rogers but they were closed already. Yay Blockbuster! Rented Napolean Dynamite and Collateral. Both really good. Napolean was stupid that it was funny. Everyone in that movie is messed up, haha. I was supposed to have watched Collateral when it was in theatres with Aaron and when it first came out on video with Jay but it never happened. L and G were the special ones, haha!


Friday, December 24, 2004

It's Christmas Eve! Too bad we weren't more festive. Then again we never really were all that...normal...traditional? Meh. My family used to go all out when we were younger. At least we have the tree. I like pretty lights :) Wow I just realized I have the same ones around my bed that I put up from last yr. Haha, they're never leavin.

So alone, so alone, mommy's not here, haha. I wanna go sledding. I wanna see a movie on Christmas day. Cuz we don't really do anythin on the day either. But I'm at least stayin home for tonight and tomorrow cuz ya know, it's family time.

Ohohohoho, time to play Nsync's holiday album! :D Now that's a tradition. Oh man I just remembered last yr's Xmas. Good times.

Haha, I just realized that it's not the weekend, only Fri. Throws me off, goin clubbin on a Thurs :P We went to System. None of us had ever been but it was good...3 outta 4 of us liked it anyway, haha. Superfunk Thursdays is hip hop night so...lemme use the was pure crunk up in there. Pretty dope, haha. It was the baddest, thuggest jams...crazy.

We got frisky mcfrisked. The girl even wanted to see what was under my hat. Just my hair :P Some dude sellin...I don't even know what, it was one of those wooden boxes that opened with like a pen and scissors and other silver things inside...he saw us comin down the sidewalk and jumped in front like we were gonna play football so I jumped out and took a stance too, haha. Then he busted out the wares ("last min Xmas gift"). The pay machine at the parkin garage was broke and only took coins and credit. Our ticket was for $12 and we didn't have that much change on us so we had to go make some. This was 3 somethin am and there's nowhere to make change except for the hot dog guys. On the way in to the parkin vestibule (is that the word?), it's not unusual for homeless ppl to be there openin the doors for you so they can make some coin. I gave like $1.25 to him cuz I just grabbed it outta my pocket. Then I probably woulda needed it to pay for my share of the parkin :P Oh well. And what's weird is at the club, I gave my change (like 50 cents) to the tip cup at coat check...cuz really, what am I gonna do with 50 cents? I don't care. And you know how tip cups say "Tips And Good Karma"? I never usually give tip at clubs for coat check at all. So at the parkin vestibule, everybody was lookin to make change outside so when we went lookin for change, the homeless guy I gave money to was like, you need change? And took all these coins outta his pocket. I'm like, wow this man's the nicest guy. But this other girl was there first and she took it all up. So we went back down the street...and that same guy sellin that box thing tried again and I'm like, you already asked me, man. He saw us like not even 5 mins earlier, haha. He's like, really? But he probably thought I was just tryin to say fuck off :P Oh and drivin out, we saw some girl fall flat on her face in the side of the road, hahaha. I'm sorry but it was funny. It wasn't like she was runnin, I don't think she was even movin at all cuz she was just standin there so maybe she had just taken a step. That snow's sliperry stuff! She was fine tho, the guy she was with picked her up and they were laughin. That was bad...cuz you know EVERYBODY saw.

Thursday, December 23, 2004

Happy bday Tasha! If you'd just call sometime, biatch ;)

I think we're goin clubbin tonight...cuz we've just never gone on Thurs, which makes no sense cuz it's student/pub night. But it's a last bang cuz this weekend's Xmas and the next we'll be in NY...and the moms is comin back on Mon morning.

If it's really shitty weather still and the club's out, then we're goin sledding and/or rentin Napolean Dynamite! :) Oh those days of tobogganing. Since we don't really do anythin special on Xmas, I just might hafta do that.

It's pure snow today. Almost makes ya wanna not go out at all. Then you're just a quitter, haha. We went to Fox & Fiddle...there weren't that many ppl there, bein a Wed and kinda bad out on the roads.

About the soda...I lie. Had a Tom Collins. But it's OK cuz I just had one and that, ppl, is moderation. Very sad moderation.

