Thursday, October 07, 2004

Shy didn't end up goin shoppin but did leave me a long msg on the machine and 3 emails about this lil plan bein cancelled cuz she forgot she had an appointment :P She actually said, "If you have any questions or anythin, then you can call me at...." 1st of all, who talks like that??? Questions? What is this, a comment hotline? And 2nd, I've only known her for, oh...over 10 yrs, I think I know the number by now! She's so weird.

Anyway, I chose to go out and do somethin with Alice rather than Jay, hahaha. Whatever. Don't judge me or my reasons :P He's goin to Euro-trip for 2 weeks on Sun so I'm sure I'll talk to him/hang with him before then. Al was hilarious today. Not only did she tell stories that made me laugh til I almost couldn't breathe but she was sleep-deprived from a 21 hr shoot last night/this morning and she was the closest thing to high as you can get without actual drugs.

I hafta go to school early tomorrow. Not just to beat the damn traffic when I usually leave for class, but to get that Independent Study bs dealt with. OH GOD I hate this crap.

Well I've had these contacts in since 3 pm so they need to be taken out. And I should be goin to bed. Or somethin.


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