Saturday, December 18, 2004

That was hellish. It's funny how you take for granted what normal feels like when you're just hurtin. I have no idea what that was about. Organs takin their revenge on me.

I was all set to go to the bar or whatever tonight...I'm waitin til L and G get out of their movie around midnight, and I'm havin these pains in my stomach like cramps. But I KNOW it's not cuz it's the time of the month cuz I just got it 2 weeks ago so I'm like wtf. I'm ovulating or some shit? :P I dunno, but it hurt and it was ruinin my drinks for me! Had no choice but to just to go Timmy's. Blah.

Now I'm eatin some tomato soup. At least it doesn't hurt anymore.

Tomorrow night better make up for it. In the afternoon we're gonna go to the travel agency and book our tickets for New Yr's. Please please please let things work out. I still have no idea what's goin on with P and Kim and Cat comin.


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