Friday, February 10, 2006

FD3 was alright. It's a sequel, what can you do. More gory deaths and I will admit my heart jumped at this one part where the dude's propellor-sliced head suddenly and dramatically fell off when it was sittin there all bloody and still for a few seconds.

Don't watch this movie and go on a roller coaster anytime soon :P What wasn't cool was the ending...and we had to take the subway home! If you see it, you'll understand.

Me and L had gone to the Eaton Centre before the movie and I didn't end up buyin anythin. We went to the mall again today and again, I came home with nothing! Well, I got some hair dye and Sobe drinks and stuff but not any clothes I wanted.

I saw Kevin from hs at the mall. It's weird how I haven't seen him once in yrs, between the time we graduated and since I've started workin at FS, and now I've seen him about 4 times.

I'll get a DVD or two at work tomorrow :P At least I'm gettin off at 5:30 so I might actually be able to do somethin Sat night. Unlike today, cuz even tho I was finished at 2, I've got to be at work at 9 tomorrow. An hr before the store opens? Whyyyy? I hope we don't have a frickin hr long morning meeting.

Today was pretty decent tho, I gotta say. Good thing for the $99 SD memory card...easy commissions! I actually made break-even money. As in, total commissions for the number of hrs I worked for a shift equalling at least minimum wage per hr, haha. It's not that I get paid like that but I don't want subsidy, I wanna earn it :P

Pay day! Tho this week's stub was the lowest one ever, aside from the first days of training :S Oh well.

I'm aiming for a midnight bedtime but I know that won't happen. Got tapes and a DVD to watch ;)

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Yesterday was better. That's more like it! I had decent sales for a Wed in the middle of Feb and I sold PSP finally, haha. Godwin came to visit me at work so that killed some time. I saw Jamie from hs in the store. You can never say his name normally, it has to be "Jamie Loooooo!" Haha.

I got a double pass to the premiere of Final Destination 3 from Al. I'll be goin with L after she's done work today. Me like free goodies. Hopefully we can get some shoppin in before headin downtown for the movie. I should go re-watch FD2 cuz I don't remember what happened in that one :P I knew there was a good reason for buyin it!

I should go change outta my PJs too, ha.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Well, there's that down that I was talkin about! Gah, I think I had the worst shift ever. Here I thought I was gonna have a breezy 5-9 shift today. Ali called in sick, Kane was gone for the day, and Evan had emailed the manager that he needed the day off to study for an exam, so that meant I had to cover. I hadn't heard anythin about it til I talked to Evan online. Then I checked my voicemail and the manager had called in the morning to ask if I could come in earlier. So I go to work at 4. No one was in my dept but it was pretty quiet in the store and there's always someone from the computers dept to cover so it didn't matter.

The first thing that went wrong was I forgot my locker key at home, just as I got there. That meant I couldn't get to my name tag lanyard, my PSP pamphlets, my PSP price booklet, my pens, and my sticky-note pad. Soooo, I had nothing. I had to pick up a new booklet and pamphlets and borrow a pen from Kristen. And I needed my sticky-pad so many times!

So I kept gettin cell phone questions and queries and I didn't know how to help these customers cuz I don't handle the cell stuff.

I couldn't find these specific memory cards this guy was lookin for even tho the computer said we had some and I searched all over and looked like I didn't know what I was doin.

Then there was another cell phone situation where this man needed to get a replacement cuz he's had 2 defective units already and blah blah blah. He wasn't exactly rude to me but it wasn't a happy time. I had to get Jim involved cuz he was acting manager that day. They started to raise their voices. Oh man, I think the guy was about this close to losin his shit :S I mean, it didn't get ugly but it looked like it was goin in that direction and all I could do was stand around and watch it happen.

At the end of the night, this sweet lady was askin about PDAs and I was glad to help her but the store was about to close and she was rushin and said she'd be back after she researched some models herself. Then she found what she needed with an Open Box model she got from the OB/demo table and grabbed it and dashed off to the front. I didn't know she was buyin it and she just jetted so quick. The only till that was still open was the one at Customer Service and it looked like she got it. Not only was that a sale but it was an OB sale which the managers always push for. Balls.

That was that. So I didn't have any time to get a spare battery for my cordless phone or Wallace & Gromit: Curse of the Were-Rabbit cuz it just came out. Besides everythin, I sold next to nothing so it was an overall crappy day. It really coulda been worse but it's just been one of those days that didn't leave you feelin good. Oh, then when I got home, I wanted some orange juice. I was bein a slob and didn't wanna use a cup so I just poured it into my mouth without puttin my lips to it. I guess I had my head back too far or I just over-poured really fast cuz I choked on it and spilled some on the floor. It got into my nasal passages or sinuses or whatever and it hurt. I almost drowned in OJ :P Yes I brought it on myself but

And here I thought Mon was goin so well. I had gotten all my errands done and then me and Godwin went out to Jack Astor's. We ate and had awesome conversation and I made him get and love this girly drink that Jack Ass makes. The roads were still unplowed and he's a crazy driver so it was both freaky and hilarious. It was good times. And I was buzzed so that made it triple-funny to me.

"OMG we're gonna die."
"Yes, yes we are."
"Nice last words, Godwin."

And then that was the end of the fun :P Work tomorrow, yay.

Monday, February 06, 2006

I haven't gone shoppin, booo. It's been snowin since last night and it's built up a lot. I don't even know if me and Godwin are gonna make it out drinkin tonight, haha. Snow won't stop meeeee!

