Saturday, February 19, 2005

Unghhhh...I partied too much, haha. But I must go on!

G is on her break from school so once she was done her exam yesterday, she wanted connect with humanity again so me, her, and L chilled at her house, dropped Sarah at work, then went to Starbucks. I saw Ian outside havin a smoke but he disappeared and didn't come in. We went to Quizno's for food and that was the last thing I had to eat for the resta the day cuz I just didn't have time :P One of 2 big mistakes of last night.

After buyin a mini hairbrush to replace the one I broke when I dropped my purse on the concrete, G had to be back before 9 to she could go to the airport to pick up her mom. I didn't have my cell so I made Kim stress about where I was and if I was comin out that night or not :P

Last night was fun times. Me, Kim, Cat, and Al hit Lucid and met up with Kim's friend Angela and her friends there. Instead of havin the lineup go all the way across the street, they made it go inside the parkin garage next door so we were goin underground on the ramp. Felt like we were goin to a rave or somethin but I guess it's smarter cuz it's not so chaotic and it's better than standin out in the cold.

We couldn't find Angela for a while so we just went around to all the rooms and me and Al got separated from Kim and Cat for a bit too. We saw Travis, haha! I keep runnin into that guy. But anyway, mistake #2 was mixin liquors. I was havin Tom Collins and I bought Cat a beer so she got me the next and I didn't know what it was but I drank it. I think it was rum and 7 or somethin. Lucid's drinks are pricey but they're pretty strong. It's over.

We finally got all on the floor and it was ridiculous. I hadn't had that much of a good time in a while. Maybe cuz I was drunk, I won't argue with that. There was a guy who looked like Harold from Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle, haha. He was on Al and got rejected and came to me. Ass, please...I SAW you with my friend just then. Stupid man, haha.

When we were at the bar earlier, me and Al were standin around while the girls got their drinks and Al said the guy next to me was completely checkin me and I turn around and I'm like, what're you talkin about, no he's not. Apparently he was cuz he started talkin to me. Half cuz it was really loud and half cuz he was kinda drunk or whatnot, I couldn't hear what he was sayin except that he was from Argentina. Then he talked long enough that the others left to go into the other room so I'm like, that's cool I'll check you later or whatever. He somehow found me in the main room later in the night and we danced. And macked, haha. I could still smell the cherry gum that he was chewin on me when we were goin home :P He's a biter! Well, the girls were about to bounce and he was doin the playful 'you can't leave, I'm not lettin you go' thing so they went to get in the coat check line while I finished talkin with him. Persistent guy, he was. So the only option I saw was givin him my number, haha. I don't actually know his name cuz all I heard was, "somethin somethin...or my friends call me somethin somethin for know like, Leonardo DiCaprio?" So I concluded that his name's Leo, I dunno.

Angela was comin with us home and we had some laughs. I love these chicks, it's all jokes...and Cat drinks like a MAN. I, on the other hand, take it like a little girl. You can imagine what happened to me last bad, this morning :P Give me your enzymes!!!

So with a delayed but inevitable wake-up call at 7:30, I sure didn't get any good sleep and I had to get up at 11:30 for a dentist appointment. Fun days!

Now we're goin out to a bar tonight. The smart thing to do would be not to drink. The place is called Devil's Martini :P


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