Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Damn, I'm clearly gonna get my rag soon. I know that's not a great way to start a post but it's my blog so eat it. I hate Tuesdays. Not generally, cuz I love cheap movie nights and sweet deals at Taco Bell and Second Cup and other such food services one would find at the mall, but cuz I have class. Everythin seems to go badly whenever I hafta go to school. Coincidence?

I had to get bus tickets to get to school this morning. I get them either at the pharmacy or the convenience store in the plaza down the block across the bus stop. The pharmacy's closed today for some reason and the store's all out. Bitchin hell. So I bought some M&Ms at the store to make change. The dude at the cash woulda stiffed me $5 if I didn't check the change he gave back. Friggin guy.

Then of course the bus I'm ridin becomes a short turn bus and I hafta get off for another one. The service today was unbelievable. Granted it's snowy out but damn, they are not convincin me that 'the TTC is the better way'. I even went to bed earlier than I ever had for this class (even tho I couldn't sleep til 3-4 anyway) and got up earlier than I ever had for this class, but I was still laaaaate.

Anyway, I was in a mood after class but I'm not anymore. I think I was just overly emotional. Which maybe would explain the following:

I was actually gonna participate today. I thought out my comment and was all ready to speak. I was just waitin for the other ppl to finish what they were sayin, to find a window to say somethin (these 2 specific ppl, I don't think they're physically capable of knowin when to stop talkin...I'm not sayin that cuz I'm mad, I'm just sayin :P). But then I got all panicky. I noticed I was shaky and my heart was beatin fast, I needed to take deep breaths to calm myself. What the hell was that about??? I was so mad at myself. I just wanted outta there. I didn't go to photocopy the next week's readings, I just jetted to the bus stop. I was pretty calm up to that point when I got all nervous...til I was juuuuust about to speak. I hate these forced participation points. I just don't have anythin to say. I feel like it's just an opportunity to showcase...it's too presented, you know? BLAH.


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