Wednesday, October 13, 2004

And a happy bday to Pris!!

Went shoppin for presents today...took forever. The Mastercard took a beating. Picked up my Av ticket. Saw Keisha from hs at the mall, eesh. If I was L, that would be a *shudder*, haha. Ignore, ignore! Got Pris a DVD, Al a DVD too, and L got a puffy vest, silk PJs (not that sexy or slutty, we're not pervs, haha), and a gift certificate to MAC. L got all that stuff cuz it's from me, Vick and G combined, not cuz she's special, haha. I still gotta get more stuff for Pris and Al. At least we convinced Pris to do somethin for her bday. Bein all teacherly, she woulda been fine stayin home and lettin it go by. So now we're goin out Fri :) And Sat for L's bday. Then Al's next week. Then Shy's. Then Halloween. Oct is an insane month.

I love how we all yelled at the same time at this woman in the parkin lot when she drove in from the other side into the spot we were waitin for. Haha, instinctive reaction. We saw this car sneak in and we're like, NOOOOOOOOO!! in the angry 'unh-unh-unh!' tone. We musta had a look on our faces cuz she realized we had been waitin and immediately gestured that she was just gonna drive out and not stay...cuz we probably looked like we were gonna kill her, hahaha. I wouldn't be surprised if she heard us from inside the car :P You had to be there.


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