Thursday, April 13, 2006

3 whole days freeeee from work! Amazing. I don't even remember the last time I had a Fri, Sat, and Sun off all in a row. I can actually not have to wait til it's closing time so I can leave to go out or worry about gettin up the next morning.

I was all, I have a real long weekend startin from Thurs after 4! Thank god for the break cuz my today was just EARNING it. It was quite the shift. This particular customer (I won't bust out with the details cuz that'd just take about 30 sentences), holy crap. I'm sorry but old ppl...they have a hard time understanding you and they can be so stubborn. Oh you know it. You know it when you have to chalk up a misunderstanding to the fact that they're old. I dunno what it is, senility or whatever, but yeah. I didn't say ALL old ppl, maybe not necessarily most but...enough of them to make that generalization, haha.

So then as I was tryin to make enough commission for this week to be above subsidy, Clarence calls me into the office for those dreaded and stressing weekly meetings/talks/whatever to go over my numbers. Sometimes I think the man wants me to draw blood from a rock. There's, like, no winning. There is never 100% satisfaction. Anyway, always after those meetings I'm hatin on Clarence and gettin those feelings of wanting to quit. Then I remembered I didn't have to deal with any of that til Mon so then I was, eff this!

All after Clarence callin me off the floor while I still had half an hr of my shift, to have this meeting for more than a half an hr about how I'm not makin enough sales. Does that make sense! And yet of course, I still didn't get to leave. I had to have the friggin car back in time for my mom to get to work and it's almost 5 and I have to put away some shit that I didn't get to and cover for Kane while he had his 5 min meeting with Clarence. SO...I couldn't even use any extra time between 4 (the time I'm supposed to be done) and 5 (the absolute maximum time I have to leave) to grab any sales to help my commission. Fuck's sake.

I'm now headin out to watch the Leafs game and I'm gonna get reminded of what fun is like this weekend. Holla.

Monday, April 10, 2006

2 week gap in my blog...must be a new record for me, haha. The length of this post may also be a new record :P

God, what have I been doin? Oh yeah, I wanted to write about it still awes me how life can do a complete 180 so quickly. I don't remember the specific details but that last weekend that I posted, I was havin SUCH a horrible day. One where I just wanted to quit my job and was reflecting on everythin and felt like I was nowhere near successful at many things in life. It was basically "what the fuck?"

Then it all took a big flip and I dunno, I couldn't believe what a change it was. It was like things just righted themselves. And then I was fine. Which was so good cuz I really didn't wanna deal with shit.

Anyway, that weekend was sweet enough. Me, G, and Al went out to Lot 332 for the first time. WICKED time. We met a whole bunch of guys, some of which escape me cuz I think I was honestly too tipsy that night (on top of the fact that I have a bad memory to start with). Drivin home I was lookin at pictures on my camera that we took and I was like, who's this guy with me?? Haha. It wasn't just names, I didn't even remember meetin this particular person but at least Al did so she kindly reminded me :P

So I hooked up with a guy named Anthony. Long story short, we played a lot of phone tag since he was from out of town and even tho he had my cell number, the only contact I have for him is his friend's home phone. Anthony wanted to get together that Sat night but I worked til close and I was a lame ass and was too tired to do anythin that night. He called to do somethin on Sun night after I closed again but it was pretty much him callin me twice while I was at work so I missed him, me callin him back and no one answering, and that was that. *Shrug*

Ummm...more work all week. I'm sure there's a story of drama with that somewhere but I can't think of it right now. Meh! Same old, same old.

Oh! This might qualify as dumbest criminals ever. So there were these 2 guys who had made off with 13 or somethin iPods somehow. The store later realized this after it was too late and everybody had become aware of what happened. Pictures of the guys from the security tape were posted at all the tills so that everybody knew what they looked like. Same guys came in last week. A few associates noticed them and slowly most of the store realized or got tipped. I heard and sure enough, a whole bunch of them were subtly followin/watchin them. It was for sure them. They were wearin almost EXACTLY the same outfits they had on in the pictures! One guy: white kicks, different ball cap turned to the side, leather jacket with distinct design. Other guy: Baggy clothes, black puffy North Face vest.

OK, first...who comes back to the same store that they stole from previously? Second, WHY would you wear the same clothes you were wearin the first time you did it??? You are the dumbest shoplifters. Talk about makin it easy to catch you. Idiots. You got those iPods, all you had to do was never go back there again.

I was watchin what any of the managers would do but I just saw those guys makin their way around the entire store peekin at all the departments. Obviously they weren't buyin but checkin for a second haul :P Then they just left the store. I was like, so they're just gonna walk out?? They stole last time and you have the guys now but nothing's gonna happen? Apparently the cops were called but they weren't gettin there fast enough. Some guys from Home Theatre followed the 2 guys in a car and got their licence plate. I personally think it would've been better to have a direct arrest, haha. Who knows? The car could've not been theirs or stolen. Or they might not even get those iPods recovered. Whatevs.

