Tuesday, February 22, 2005

I had ONE hr of sleep this morning! That's fucked up. I'm suprised I'm not dead. Dead as in lyin on the floor, with my rotted brain. I'm tired, that's for sure...but still doin pretty good so far I must say. I stayed awake all thru class and only fell asleep for about 5 mins once on the bus.

I was takin a nap to get back some lost sleep time and G woke me up, callin me about goin to see Constantine tonight. Then she tells me we're not even goin til 9. Biaaaatch.

Sooooo...who wants to hear about my latest last min hw episode? What a fuckin day yesterday was. I was vacuuming and I had to get to the plug outlet and shit was in the way and I accidentally cut my wrist on the nut and bolt thing on the exercise bench. Don't even ask. It hurt, took off some skin and bled...but it looks like a big bug bite or a vampire hole :P OK so the actual essay-doin...I didn't get it finished til 6:30 this morning. Yeah, took longer than I thought. The whole thing was stupid, I still don't even really understand the assignment but whatever, it's done. Remember I still don't have a workin printer so I was done but I had to print it out at school. I finally got to bed at 7 so that meant I had a whole hr. I was like, savouring it, makin the most out of those 60 mins...this golden hr of sleep, haha.

I was havin an egg for breakfast and I was tryin to hurry up and eat and it was hotter than I expected so I burned my tongue. Then that same egg slipped off my plate and fell on the floor. I'm like, OF COURSE it fell on the floor! And it had to get a hair on it too! WTF, man.

So I'm late anyway. I dunno why I was botherin to try to rush and somewhat get there on time :P So I hit the library and printed out the essay and strolled into class. At least a buncha other ppl weren't there either.

I went back to the library after class to pick up some books for my IS. I had a list already and I woulda potentially taken out about 25 books but there was no way I was gonna carry all those home...not like they'd fit anyway. So I just checked out 8. Mama's not used to a heavy backpack.

"I'm a survivor! I'm gon make it! I'm a survivor, keep on survivin!"


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