Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Kim just rang my doorbell and gave my school ID cards back without callin she was comin or even askin for me at the door. Who does that? Haha. That jackass. I'm sittin right here and she doesn't even talk to me :P I don't even know what she was usin them for...I don't ask, haha. She wasn't even fully explainin it to me. I was like, huh? Yeah yeah, just take them, haha. I'm sure whatever it was, it wasn't gonna get me arrested or anythin so I don't think I need to know.

I think we're goin to a bar tonight. Hmmmm...soda for this girl! THIS SUCKS!! Haha.

I did my nails finally. I know that sounds like a complete stupid girly girl thing to say but really, it's an effort cuz I have to cut them and file them and shape them. Notice I didn't say trim. I dunno what it is about my nails but they grow unusually fast. It's like they don't wanna be kept down :P They weren't like Jackie Joyner Kersey talons but long scratch your eyes out I guess. Give it a month and they're right back to the length they were before. That's why it's such a chore cuz I hafta do it every so often. Hence, me just lettin them grow.

"Feelin sexyyyyyyyyy!"


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