What else, what else? I got together with P, who I hadn't seen since that dinner...situation. We caught up and went to Q's like back in the day. We smoked in the car then played some pool. Didn't see any of the old Q boys except for Ali. But that night was like a step back in time, when we used to go a lot.

Thurs, 30 Seconds to Mars concert!! Except it was more than a concert, it was a Jared Leto stalkin day, haha. Me and Godwin headed downtown in the afternoon cuz the band was gonna be at the Edge studio as well as Muchmusic. At Edge they did an on-air interview and then they signed stuff for the fans that were there and took pix and whatnot. So I got Jared and Matt the bassist's autograph and YES, I got a picture with sexy Jared Leto. I know I sound like a groupie or whatever but I'd just like to say that I had my arm around him and his was around me. I touched him!! Haha. Godwin was just as excited as me, maybe more cuz he has such a man-crush on him LOL I said, "'re bein a teenage girl right now." Haha. His friend Daniel met up with us there cuz he was comin to the concert too.

Then we went over to Much for their Much On Demand segment. They came to the window and were outside for a bit so we got amazingly close pictures. I think me and Godwin got on TV too, haha.

Later on we trekked to the Guvernment for the show. It got a lot colder in the evening and we were freezin. We were in line for an hr or somethin, I don't remember, I just know it was forever. Frickin Matt signed all over the bar code of all places on my ticket at Edge. His autograph was some ridiculously thick scribble in silver felt-tip pen that was pretty much like a tight 'M' written 4 times with no spaces, coverin the entire bar code. I was like, what is THAT? and me and Godwin were like, uh oh, what if they can't scan it? Maybe they won't scan but will tear off the stub? Maybe? Haha. So when I took out my ticket for the bouncer, he was like, "Ohhh...BAD place to get it signed." I was like, I KNOW! It's not my fault, I don't know why he signed there! And there I am holdin up the line and Godwin and Daniel are just like, way to go! Haha. But the bouncer punched in the number manually so it was OK.

There were 3 freakin opening bands and I had stand for all of them cuz Godwin wanted to be superfan close as possible. I didn't know any of them or heard their music ever. It was an interesting mix. But the last opener, OMG. Aiden. I was like, who the hell calls their band a generic, boring name like Aiden? Turns out they're some hardcore goth-rock band with makeup, throat screams, and everythin. Holy shit. I wasn't really feelin their songs but not only that, they were all about the crowd participation. I mean, I liked their energy and their involvement with the audience but fuck, I just wanted their set to be over so I could not be assaulted anymore :P There were endless demands to mosh and crowd surf and it was just a sea of madness. We were pushed and shoved and kicked and squashed. I get that ppl wanna get into it and this is a rock and show, etc. but puhleeze. Goin out of your way to smash into others or get yourself hurt on purpose is retarded. If someone accidentally bumped you in the street, you'd give them death looks or shoot them if they looked at you weird...and you want to intentionally get bruised and knocked around?? Crazy mofos. Aiden even made the crowd do a Braveheart scene where the singer parted us into halves and told them to RUN AT EACHOTHER. Are you out of your mind??? I was just like, OMG Winnie, I'm gonna die, haha. Cuz Godwin's like 6 foot somethin and a guy so he'd be OK but he protected me alright so I didn't get killed.

Besides all the physical assault, it was a good show. 30's set was way too short tho. And they had us waitin for an hr after Aiden left before they came on, geez. I couldn't even leave my spot to get a drink from the bar or anythin cuz gettin thru that crowd was like movin cement. And the band surprisingly played about half their set with songs from their first album, which wasn't so great for me since I only have their 2nd. Ah well, wicked energy, nice lights, LOUD ass sound. Jared stage-dove into the crowd and landed right in front of us and me and Godwin had to touch him, haha. That's right, Jared almost fell on me, haha.

Did I mention that I also got splashed in the face with water THREE times? Yup. Once from the Aiden singer and the others from ppl in the crowd who caught Aiden and 30's water bottles and whipped their contents out. They were full-on douses to my face. Didn't really love that. I was like, my camera! Nooo! The last time Godwin was behind me and asked if I got hit and I turned around and my face is dripping like I was caught in the rain. He's like, oh man, haha.

I'm really glad I went but I don't think I'll go to another. You know what they say, it's good to experience everythin at least once :P I wanted to hear what their music sounded like live but I won't lie, I just as much wanted the pictures of Jared, haha.

Review over! :P I knew I was gonna get home late that night so I gave me availability as 11 am the next morning cuz I always open on Fridays at 10. Apparently I'm the only one who can do it cuz they just scheduled me as 11 with nobody coverin the dept for an hr, haha.

