Monday, December 20, 2004

I'm gettin so excited about New York. It's gonna be so damn cold when we're standin outside watchin the ball drop in Times Square like idiots. Us vs. the weather...I like a challenge.

It's just way too damn cold out now to do anythin or go anywhere. I guess I'm holing up today so parts of me don't freeze and fall off. You know I'm talkin cold when movin from indoors just to the car is an issue. I personally don't mind that much if but if nobody else has the brass to brave it, then I'm just a lonely girl.

Shy is so adamant of givin me that money. She called me again while I was sleepin and she just dropped off the cash. She gave it to me in a sealed envelope, like it was hush money haha. And brought me a Special K bar :) They're good...except I dunno about these fruit combinations companies put out tho. Like do ppl really each peaches with berries? Apple goin with cranberry? Not bad, but I don't see the problem with stickin to just one thing. Don't get me started on pineapple on pizza :P

Larry called again. Now I'm sure it's his number but I don't feel like callin him back right now. You know it can't be one of those hey, how're you doin kinda calls cuz I just met him so it's gonna be a long gettin to know you kinda convo. Not to mention the inevitable 'what're you doin this week...want to get together/see a movie/meet up?' Yet another dude who I'd rather have as a friend. Sometimes I dunno why I even bother cuz I just end up not feelin them like that later on anyway :P I'm such a 'guy' in these things. Why are boys such girls? Haha.


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