Wednesday, May 19, 2004

I feel like fallin asleep right now. And that, kids, is why mommy doesn't get up before noon. I dunno who it was this morning but somebody was makin enough noise to wake me up at like 8 am. I think I need a nap. I've watched all that there is to watch on TV, worked out a bit, talked on the phone, cleaned up a lil, did my nails. But I'm waitin for my dad to get home with the damn car so I can get my hair dye before goin out tonight for Mickey's fuckin dinner thing that Fish is makin me go to. OK that sounded harsh...I think I'm gettin cranky. I'm not bein MADE to go, I guess I kinda want to cuz I haven't seen Mickey in so long. We've known eachother since grade school but still, we haven't kept in touch since the middle of hs and he talks more to Fish anyway. Yeah so...I dunno WTF my dad does after work to come home like HOURS later. And they wonder why I stay out so late....cuz I get the car at like 8, 9, 10 at night! Haha, so your fault.

OK I can't make it...I'm gonna go snooze.


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