Al went to Texas to visit J and Chris before they moved back here. J quit his job there so they were sellin their place and car and Al had always wanted to make a trip to Austin to experience life in the South so she headed down there earlier than anticipated cuz we all thought they'd still be there til Sept or so. Al had a hilarious list of things to do like go to a hoe-down, try squirrel fishin, and ride a mechanical bull :P I asked her to bring me back a shot glass and she got me a double shooter. "Things are bigger in Texas!" Hee.

Fri was a Pink 'Live @ Much' event. The girl Melody who I met at the Yellowcard showcase asked me if I wanted to go with her since she had another ticket that she won and I wasn't doin anythin Fri night so I was like, sure why not. Except that work went later than usual as always and I really didn't think I could make it downtown in time for it esp since audience members had to be there earlier to be situation and whatever. I probably missed bein let in by 10 mins. I had just gotten in the CHUM building and they were still settin up but I knew any of the security ppl would be anal about it and most likely wouldn't let me in so I didn't even try askin without lookin like a teenybopper fangirl makin up stories about how "my friend's in there, I swear" :P Instead I asked if there was any way that the security guy could go in and find her and bring her out to me so it wouldn't seem like I was tryin sneak in or somethin. He was all, no...there's about 200 ppl in there. Of course, it was said in the way that you know they technically could if they gave a rat's ass but won't help you out cuz it'd require effort. I tried spottin her thru the windows but I couldn't see her and all cell phones had to be left in the other room so there was no way to talk to her. Whatevs. It was rainin and I wasn't gonna stand out there watchin Pink from outside and I wasn't gonna back home after comin downtown for nothing so I chilled at Chapters and went to the Eaton Centre to shop around. Figured I'd meet up with Melody after the show was done. I did catch her an hr later so me, her, and her mom went to Cafe Crepes. They are so crazy, Mel and her mom.

I think it was the weekend of flop cuz things just weren't goin right, haha. Sat night was Cat's bday thing. They were goin to Devil's Martini (which by archived posts, I'm sure you'd find some entry with me bitchin how much I hate that place cuz it's always packed and they keep ppl waitin in line for HOURS without movin...and it's not even all that). So Cat was goin early at 9:30 so they'd make it in but I figured I'd never make it cuz I had to work past 9 depending on how fast I could get my closin tasks done, and I had to get ready and get downtown and such. Al offered to go later and drive me so at least if I did have to stand in line, I wouldn't be by myself :P And apparently she knew somebody from work who knew someone who was a bouncer for Devil's so we'd have an in and not wait in line. I was like, hmm...I know a person who knows a person...your friend better not be lyin!

We get there and happen to see Shreena and Audrey in line and waited with them. Cat was already inside and Kim and co. were at the front of the line, but couldn't see them cuz it was just THAT LONG. Fuckin ridiculous. I dunno what I was expecting, to actually get in at 11:30? So the entrance is pretty much in a alley and Al shouted from behind the barricade at some bouncer/security guy about Nick, the guy who was supposedly a bouncer there too. He said Nick didn't work there anymore. WTF! There went that idea. So we waited for about an hr and made some friends with some guys in front of us but it was clear there was no way we'd come anywhere close to the door and if we did, it'd be by last call. Kim got in eventually but we said eff it, called Cat to say sorry and happy bday, and jetted.

I had no problems goin home already cuz I had to be at work at 9 the next morning, haha but Al was all, no! It's Sat night! We paid $15 parking for the hr that we were there so we're like ska-rew, we're not goin somewhere else downtown and payin another $20. So back uptown it is! We tried goin to the Honest Lawyer but it was crazy busy too and Al was gettin peeved by now, haha. I think we tried somewhere else but I don't remember. We ended up at Milestone's for dessert and they were closin in half an hr cuz it was past 1 at this point, haha.

I still made it home kinda late and I wasn't happy at all that I had to get up at 8. Freakin 2 hr morning meeting on top of my shift on Sun. It wasn't so terrible tho cuz Annie, Travis, Godwin, and them were all there cuz the meeting was mandatory (go to either the Sat or Sun one) and there was breakfast so :P

Richard was comin into our dept temporarily so it was interesting when it was just me and him left for the last half of the day. But he's not on commission so he gave his sales to me :) 9 hrs that day, gah. So tired.

It was also Meen's bday but she's not doin anythin til Fri. Cat's actual bday is today too but we haven't gotten the chance to celebrate it yet.

Today's shift was the regular 6-9 shift. That I can handle, except for the sucky fact that I never make money on these. At least I got my GST cheque! I love unexpected income! I completely forgot that it was April and our quarterly cheques were comin. It should cover a really really good night out, haha.

And that about covers life so far. In all its descriptive daily detail, haha. Ciao.