Thursday, October 07, 2004

Outta class early, yay! Yes, gettin home at 10:30 is EARLY. Where there's an up, there's a down. I might've been let out sooner than usual but I also burst my bladder tonight :P I guess that Pepsi took my liquid intake max over but I was tryin to hold it cuz we had another guest filmmaker today and he was doin Q&A, and it's a bitch to walk past ppl cuz it's lecture. You hafta make everyone you're tryin to get past move or get up and sometimes you just might trip. I probably peed for a good 20 secs, hahaha. I'm not kiddin...and I wasn't counting either. Just sayin.

So there's other good and bad news. I didn't go early to school today cuz I found out last night that there indeed isn't even an Independent Study for 6 credits for 1 semester, only 3 for fall/winter or 6 for the yr. Good cuz that means I don't hafta deal with this shit til next semester. Bad cuz that means I WILL hafta deal with it next semester plus do that other 3 credit theory I won't graduate til the end of the school yr in April. A whole 'nother yr! Holy shit.

My upstairs computer is bein weird...or maybe it's the server on just that one. Outta nowhere, it now highlights random words and phrases and links them to pages. Like "just talk" took you to some cell phone site. WTF?? Of course somethin's wrong with it. My email works so now it's doin's always one thing or another!


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