Thursday, May 20, 2004

I dunno whether to make of this day as good or bad...probably a mix of both. I went to Fish's house and Lionel was there so we chilled and I checked that friggin email of mine. But Fish's dad burnt somethin really really bad and the house reeked. I could smell it outside the front door. We were there about half an hr and Lionel's like, I can't take it anymore, I'm sorry but I have get outta here...OPEN THE DOOR! Hahaha. So we went to Lionel's house and met up with Fish later. Chilled, went to the supermarket for burger stuff. Then Fish calls and says Mickey's comin by and they'll be in the park so we should come by too. We passed by there like 3 times but didn't see them, went back to the house. We finally called them and we're like, dude where ARE you, what're you doin? They're like, OK we're gonna walk to the house. That took an hr...haha, whatever they were doin in the park there! Oh, and we had gone to the wrong park, haha. But yay, I finally saw Mickey :) We all talked a bit before he had to jet. He's such an American now, haha. He has a Master's. A Master's! And goin for a PhD!! Holy crap. So yeah, we might go to Chicago to visit sometime, heehee. It's his bday tomorrow too so he's havin peeps over. 2-4's for the 2-4, haha.

Then me, Lionel, Fish, and Lionel's brother had bbq before Lionel had to go to volleyball, haha. And we realized that for the long weekend, we could just go up to Montreal and stay in Fish's sister's house cuz she just rented it and it'll be empty cuz all the roomies are home. And I wanna go! But Fish has to run it by her and whatever whatever, all this stuff about Fish goin back to Ktown for grad and goin to be in Montreal next week anyway. I dunno. And this all just starts to peeve me cuz we (L and G and whoever else) still don't have a clue what we're doin and nobody's gettin together to even talk about it! Fuck, man.

Then I called L and they're at the movies. And in the way that she does, I was sensin the slight attitude vibe cuz I didn't go with them to the liquor store earlier (to get stuff for the bbq tomorrow). Apparently G had told me what time they were gonna go but she didn't. G tends to LIE, everybody knows it, haha. Anyway, so I wasn't home cuz I was at Fish's and Lionel's and I didn't have my cell so they went without me. I texted G from Lionel's tho, just to whatever. L's makin it like we 'had plans' to go to the LCBO, geeez. But nobody can say a thing about what's goin on for the weekend, no.

BUT no biggie, right...I'm sure we'll hit the LCBO again for the trip...IF we go anywhere. Those hookers better call me later like I said so we get this shit done with.

Oh yeah, then I forgot I had to pick up a letter from the post office before 7 for my dad, like 1 of those important ones that you hafta pick up instead of gettin it in the mail. I got home at 10 past 7. Dammit.

And that is your daily dose of me. Don't you love the way I make this whole big story about a day where really, absolutely nothing happened? Haha.


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