Saturday, February 12, 2005

I'm always doin these 2 am posts to my blog. But those are my hrs so what're you gonna do? I was supposed to go with Al and her old grade school friends to Seven tonight but I thought better of it. Fun is makin me poor. Then there was the whole ride situation...and cover, geez! And I think tonight was their Lock & Key party for Valentine's Day weekend. Guys get locks and girls get keys or vice versa I dunno, and they try to find their match. Haha, good luck with that, Al!

I'd rather go out Sat night for a Vday party but I really dunno what's goin on these days. Me and L went out to dinner at East Side, then P called after work and wanted to do somethin. We couldn't decide on what to do for the life of us so we went to see Hitch. Really good movie, not so cutesy and lovey but still sweet and funny. The end where they all danced was jokes. And who remembers that song from back in the day..."Now that we found love what're we gonna do? With iiiiiiiit!" Haha, awesome.

Before we went into the movie, me and L were ahead of P just as she was at the old man who's always there rippin the ticket stubs. Some random man comes up and is like, excuse me, excuse me. He said it in such a tone like she had dropped somethin but I was further away so I didn't really hear what he was sayin. From the way he was talkin to her and this look on his face, I thought he was stoppin her cuz he thought she stole somethin or whatever :P We're all just like, wtf...who is this guy? I heard somethin like, no no this is very important. He went away and we asked P what that was about. He said he was some evangelist and he was there with his wife and that there was somethin about P and that she had a calling. WHAT THE?? We have no idea why he went up to her out of all the ppl around and what was with the complete randomness of the whole thing. We're at the movies, for cryin out loud. Very weird.

Since L pretty much loathes Q's, me and P went ourselves. That place just makes me feel better, if I'm in a crappy mood or if I'm doin just fine. Usual suspects were there, good times. P didn't change off her clothes from work so she was dressed up. I had to match so I had to change while we were at my house, haha. She makes such a DEAL :P


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