Oh and I called Larry back. He's a nice guy, pretty chill...that accent doesn't hurt either! But I think he's gonna be one of those again. One of those obsessers, haha. The kind that just can't wait to go out and do somethin with you that very night, if not the next. I'm like, about AFTER Christmas, like next week? Just hopefully, he won't be so anxious anxious about doin stuff. Like I've said before, nobody likes clingy.

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Kim just rang my doorbell and gave my school ID cards back without callin she was comin or even askin for me at the door. Who does that? Haha. That jackass. I'm sittin right here and she doesn't even talk to me :P I don't even know what she was usin them for...I don't ask, haha. She wasn't even fully explainin it to me. I was like, huh? Yeah yeah, just take them, haha. I'm sure whatever it was, it wasn't gonna get me arrested or anythin so I don't think I need to know.

I think we're goin to a bar tonight. Hmmmm...soda for this girl! THIS SUCKS!! Haha.

I did my nails finally. I know that sounds like a complete stupid girly girl thing to say but really, it's an effort cuz I have to cut them and file them and shape them. Notice I didn't say trim. I dunno what it is about my nails but they grow unusually fast. It's like they don't wanna be kept down :P They weren't like Jackie Joyner Kersey talons but long scratch your eyes out I guess. Give it a month and they're right back to the length they were before. That's why it's such a chore cuz I hafta do it every so often. Hence, me just lettin them grow.

"Feelin sexyyyyyyyyy!"

Tonight was the lil get-together at Chris' condo. Too bad those sucks Fish, Meen, and Pris all bailed. Well they all had last min things to do like pickin up ppl from the airport/train station and gettin ready to fly to BERMUDA the next day, but whatever!

It was so good seein Chris, Jay, and Jason again. Waterloo, Windsor, and Austin are all treatin them well. We ate dinner, played Guesstures (that was and Al are the CHAMPS), and watched The Count of Monte Cristo, the movie I got for Al for her bday. She was so into makin me watch it. It was good tho. Chris' place is pretty has a wicked view. Me and Al had enough trouble gettin buzzed in :P Chris had told us the address of the condo and the apt number but not the buzz-in code. Nice. The whole system doesn't make sense, why don't they use the apt number for the code instead of these random digits esp when they don't even have a directory that lists who lives under what? So we searched for the last name but there were 2 so that didn't help but I figured it was the apt number you punch in. Nope...we got some man named Domingo who ended up hangin up on us after he said, OK hold on. Then we had to ask the guy at the security desk to look it up for us. We scrolled thru the names again and it wasn't under what Chris said it was! And during the dialing, Al was like, that's not what Chris told us...lies! LIES! And Chris picked up right as she was yellin that to the speaker, hahaha.

"Hello? Oh hey Chris! Didn't know it was ringin already."

Good stuff. I'm probably not gonna see them before they hafta go back. Sad face. Well, Chris maybe. I wanna go visit again...and play on those pool tables :)

Monday, December 20, 2004

I'm gettin so excited about New York. It's gonna be so damn cold when we're standin outside watchin the ball drop in Times Square like idiots. Us vs. the weather...I like a challenge.

It's just way too damn cold out now to do anythin or go anywhere. I guess I'm holing up today so parts of me don't freeze and fall off. You know I'm talkin cold when movin from indoors just to the car is an issue. I personally don't mind that much if but if nobody else has the brass to brave it, then I'm just a lonely girl.

Shy is so adamant of givin me that money. She called me again while I was sleepin and she just dropped off the cash. She gave it to me in a sealed envelope, like it was hush money haha. And brought me a Special K bar :) They're good...except I dunno about these fruit combinations companies put out tho. Like do ppl really each peaches with berries? Apple goin with cranberry? Not bad, but I don't see the problem with stickin to just one thing. Don't get me started on pineapple on pizza :P

Larry called again. Now I'm sure it's his number but I don't feel like callin him back right now. You know it can't be one of those hey, how're you doin kinda calls cuz I just met him so it's gonna be a long gettin to know you kinda convo. Not to mention the inevitable 'what're you doin this week...want to get together/see a movie/meet up?' Yet another dude who I'd rather have as a friend. Sometimes I dunno why I even bother cuz I just end up not feelin them like that later on anyway :P I'm such a 'guy' in these things. Why are boys such girls? Haha.

