Thursday, February 17, 2005

My legs are tired...and my hands smell like marshmallows! Haha, we found some moisturizer that smells like marshmallow called Body Souffle or somethin in Sephora when we went to NYC and we discovered that we have a Sephora here and L contemplated on buyin it. I'm like, don't! You'll eat it! Haha. But it's true, it smells THAT good. There's so many things in that store that smell like some sort of candy or other fragrant edible, besides that Jessica Simpson line. There was some Butterscotch Sundae thing that, honestly, I'd lick anybody you'd spray it on. I don't even know how it tastes but it was orgasmic for the nose. Anyway, the marshmallow cream was like $37 and L took a longggg walk around the store perusing all the merchandise to make up her mind to get it or not. Friggin Libra. She didn't end up gettin it. But we made every opportunity to scratch our faces or rub our noses or what-have-you, to get a whiff of our hands, hahaha. I'm like, everybody on the subway is gonna think, "Those chicks have some coke habit!" *Rubs nose* Bahaha.

We got somethin to eat at Quizno's and we ordered a turkey-ranch somethin sandwich to share. The woman at the cash plunks it down on a tray and the thing just about falls apart and this big pepper rolls out. Me and L are like, what the hell...what is ONE big banana pepper doin in our sandwich? Cuz there are no peppers whatsoever in a turkey-ranch thing. Bizarre. And we had no idea what she said (you know when you just don't understand what someone is sayin, esp in food services [too much noise/english isn't their first language/the drive-thru speaker is crappy/etc], and no matter how many times you say 'what?' or 'pardon me?', whatever they say back just doesn't get any clearer or louder so you just give up and say yes?), so we didn't bother to ask about the pepper and went about our business :P

I only came out with 2 zip-up jackets from Garage at the Eaton Centre so we shopped around STC when we came back up too. We saw Meen there...I haven't seen that whore in months. I wanted one of those army caps, except not camo but black, at Big It Up but it was kinda pricey and I liked the one at Bluenotes but the M-L size was kinda tight on me. It'd give me some mad hat hair for sure. "I have a fat head!" :P Always problems findin sizes!

I'm not a big girl...I mean, I'm 5'4 and I'm not fat or overweight but I'm not I don't understand why everythin made for a female is so small. I mean the proportions of the clothes these days are fit for flat, stick-like 12 yr olds. Mind you, I think the 12 yr old girls today are gettin kinda model-like and I'm pretty sure you can find some taller than me, but damn. Even the smallest girls I know like Al and Vick had trouble fittin in some small-medium stuff and they are SLIM and tiny. Anyway, I got a hat at one of those carts and again, I had to go medium instead of the small. The small looked better for some reason but it probably would've hurt my head if I wore it too long :P

I can't believe I missed OC tonight. Dammit. I thought we woulda been home before 8. Never underestimate L and her shoppin.

Kim and Cat wanna hit a club tomorrow. We were supposed to go to Guv. I haven't been there in a while, but apparently it's Girls Gone Wild that night, haha. I get emails about club events so I got one that said they were havin a GGW party this Fri and they're doin a 'first time in Canada' taping. I didn't think Kim wanted to be all in that naked boobs mix so I emailed her about it and I'm pretty sure we're not goin there anymore! Of all the Fridays, of all the times we wanted to go to Guv, they had to have this :P


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