Friday, December 19, 2003

So I woke up today and I feel even crappier than before. I somehow got sick in the middle of the night. I had the chills so I put on a long sleeve top over my normal T and PJ pants. Wasn't enough so I had to get up outta bed and put on another top. So. Cold. So turns out I have a fever and even worse of a stuffed nose, on top of bein on the rag. Fuckin hell. Fever's pretty much gone but I still feel like shit. I think the cold med's makin me drowsy. I was supposed to go to STC again with L today but of course I got deathly sick. The moms woulda never let me outta the house the way I was anyway, haha. "Stay home and rest!" No arguments here.

At least I got all the shoppin outta the way. I went bananas at Square One yesterday. Got me the boots (I wear an 8! Me! With the size 6 kicks, max!), jeans from Bluenotes, jeans from AE. Finally got some Zig Zags, haha. Thought better of the digital keychain camera and the DVDs. In time, in time.

I was gettin cranky cuz I just need calories or somethin, plus I couldn't breathe much thru my nose again but they wanted to go to Mr. Greek's then Timmy's (where me and L were runnin for shotgun [we're gay, I know] and P came outta nowhere runnin too and bodychecked when I was almost to the car and just about sent me flyin into the sideview mirror. That girl should play hockey. Didn't even know what hit me, I just knew I almost got flattened on an unmovin vehicle, haha...and the dude in the Brinks truck parked next to us probably saw it all :P) so that was a long ass day yesterday.

I think G really will kill one of us one day. Probably some day soon LOL And that one will most likely be L. I'm tellin you, take her art tools away cuz she'll use 'em...and not for carvin clay. She's gonna snap and then we'll be sorry, haha. It's always the quiet ones, eh? What's so very funny tho is, now I know how to make her do things: threaten her with singin Milkshake by Kelis, haha. She hates it and it will NOT get outta your head...and it doesn't help that it plays every 10 mins on the radio :P I thought it was annoying and dumb as hell at first too but now I like it :) "My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard and they're like, it's better than yours, damn right it's better than yours, I can teach you but I haf take charge!" Then she'd be like, noooooo! OK OK, I'll do it! Just shut up! Mwahaha, the power.

Aw, my tummy feels funny and I kinda feel nauseous. Haven't been drinkin so...err?? LOL K I think I'm about to pass out so peace.

Thursday, December 18, 2003

Feria Power Reds, my ass :P I dyed my hair but you can't really tell that much. I left it on a bit longer than it said but it still didn't turn out so Burgundy Blowout. You can see it in the light but meh. But holy crap, the stuff looked like friggin blood. With the gloves on, I looked like I killed someone :P I was in the shower for like half an hr rinsing the colour out. At least it smelled really nice til G made us go to Timmy's so I got that coffee shop smell on me, bleh.

My bed's colourful tho, heehee. I put Xmas lights around my bed and the floor :) It looks hype!

Oh last night I had to make do without papers so I had to improvise. Let's just say, old cig filters and a Bic pen cap LOL Genius!

Tuesday, December 16, 2003

I got in the bathtub (to take a shower :P) and I swear I smelled weed. Either someone was doin a Jamaican hotbox or I've got bong water in my pipes. Haha...pipes...bong. Anyway.

I can't breathe much thru my nose cuz I somehow got friggin dirty cold germs. Figures, just as we get the snow. I had a sore throat a couple days ago but luckily that went away cuz I kinda knew it was comin so I gargled like crazy and chewed on some Alpine gum.

K right now I have this, I dunno, taste? in my mouth like I ate cotton candy...but I didn't. Well not really taste, I can't explain it. Kinda like a smell but it's in your throat but then again, kinda like a memory. Like when you smell a certain somethin and it brings about a certain memory. Yeah now I sound like I've been breathin in too much of whatever that was in the bathroom. I can hear colours!

Monday, December 15, 2003

I just spent the afternoon doin up the Xmas tree and stringin lights up around the stairs (I got up earlier today...this is why I don't, cuz I end up with nuthin to do :P). Takes some work this holiday decoratin stuff lemme tell ya. But it looks good :D I'm such a dork. I got all excited about the pretty colours...and then they startin blinkin. 6 yr old here! LOL I'm gonna put lights in my room, haha.

It snowed snowed yesterday so we didn't end up goin to Square One but hit up Town Centre again. 5 girls on a shoppin trip, look out. I dunno how but we spent like 7 hrs at the mall. Got there about 1ish and by the time it was 5, we still hadn't even done the lower level yet LOL I tried on a whole wack of stuff but I only came out with Silk & Satin PJs and an Old Navy top and hat. Thought I'd go diff by gettin a red shirt, haha. Figures there'd be paint or whatever it is on the inside so I gotta go exchange it :P

Still got jeans, boots, and maybe a few more tops to get. I keep havin to remind myself to get long-sleeved shirts cuz it's winter but I always end up lookin at Tshirts still :P And I want longer legs! It's a bitch to find the right jeans cuz they usually fit but then they're super long. And I don't like to hem them. 1)It looks retarded 2)It usually takes away from the flare 3)It takes time and sometimes it costs too, meh.