Saturday, February 26, 2005

OMG. We were supposed to go to Shmooze or whatever last night but it snowed so the roads were bad and L had a headache so me and G were just gonna rent a movie. We ended up just chillin at her house. I was drinkin and then we had to go pick up Heather from work. She needed to go to the bank cuz her and G and a buncha them were gonna go snowboardin the next day. We make a right turn to go back home and another car sideswipes us. It scared all of us but it wasn't like a big crash, he just hit the driver side door. Holy shit. They got out and the guy said he had the green and G said she did. It's bad cuz I honestly don't know cuz I was buzzed and I wasn't payin attention. 5 mins ago, we were jokin around and I was laughin so much and then we were in the middle of the road with a big ass dent in G's car and a door that won't open properly. Justin came down and G's dad came too and they exchanged info and all that. Then they wanted to go to the Collision Report Centre to get it filed and done with.

I didn't know it was such a process. I'll admit I have no idea about insurance or claims or whatever legal steps you hafta take when you're in an accident :P I should know these things. Well, the whole thing took about 4 hrs! There's like 4 steps at diff desks--you hafta report it, then fill out forms, then get the cops there to look it over, then get it photocopied and take pictures of your car. And each step took forever cuz it was 1 am and they only had one guy workin. And there were a buncha ppl in front of us and that line just never ended. There were ppl comin in after us still after we had left. I got home at 5 in the morning!

At least no one was hurt. I'm still not sure what happened. The guy was sure he had the green and our car was convinced we did. But Justin was like, it was green. I guess I had to corroborate with what G and Heather said but we were talkin and they weren't even 100% positive either. I was just like, don't tell me anybody's gonna ask me anythin, cuz I was drinkin! You can't believe what I think! But right after he had hit us, I turned around I saw that the lights goin our way were unless it had just turned...I dunno. We had already made the turn and were travellin straight when he hit us. He musta been goin too fast to stop properly in the snow cuz he HAD to have seen us as he was goin thru the intersection, that's all I know. But he had come to the CRC too and he wanted to settle it without filing it or somethin, then he left after a while. Maybe he didn't want the trouble or maybe he was scared of the insurance or maybe that he'd be at fault, couldn't tell ya.

Needless to say, G's not goin anywhere for a bit. I think this is gonna be a quiet weekend. Nobody needs this shit :P

Friday, February 25, 2005

Fish just called me from the airport before flyin out to Scotland :)

I caught Avril's new video for "He Wasn't". Loves it. I didn't even know she was doin a video for that song. The walls bleed pink paint...awesome.

Until a couple days ago, I don't think I've ever gotten shampoo in my eye. Lemme tell you, it stings like a thousand fires. It feels like what I would imagine bein Maced feels like. Holy crap, I thought I was gonna be permanently blind in my left eye :P

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Damn, there were some hot cars this yr. There were a few blue ones that I was like, if it was physically possible, I'd sex it.

Apparently Justin is a racer cuz he's got one of those souped up mods. We got to know eachother a bit cuz we had to take 2 cars with G, Vick, and L in one, and him and Heather picked me up. So there was a lot of walkin around. We left our jackets in the car in the parkin garage across the street so we didn't hafta coat check them or hold them all day. I was in a tshirt and that 2 min run wasn't good :P

There was some futuristic-lookin prototype car that has the windshield all the way down to like the headlights so it's pretty much this Jetson deal on wheels. It's pretty hype. L's like, everyone can see what you're wearin...and up your skirt! Haha. The back's like that too so you can see thru the trunk, which is smart when you think about can't hide bodies in the there! That'll help stop some crime :P

After about 5 hrs, we were all starvin but the super expensive food they were sellin in the buildings wasn't gonna happen. We were gonna go try the Ice Maze they had outside but since we didn't have coats on, we were gonna go back to the car and get them. But we couldn't find anywhere to eat and by that time, it was SO COLD and dark out. We checked all the restaurants down the street but it was the busy dinner hr so they all had 45 min waits. So we drove back uptown and went to Mr. Greek. Mmmmmm.

G got around to changin her air freshener in her car. She had gotten a new one and I don't even know what scent it's really supposed to be but whoever got into her car that day was like, wow it smells like ALCOHOL in here! G doesn't have a drinkin problem but we're like, I think you're gonna have a fun time if you ever get pulled over and the cop smells alcohol in the car, haha. And it smells like Bacardi Silver so it just made me ill. It's cuz of that time a couple yrs ago when I had peeps over and drank too much of it and threw up A LOT. To this day I can't stand the smell of it or else I get flashbacks and start to feel nauseous. I can't even look at the bottle cuz I'm always reminded of that day. I don't remember if I wrote about it, maybe it was before I started this blog...but the next day, I went into the kitchen and saw all those bottles on the counter...not a vision I needed. Anyway, so I'm like G, please, get rid of that air freshener. So now it smells like green apple :)

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

The movie was pretty good, nice special effects. Or if you wanna get filmic, nice cinematography and mise-en-scene...the low-key lighting was very film noir with a comic book aesthetic. Yessss...learned somethin from school, haha. Oh Keanu, how I loved you back in the day. Crazy heaven and hell business...if I knew stuff about religion and whatnot, I probably woulda understood the story better :P

We're goin to the Autoshow tomorrow. $20 is a bit much for lookin at cars but at least I got it for 12. Hopefully there'll be pretty blue rides all over :)

OMG I need to cut my hair.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

I had ONE hr of sleep this morning! That's fucked up. I'm suprised I'm not dead. Dead as in lyin on the floor, with my rotted brain. I'm tired, that's for sure...but still doin pretty good so far I must say. I stayed awake all thru class and only fell asleep for about 5 mins once on the bus.

