Friday, October 22, 2004

Well things just don't go the way I think they will huh? I did finish that assignment...I think it's pretty good but what I think doesn't always mesh with whoever's markin my work thinks. What's there to mark outta 25% I couldn't tell ya. Then I went to class and it was only an hr in but they already started the film. So it's all dark and not even half the ppl are there so I hafta sit there watchin it for a good 45 mins before I get up and hand my paper to the prof and jet :P OMG the bus ride there took like 2 hrs, in drizzlin rain of course. Then I got back on it not even an hr later and took it home. Honestly, it sucks the life out of you. I had my music and my newspaper to read and still, I could feel my soul bein drained, geez. But at least I didn't fall asleep in class or on the bus.

I think I made myself kinda sick tho. Cuz I was standin out in the rain and it was cold and I had bummed a cig off somebody. So the combination of those probably didn't make for a healthy mix. Mama doesn't need a cold right now! Or ever!


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