Oh man, I slept in til like 2 today, it was great. Well I guess today will be errand catch-up day. I have a bitchload of laundry to do, includin work clothes. I've never let my room get this cluttered. I can't even sit in my hair anymore cuz there are so many clothes on/in/over it. I've watched most of my show tapes tho. I was about 2 weeks behind on "Dead Like Me" (altho it's kinda old now anyway since we get American cable shows like 3 seasons later...I just found out from Kristen [entertainment dept] that it's actually been cancelled, wtf!)

I'm slightly bored so I've scanned my autographed Yellowcard CD cover and ticket stub. I really had to figure out who's signature was who's. The whole band signed the album sleeve and I got Ryan Mendez and Sean to sign the ticket. Sick.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Wow, I've been feelin so lazy today. All during my shift I was all, *YAWN* Then me and Evan decided that since yawning was a result of the body's lack of oxygen, we should just breathe more and we'd stop, haha. Work was just blah. I think I start losin it when I work there enough times in a row :P Thank god for days off. At least L started to work again so we went to lunch together. It was goin pretty cruddy with the commissions but then it started pickin up towards the end and I got a couple good camcorder and camera sales to fatten that up. No PSP! Me and Evan suck! Haha.

There was a guy still in the store 15 mins after we were closed and I had no choice but to help him cuz that's just "good customer service" :P Jim was tryin to signal me that he was one of those 'rental' ppl, as in customers who buy products only to use them and then return them before the 14 or 30 days policy is up. I didn't know what he was tryin to tell me, esp since I was in the middle of talkin with the guy. He wanted to buy a camcorder and Jim was warnin me that he might be only gettin it cuz he was just askin Jim about a DVD model cuz he had to convert stuff from his mini DVs or whatever. So Jim ended up callin me on the extension and told me, haha. It would've been nice if the guy was buyin it for real cuz everybody likes a good camcorder commission but I wasn't riskin it. I hush-hush told Evan to come over behind the cages on the other side of the kiosk to ask him what to do and it all felt kinda sinister, haha. I go to ring up the camcorder and I'm like, oh did you close the till already, Evan? He's like, oh yeah...just go up to the front. *Wink wink* Haha...the thing was, he really did close it...but it was just some funny theatrics.

So if I went up to the front and one of the CSRs rang it up, then it wouldn't be bad if they got a return cuz they don't have sales targets or work on commissions. If I had done it under my code and it came back, I would've taken the hit...and a big return really really hurts. I almost speed-walked ahead of the customer to make it there so he wouldn't hear me when I whispered to Sarah at cash, "Don't put it under my name! Don't put it under my name!" "Don't?" *Shakes my head furiously* Haha.

Well that was as exciting as it got today. I still think I haven't hit the 'down' slope yet. Which is good...but I'm probably jinxin myself :P

No Superbowl party tonight. Not that I particularily mind cuz I don't actually care for football but gettin together to watch TV for the commercials and half-time show (not that I care about the Stones either) and eatin lots and watchin men in athletic uniforms is fun.

I've been sleepin really fucked up lately and it's bad for me. I dozed off while watchin TV cuz I guess I was too tired elderly of me.

I have an urge to just splurge cuz sometimes I just wanna do irresponsible things like that, haha. While at work I had a yearning to go buy that MP3 player I had my eye on, some DVDs, and other things I don't need at all, but I didn't. I haven't bought much since I've started workin and actually HAVE money, which is ironic cuz I always moaned before about how I didn't have money and I wanted to buy all this stuff :P I'll be shoppin tomorrow, oh yes.

Well today was craptacular. Bad sales-wise at work, got a paper cut, had a crustomer, and was there for 8 hrs. It wasn't too too bad cuz I had Dini, Godwin, Evan, and Annie there and for like the last hr before closin, the store was empty and we stood around and chatted. Then I couldn't start my car cuz the battery was dead, cuz apparently I had left my lights on. Had to call my dad to boost the car. And it was rainin like hell. Perfect. So I don't even get home til almost 10, it's still rainin, I know we're not gonna go out or do anythin so I'm all, that's it...I'm stayin in and watchin my DVDs! Plus I'm workin tomorrow open til close, just me and Evan. Blah.

And OMG, I got asked out at work! Who does that? I was helpin some brown guy (who, I might add, was not ugly but he wasn't anythin attractive to me...I mean, someone that I'd never consider dating...I don't even know how old he was, a lot older than me!). He was just buyin blank tapes and he started makin chit-chat about random things and I thought it was strange we were havin this lengthy conversation and I was kinda inchin to go back to see if there were other ppl to help. I was like, OK I made about 40 cents from you, now move on! Then he asked for a number he could reach me at so I assumed it was for the store so I gave him my business card with my dept's extension numbers on it. Then half an hr later, the manager was around the dept for some reason or another runnin about and he happened to pick up the phone. He called me over and said I had a phone call. Yeah, it was that guy. I don't even remember his name so I have no idea what he said...he was like, I was just in the store, whatever whatever, did you want to go out for coffee? I was so stunned, I didn't know what to say. That's just WEIRD. I said I was workin til close and he was like, oh I didn't mean today, like sometime next week or somethin. Oh Mylanta. I told him I didn't think it was a good idea (I was this close to just sayin I had a bf :P) and then I said I was busy with customers so call back later or somethin. Kinda creepy. Imagine if he had my real number.

Still, I can somehow say things aren't on that downward direction that they seem to take. It's that roller coaster of ups and downs (specifically those inevitable downs after the ups). It's been a surprising continuing ascent so far.