Sunday, February 20, 2005

Last night was not as good a time as it should've been. Al didn't end up comin with us so we debated on where to go downtown. We thought we'd be exploratory and drive around Little Italy and Bloor and whatnot to try to find a place we haven't tried. Bars are def not the same as the ones in the club district. We know that now. We ended up hittin Devil's Martini anyway :P Fuckin place! It's supposed to be a older crowd type joint and it's more a lounge than a club or a straight-up bar. You know the kind...wants to weed out the punks and kids and it's not quite snobby but gettin there, tries to be a bit on the exclusive side but everyone still wants to get in. I wasn't impressed. The line was outside and up one side of a building and around the corner. Bad enough that it was SO COLD but the line wasn't movin much. I'm like, we're in an alley next to some rundown warehouse, standin outside waitin like jackasses...this isn't underground or exclusive, it's ghetto. They were sorta nice about it tho cuz they had heatlamps goin and handed out hot cider but it was retarded. I wouldn't even wait like that to get into an actual club. The only time we've been that dumb was for Paparazzi back in the day and that was a lesson learned. But G and L wanted to experience this place so whatever. Then a bouncer comes out and says, "Sorry but it's really busy in there, it's gonna be about a half an hr wait." WHAT? I'm like, are you fuckin kiddin me. But waited we did cuz we were in line for all that time up to that point anyway so might as well tough it out. We almost left a few times but somethin had to be worth the frozen toes. I told them it wasn't gonna be no short wait!

Then we actually did get in and the experience inside wasn't even worth its $5 cover. It was basically the same thing as when it used to be Helium. It was so packed and coat check was all the way on the other end of the place so we had to squish thru EVERYBODY. It was a zoo. When we finally found a spot to stand without bein in the path of traffic or violently jostled, the dj was spinnin the 80's rock anthems. I think we stayed about an hr and a half before we bounced.

There was a lot of eye candy tho, I'll give it that. It's pretty much a meet market but damn, it is not the place to dance or 'lounge' with your friends cuz there ain't even enough room to stand let alone room for places to sit.

The only thing that made the night was the guy outside while we were waitin in line. Some dude walkin by himself had just left the place and all of a sudden, veered to the right and fell into the metal barricades of the lineup. He almost took out some ppl, haha. I saw the whole thing. There was absolutely nothing and no one in the way, it was pure open pavement. He had all this room between where he was walkin and the lineup and it was like he just decided to take a sharp curve and went down, haha. He almost hit the heatlamp too and then some ppl woulda been fucked. The bouncers came over to help him and he just got up and was like, I'm OK, I'm OK and walked off. Oh man, that was funny...mostly cuz it was just random and absurd. He looked sober to me tho, cuz he was walkin fine up to that point!

We were hungry when we left so when we came back up, we hit The Station to eat. I love havin their breakfast stuff at like 3 am. Good memories there.

G's book that she borrowed on my card was due today so she was goin to school and gave me a ride so I could pick up a book for my essay due Tues. I also totally stole the readings outside the door that you're supposed to take to photocopy and then return :P I just didn't wanna walk all over the place and keep spendin money to make copies when I could just take it home and do it for free. Plus I rationalized that nobody in the class is as bad as me and waited til the day before to get the readings business done so no one will be lookin for it, haha. Whatever, there's other copies in the library. I don't even care :P I just need to get this essay done by tomorrow.


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