Thursday, May 04, 2006

L came over to my house yesterday for some quality time, haha. We were drivin to get somethin to eat and saw Ali (Nadia's bro Ali) walkin home. We yelled out the window at him and asked if he wanted a ride...his house was literally a 2 min walk away, haha.

Me and L went to McD's, then to the mall, then back to the plaza near work. We kept the activities very very local, haha.

It was nice out at night so we went for a long walk to work off all the crap we ate :P As I was smokin the cigs that L wouldn't let Deb have, haha. But it's OK, I had already realized that I'm not able to pick up smokin again. I'm pretty over it, my lungs and throat have gone without for a while so I can't really get used it anymore. But we had a really good conversation (or actually many different random conversations) as we strolled around a large section of town, haha.

Frig. I had bitten the inside of my mouth while at work the other day (I was eatin a chocolate bar while on the floor so I guess that's my lesson) and I bit the exact same spot like 3 times yesterday. I think I was just chewin gum and you know when you've bitten the inside of your mouth or your tongue and it seems like that part just keeps gettin in the way? I accidentally chomped on that wound repeatedly! The last time hurt like HELL. I actually had to stop and just stand there cuz I was so stunned in pain. I could tell it was about to swell and of course it was bleeding. L was lookin at clothes and was half talkin to herself and half out loud to me and was like, "What do you think of this dress?"...*looks at me*..."I know you don't care right now..." LOL

It's my brother's bday today. Happy bday, Slim ;) Pretty unbelievable that he's 18. He can buy lottery tickets and VOTE, my god.

It's also kinda hard to believe that I've been outta school for a yr now. I remember the exact day I had my last final essay to hand in (no exams, exxxcellent): April 15. I guess from then til July was just waitin for the actual graduation. And from then til about Oct, I was just fuckin around, haha. I really don't know what I was doin every day of my life for months and months but I'm sure I was very glad doin it.

I'm so takin a vacation next month. As well as takin off this May 24 weekend.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

My general manager had called my cell and my house today and left msgs askin if I could come in to cover the morning shift cuz Ali had called in sick (my ass, he completely didn't show up for yesterday's shift either). I don't use that cell anymore, it's pretty much an answering machine cuz I didn't get voicemail for the phone I have now, and the GM had called in the morning so I was obviously sleepin and didn't pick up the house line. Haha, I feel bad but at the same time not really cuz it wasn't my shift and I think it's wack to for me to get up for a shift for stupid Ali then do my own at night 4 hrs later. He's so fired :P Unless he quits first, which is probably a good thing anyway cuz he's kinda useless and brings down the dept's numbers but then again, they'd hafta find someone else after keepin him on after seasonal. And then I won't have anybody who has a worse PSP rate and generally lower sales than me, haha.

Anyway, I came in today earlier cuz Clarence said he wanted to meet with me before my shift started. But he wasn't even around cuz I guess he forgot he told me this. I was all prepared for this little meeting cuz I've been actually doin well this time around so I couldn't be touched, haha.

Can I get a what what for today! Sales were good and I got PSP *Dances* This awesome couple bought a load of stuff from me and it was pretty effortless. And strange thing, they live on my street. They were nice and patient and had a sense of humour. Dream customers. I actually want to hug them, haha. Everythin just felt so good today. I'm flyin.

Well it's May. Prepare for spring fever...once the nice weather starts, ppl just seem to get a little crazier. You can tell when it's gettin warm out when you start hearin the bass of car stereos thumpin outside, haha. I never hear it when it's autumn or still relatively OK weather. I can understand not in the winter but...why do ppl crank their music only when the sun is blazin? Hmm.

It's my brother's bday on Thurs and G's on Fri. Dammit, gotta get presents. I forgot about actually havin to buy things. Speakin of, I also forgot that my credit card expired at the end of April. I have the new one but I hadn't gotten around to activating it. Good thing I haven't gone shoppin recently cuz I would've been usin a card that didn't work. That would have been embarassing :P

Today and tomorrow off, yay. Think I WILL go shoppin :)

I'm currently waitin for a zip file of Godwin's 30STM's pictures that he has finally sent me. My internet's bein slow and this thing is takin FOREVAR! It's been an hr and it still has about 1/4 to go. Meanwhile, I'm very into Angels & Airwave's "The Adventure" and the song from the Telus Spark commercial which I found out is called "Martell" by the Cribs. You'll like, trust.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Work really has taken over my life. This is why I was in no rush to be done university and get out there in the world on the career path :P I don't know why you'd wanna cut down your time in post-secondary education just to start workin. Unless you already know what you wanna do and you find somethin right away and you really like it...but what are the chances of that?? The mission to finish school early just means you add on another yr of work and honestly, you'll be workin the REST OF YOUR LIFE. What's the difference between 39 yrs and 40 yrs? At least take that one yr for yourself, to have some fun. Take your time!

