Thursday, February 24, 2005

Damn, there were some hot cars this yr. There were a few blue ones that I was like, if it was physically possible, I'd sex it.

Apparently Justin is a racer cuz he's got one of those souped up mods. We got to know eachother a bit cuz we had to take 2 cars with G, Vick, and L in one, and him and Heather picked me up. So there was a lot of walkin around. We left our jackets in the car in the parkin garage across the street so we didn't hafta coat check them or hold them all day. I was in a tshirt and that 2 min run wasn't good :P

There was some futuristic-lookin prototype car that has the windshield all the way down to like the headlights so it's pretty much this Jetson deal on wheels. It's pretty hype. L's like, everyone can see what you're wearin...and up your skirt! Haha. The back's like that too so you can see thru the trunk, which is smart when you think about can't hide bodies in the there! That'll help stop some crime :P

After about 5 hrs, we were all starvin but the super expensive food they were sellin in the buildings wasn't gonna happen. We were gonna go try the Ice Maze they had outside but since we didn't have coats on, we were gonna go back to the car and get them. But we couldn't find anywhere to eat and by that time, it was SO COLD and dark out. We checked all the restaurants down the street but it was the busy dinner hr so they all had 45 min waits. So we drove back uptown and went to Mr. Greek. Mmmmmm.

G got around to changin her air freshener in her car. She had gotten a new one and I don't even know what scent it's really supposed to be but whoever got into her car that day was like, wow it smells like ALCOHOL in here! G doesn't have a drinkin problem but we're like, I think you're gonna have a fun time if you ever get pulled over and the cop smells alcohol in the car, haha. And it smells like Bacardi Silver so it just made me ill. It's cuz of that time a couple yrs ago when I had peeps over and drank too much of it and threw up A LOT. To this day I can't stand the smell of it or else I get flashbacks and start to feel nauseous. I can't even look at the bottle cuz I'm always reminded of that day. I don't remember if I wrote about it, maybe it was before I started this blog...but the next day, I went into the kitchen and saw all those bottles on the counter...not a vision I needed. Anyway, so I'm like G, please, get rid of that air freshener. So now it smells like green apple :)


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