Sunday, December 19, 2004

Holy fuckers. Well when I'm right, I'm right. I did the inevitable toilet-huggin this morning...twice. I think my body figures it's never enough to hurl just once but at least 2 times just to get EVERYTHIN out. The lovely remedy of once before goin to bed and once more to get me outta bed at 8:30 am. So I'm feelin like trash and it gets so tired sayin this as many times as I have but...this is really it, havin more than 2 drinks, I'm out. I know I've vowed that a lot but really, I've realized that it's not so much about me feelin like shit but that I'm POISONING my body. I just never put it in that perspective...I'm gonna be really hurtin when I get older if I keep this up. I just can't take alcohol. It's true about not havin the liver enzymes :P Or I'm allergic or whatever. Cuz my BAC for my weight is pretty much anythin more than 2 drinks will do me in. New Yr's will be a decidedly sober one.

I was feelin so crappy and out of it, I slept in til almost 4. Wow. Shy calls me and I'm very not in the mood to talk about her oweing me the trip money cuz I just don't care at that point. I was plannin on loungin around the house for the rest of the day and recovering. L also calls me to go over to G's so I dragged my ass outta bed.

I made pizzas for dinner and I wasn't even gonna be home to eat them cuz I was at G's and I didn't get to really eat anythin at all cuz of my questionable stomach...except for a slice of bread, broth, and some Chookies that L gave me with her Xmas card, haha.

We watched Man On Fire, pretty good.

Oh and the guy from the club...his name's Larry. Of all things. He's from the UK and he's been here a week. He left me a msg in the afternoon...cuz my cell was off...cuz I was still sleepin :P He said he'd call me again later and he did while we were watchin the movie. Meh, didn't feel like pickin up. I don't have any more mins anyway. I'm sure he'll call again sometime cuz I don't have his number. I have call ID and I'm sure it was his but I don't go around callin randoms just to check if whoever called me was who I think it was.

I remember the dance-off circle, not realizin it was past 2 and the bar was closed, and not yellin but loud-talkin to a girl on the street that she should have pants cuz Fish in her ever-present fashion police mode was goin on about how wrong and ridiculous it was to be wearin a skirt with no pantyhose in "the dead of winter".

I still can't believe I took a shot of Jack. That was the nastiest thing I ever poured down my throat. THAT was probably the deal-sealer. Death in a shot glass is what I'd call it, shit.

Wow I'm glad I've sobered up a couple hrs ago. It woulda been too much to handle if I was still drunk and writin this.

So friggin G calls me up at 10 am for a 'wake-up call' for 11:30 to go to the travel agency. Why she did this an hr and a half before, I dunno...esp since I was half-awake when I took the call and woulda forgotten anythin she said to me and assumed it was all a dream. So after a couple agencies, we just said screw it, let's get on a computer and find somethin ourselves. Cuz the quote G got last week? Yeah, 300 somethin dollars for the trip was not happenin. And the cheapest they were comin up with was like almost $300 just for the flight! Eff that. We spent a few hrs lookin for packages online and we finally settled on a roundtrip flight with a hotel in Flushing for about $450. A lot more than we expected to pay for this trip but hey. It's gonna be interesting gettin from the hotel to Manhattan...seein that we have no clue where to go or how the fuck to get there.

I was so cranky today. I was so hungry and tired of this stuff and even tho I vowed not to go anywhere near a mall for the next 2 weeks cuz of the sheer holiday insanity, we ended up at the mall anyway to pick up Sarah from work. I wanted outta there so bad. But then we got BK and I was alright, then we picked up Heather from work too.

Me, Fish, Kim, and Cat went clubbin tonight. First we went to Distrikt but they weren't feelin it at all so we bounced and ended up at Sugar. I've never been but always wanted to try it and it's actually pretty decent. OK so I got picked up by this guy and he bought me drinks and you know you just can't turn that down. I'm really fearing I'm gonna get sick when I go to bed later on. That's why I'm stayin up and drinkin a lotta water and muchin on bread so the alcohol can leave my body :P Haha, and too many Red Bulls.