Or maybe I'm just delayed but whatever.

Geez, I haven't gone out out since that weekend of the Aussies. Sad. Nuthin Fri night, but I think that was just a lack of effort on comin up with ideas. I didn't end up havin to take Evan's shift on Sat morning so that was a big "Thank GOD!"

I got cocky about how much I made during the week that I was all, I can make next to nothing and I'll be fine. Then I realized I had to at least try cuz I still had a small amount of $10 or so :P And I definitely made that so I finally and officially had a good sales week! I can be like a little kid showin their mom what they just made and go to Clarence and be like, "Look! Look!"

My shift was supposed to be done at 7:30 and I was pretty pleased that I didn't hafta close that night. It meant I could chill for a bit when I got home and eat and shower and take my time gettin ready before headin out. I was all hyped...Sat night, finally, I'm gettin off earlier, goin clubbin or whatever.

First, I was at work anothe hr or so I had to cover at cash. It was a whole 'someone at Customer Service hadn't gone on their lunch yet so they needed to take their half hr, and someone had to cover at Customer Service, so they needed someone else at cash and poor Ty the closing manager couldn't find anyone cuz it was just a poor scheduling thing'. So I was bein nice...cuz I was done and I don't get paid for this :P

Yeah, I didn't even go out! I was so close. I was on the phone with Al, G and L separately and we were settled on hittin a bar and we were almost to the point of gettin ready and headin out but my sleepiness got the best of me. I had called Al about an hr earlier about plans and she had just gotten up from a nap and was in her jammies. When I got off the phone with her, she was sayin "OK, guess I'll change my clothes". I was tired from the beginning of all this but I was determined to go out and figured I just needed motivation. I was all, I'm sure I'll get energized later on. But I was just so sluggish and thinkin about how I needed to be up in the morning for work just won over me. I called Al back and was like, are you still in your PJs? Good, stay in them, haha. I suck.

And then a whole 'nother day of work on Sun. I was expecting better traffic and sales but it was a surprisingly slow day too. Our morning 'meeting' consisted of talkin about tea for half an hr. I love when Ty and Jim are the managers...they don't care, you can do anythin. Everythin's so much more relaxed. Then Clarence came in and it was back to business.

Sun night was the only time I semi went out. Deb was bouncin off the walls at home so she just wanted me and L to come out with her for a bit. To Starbucks we went, except it was retardedly busy so we went to Timothy's. I had a Kahlua Latte cuz I was attracted to the concept of 'hey if I can have somethin alcoholic-y with my coffee, why not?' But that'll teach me cuz it kinda made me sick later on.

Today was actually decent. I kind of made up for yesterday since I came up short. Oh baby, if I could be on lock for these 2 weeks, then it's a paycheque without subsidy! That's a big deal. I think I've had that...once.

Dare I say it? Today was good. I got PSP, I made enough for my shift, and besides the periods of boredom at the beginning, it was fun with the boys near the end. It's all guys except for me and Shalaine so it gets kind of ridiculous when we're closing.

I got a pricey camera for Pris' brother Kenny on staff purchase (it was on the dl...he gave me cash and I was dealin out like $1200 in bills, haha), stopped by their house so I chatted with Pris for a bit. I had to play it off that I was buyin it for friend as a present *wink* ("You get your friends thousand dollar cameras??" LOL) so it was all under my code, with my name on the warranty plan, and I had to be the one takin it and not Kenny carryin it out. Not that anybody in the store really cared but I hope nobody at head office or whatever combs over the paperwork and smells somethin fishy cuz they've been really crackin down on unauthorized purchases and schemes to get friends and anybody else who kinda knows you to get discounts.

I wrote a lot. I'm goin to bed. Absolutely sleepin in tomorrow.