I was takin a nap to get back some lost sleep time and G woke me up, callin me about goin to see Constantine tonight. Then she tells me we're not even goin til 9. Biaaaatch.

Sooooo...who wants to hear about my latest last min hw episode? What a fuckin day yesterday was. I was vacuuming and I had to get to the plug outlet and shit was in the way and I accidentally cut my wrist on the nut and bolt thing on the exercise bench. Don't even ask. It hurt, took off some skin and bled...but it looks like a big bug bite or a vampire hole :P OK so the actual essay-doin...I didn't get it finished til 6:30 this morning. Yeah, took longer than I thought. The whole thing was stupid, I still don't even really understand the assignment but whatever, it's done. Remember I still don't have a workin printer so I was done but I had to print it out at school. I finally got to bed at 7 so that meant I had a whole hr. I was like, savouring it, makin the most out of those 60 mins...this golden hr of sleep, haha.

I was havin an egg for breakfast and I was tryin to hurry up and eat and it was hotter than I expected so I burned my tongue. Then that same egg slipped off my plate and fell on the floor. I'm like, OF COURSE it fell on the floor! And it had to get a hair on it too! WTF, man.

So I'm late anyway. I dunno why I was botherin to try to rush and somewhat get there on time :P So I hit the library and printed out the essay and strolled into class. At least a buncha other ppl weren't there either.

I went back to the library after class to pick up some books for my IS. I had a list already and I woulda potentially taken out about 25 books but there was no way I was gonna carry all those home...not like they'd fit anyway. So I just checked out 8. Mama's not used to a heavy backpack.

"I'm a survivor! I'm gon make it! I'm a survivor, keep on survivin!"

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Last night was not as good a time as it should've been. Al didn't end up comin with us so we debated on where to go downtown. We thought we'd be exploratory and drive around Little Italy and Bloor and whatnot to try to find a place we haven't tried. Bars are def not the same as the ones in the club district. We know that now. We ended up hittin Devil's Martini anyway :P Fuckin place! It's supposed to be a older crowd type joint and it's more a lounge than a club or a straight-up bar. You know the kind...wants to weed out the punks and kids and it's not quite snobby but gettin there, tries to be a bit on the exclusive side but everyone still wants to get in. I wasn't impressed. The line was outside and up one side of a building and around the corner. Bad enough that it was SO COLD but the line wasn't movin much. I'm like, we're in an alley next to some rundown warehouse, standin outside waitin like jackasses...this isn't underground or exclusive, it's ghetto. They were sorta nice about it tho cuz they had heatlamps goin and handed out hot cider but it was retarded. I wouldn't even wait like that to get into an actual club. The only time we've been that dumb was for Paparazzi back in the day and that was a lesson learned. But G and L wanted to experience this place so whatever. Then a bouncer comes out and says, "Sorry but it's really busy in there, it's gonna be about a half an hr wait." WHAT? I'm like, are you fuckin kiddin me. But waited we did cuz we were in line for all that time up to that point anyway so might as well tough it out. We almost left a few times but somethin had to be worth the frozen toes. I told them it wasn't gonna be no short wait!

Then we actually did get in and the experience inside wasn't even worth its $5 cover. It was basically the same thing as when it used to be Helium. It was so packed and coat check was all the way on the other end of the place so we had to squish thru EVERYBODY. It was a zoo. When we finally found a spot to stand without bein in the path of traffic or violently jostled, the dj was spinnin the 80's rock anthems. I think we stayed about an hr and a half before we bounced.

There was a lot of eye candy tho, I'll give it that. It's pretty much a meet market but damn, it is not the place to dance or 'lounge' with your friends cuz there ain't even enough room to stand let alone room for places to sit.

The only thing that made the night was the guy outside while we were waitin in line. Some dude walkin by himself had just left the place and all of a sudden, veered to the right and fell into the metal barricades of the lineup. He almost took out some ppl, haha. I saw the whole thing. There was absolutely nothing and no one in the way, it was pure open pavement. He had all this room between where he was walkin and the lineup and it was like he just decided to take a sharp curve and went down, haha. He almost hit the heatlamp too and then some ppl woulda been fucked. The bouncers came over to help him and he just got up and was like, I'm OK, I'm OK and walked off. Oh man, that was funny...mostly cuz it was just random and absurd. He looked sober to me tho, cuz he was walkin fine up to that point!

We were hungry when we left so when we came back up, we hit The Station to eat. I love havin their breakfast stuff at like 3 am. Good memories there.

G's book that she borrowed on my card was due today so she was goin to school and gave me a ride so I could pick up a book for my essay due Tues. I also totally stole the readings outside the door that you're supposed to take to photocopy and then return :P I just didn't wanna walk all over the place and keep spendin money to make copies when I could just take it home and do it for free. Plus I rationalized that nobody in the class is as bad as me and waited til the day before to get the readings business done so no one will be lookin for it, haha. Whatever, there's other copies in the library. I don't even care :P I just need to get this essay done by tomorrow.