Monday, May 17, 2004

Yeaaah, you know how I was talkin about Fish's thing with changin plans and never settling on a decison? Yeah. The punk didn't wanna go to the Maddy on Sat anymore, the big poop :P But me bein such the forgivin'd think after almost 10 yrs bein friends, I'd know to expect this, haha. But it's OK cuz me and L went out to the Fox & Fiddle on the other Main St for drinks and then Q's. And guess who was there? Julian, haha! And the boss dude. I should really learn that guy's name...but til then, he'll be known as Bossman, haha. So we played some pool and some foosball. I really hurt my finger windmilling the way I was, the 2nd knuckle (as in, the 2nd of your hand but the 1st of your finger), palm side...I think I bruised it hard enough that it felt like it was broken...not that I'd know what a broken bone feels like cuz I've never had that happen before :P Anyway, good times. I blew in Julian's ear and knocked his cue and bumped his ass, haha...but we still lost more games than we won, I'm sure.

Then we went to Timmy's, where I was findin everythin very very funny. Dunno what it was. And I had another smoke. Ahhhh well. We're like, so what do you wanna do now? And it's like 2:00, haha. Prime drivin hrs cuz no one's on the road. Gotta love it.

I watched Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas last night. That's 1 fucked up movie, but if you've never done drugs in your life, it pretty much captures what it's like, haha. I couldn't even watch til the end tho cuz I was strangely tired and I went to bed :P I think exercise might do that to me, haha...I worked out a bit yesterday and then me, L, and my brother (who wanted to come along for some reason) went for a walk/blading for almost 2 hrs. Physical activities are fine except for smellin like 'outside'. You know what I'm talkin about.

I dunno what to do tonight. Ah maybe I'll work out some more before I call ppl. Oh yeah, we don't even know what we're doin for May 24 weekend! Must plan, must plan.


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