Saturday, May 22, 2004

The bday bbq thing was Heather and Clothes and a whole buncha other ppl at G's house and me and L decided well hey, we'll invite ourselves cuz you can't have a party without us, you just can't, haha. It's not really like that tho, she knew we were gonna's almost like why wouldn't we be there?

We hit the LCBO and picked up Sarah's friends too but by the time we made it back to the house, the bastards had eaten pretty much everythin. There were SO many shoes in the house, haha...I had no idea who any of these ppl were. But we said happy bday to the bday dude :P

We pretty much had scraps left for food so they went out to get some McD's cuz we were starving, haha. We met Clothes' bf who's Aussie. His accent was AWESOME, I love it. I coulda listened to the guy talk all day. Me and L tried out stereotypical Aussie sayings for like a good half an hr. Somebody had brought over a Playstation so we were playin soccer. We were playin teams and royally sucking cuz we didn't even know what button did what so in essence, they were cheatin...and thus, it was BITCH! MOTHERFUCKER! FUCKIN HELL! SHIT! FUCK! GODAMMIT! YOU ASSHOLE! WTF ARE YOU DOIN! TAKE THAT, BIAAAATCH! the entire time. A buncha the guys were in the room watchin and they were pretty much blown away by how much we swore, haha. I guess we do swear a lot :P But you understand, we were playin a video game, haha, you can get really into it. Maybe it was cuz we were drinkin too, I dunno! Clothes was pickin up like every open bottle she saw in the house and takin swigs outta them, haha.

At the end of the night, we finally got around to plannin what we're doin for the weekend. Settled on Wasaga Beach and started surfin for info and see who wanted to come with. We had to call around for places to stay that still had vacancies but they were long distance so we had to go out and get a phone card. All that took hrs. looks like it's gonna be the 4 or 5 of us at the Angel's Motel right near the beach. WOOO! May 2-4, baby! We're leavin tomorrow right when Vick gets off work.


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