Saturday, May 01, 2004

LOL I woke up today past 1 pm, doin my daily thing of 'crap, I'm missin AMC' and turnin on the TV, I see the movie The Phantom on. I'm like, what the's not a holiday or anythin today, why isn't it on? And THEN I realized it was Sat :P Derr derr derr! Oh man, either I'm totally out of it or it's just the days are blurrin together. I think it's just that I'm goin out everyday and can't tell what day is what, ha.

Can I mention first off that I scored another $300, oh yeaaaaah! And it couldn't have come at a better time. 3 presents to get, G's bday jam, and product for the drinkin party.

LEAFS, ahahahahaaaa!! Tied up, baby! Last night was hype. Me, L, P, and G hit up Shoeless again to watch. Dinner consisted of wings, nachos, and some Tom Collins. Mmmm, healthy. Our waitress thought there was somethin wrong with us. "What, what is it? Tell me." LOL Nice, P. Hurt my hands high-fivin :P I think we need to learn not to slap so hard. We'll take you on on Sun, Philly!

We bounced to Q's without G. P wouldn't learn a lesson and kept playin game after game only to lose, haha. I OWN you, bitch. Your crotch antics won't work on me LOL Saw that boss dude (of that guy Julian) there, which is weird cuz I was gonna call Julian out but I didn't have my cell so I didn't have his # on me). Played some foosball. L and P get SO into it...the ball kept flyin out and bouncin under tables. Was gonna take someone's eye out I tell ya, haha. Friggin windmilling cheaters!

I think we should have that drinkin party tonight...but in a more chill, girl's night in way. I think we need more of Thurs night. Me and L went to Timmy's and then chilled on her porch til like 1:30 am cuz it was so nice out. Every time it's just me and her, our convos drift toward the philosophical, reflection type. We talk about life and everythin in between...we gossip about some ppl sometimes, haha, but mostly hit on the deep stuff. It's cool cuz it's good to go over that kinda stuff every so often. So I think we need a group version of 1 of those...on alcohol, hahaha. All of us haven't been together in a while so it should be good. Get in those digs, haha. G's gonna kill us (well, L really) one day, I can smell it comin LOL


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