Tuesday, February 15, 2005

As much as I hate goin on stereotypes, me and P did the girly romantic movie thing yesterday. The group of us would've did Sex & the City, which woulda been a notch better than sappy chick flicks but we couldn't get all of us together cuz of this, that, and the other. Anyway, so I finally got myself a Rogers Video card and we rented How to Deal, with Mandy Moore and hot boy Trent Ford (if only he'd cut his hair). Peter Gallagher from The O.C.'s in it :P I half wanted to see this movie cuz parts were filmed in H-town and Megan pointed out to me the exact bench that they were sittin on when I went to visit her...so I wanted to see the scene, haha! P wanted Love, Actually too but I didn't wanna watch it esp since I didn't see the point of renting it when I bought it for Fish and I could just borrow it from her for free :P But she got it anyway and I said she wasn't watchin it on my time, haha. That and The Notebook. Saw that too. I dunno, it's just me...I'm not really a repeat watcher. And if I've seen a movie in the theatres, then I don't wanna watch it on video/DVD unless I pretty much LOVED it and it was like the best movie I've seen that yr.

Here's somethin that's really messed up...we realized at some point that none of us have ever seen P's bedroom! Call us slow but WHAT??? That's right, we've never been up there :P We've known this chick since grade school and we've never seen her room. That's crazy. I dunno the reason for that but I think it's just cuz we never go to her house to do stuff and thus, haven't gone to her room. I'm like, no that's impossible, ONE of us must've seen your room...I swear I've been up there before. She's like, maybe Tasha...once...back in the day. So strange...it's not like she's hiding things in there...or is she? Haha, kiddin. I finally went in there yesterday. I can now tell everyone that it's pretty nice, haha.


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