Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Screw it, I'm just gonna post about everythin that happened from Fri to yesterday. I just don't have the energy to write all that I wanted to write all over again, esp in this weather that's just too hot for May. And I now have 22 new emails that I can't get to, just to let ya know.

Fri...G's bday night...went to Rocky Mountain High for dinner and Joker after. Good times. Cher and Meen only stayed for dinner, we have no idea what happened to Pris, and we picked up Al when we rolled downtown to go clubbin. That was CRAZY. Met up with some of P's friends from chicks. Lotsa drunks but the funny drunks, not the obnoxious ones who spill their drink all over you and are too shifaced to realize. "I don't wanna be that guy! I don't wanna be THAT GUY!" LOL We got bounced, grinded on, sandwiched...some dude was so tipsy and almost fell over cuz of the retarded way he was dancin and I can't describe it in words how he did it cuz you had to be there but...he stumbled into me with a knee in the air like he was about to climb over a kitchen counter. He gave a geunine 'sorry, sorry' but then gave me THE sweatiest hand to apologize with. But I totally laughed about the whole thing so it was OK.

Sat we saw Van Helsing (I liked it!) and I got in free cuz Al's friend is a manager there and hooked us up :) She even has the same name as me except with an h on the end so she's just a bit cooler than me, haha.

Sun was Mother's Day...I had a whole longass rant about the concept of Mother's Day and touchin on the subject of my mom but we won't go there cuz that's another post for another day but...I made G take me to the mall before the movie Sat so I could get somethin. Got some crystal like plaque thing that has some poetry on it and it plays music. The kids cleaned the house and my sis got dinner, and us and Matt played Mario Kart like a big party, blah blah blah :P

Mon me and P went to Q's for some pool. Called Julian but he wasn't home :P Some guys showed us how to cheat the dollar tables :D The dude at the bar had never heard of a Tom Collins but he tried so I dunno what exactly was in there. P's a small girl so she got loaded. It was pure jokes watchin her try to make the same shot over and over, haha. Then I had to drive her drunk ass home...too funny.

And last night me, L, and Lionel saw 13 Going On 30. Cutest, sweetest movie. Then we reminisced about 'the boy who got away', haha...and that time they fought about the Teletubby keychain...and the good times at Lionel's drinkin party. *Sigh* :)


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