Friday, October 08, 2004

I just broke my necklace :( Awwww!! I was on the phone with L (who's sleepin on the floor right now...I dunno why...and her floor, not mine) and I was half fidgeting with it, half tryin to get it loose and out from under my shirt when the chain just came apart. I really wasn't even pullin it hard at all. I scourged for it on the floor, tryin to find a piece in the carpet. The chain is a buncha tiny lil square links so lookin for it like that is worse than lookin for a lost contact. And what I don't get it how it broke cuz the ends of the chain are intact. Unless a whole square got obliterated. Fuckin hell. I feel so naked without it on. I never take it off.

I used to wear this lil 8 ball pendant (yeah, obsessed) in hs and I got all sad when it fell off and I lost it. I went a while without wearin anythin around my neck and it just felt weird. Then I bought this one (it's a silver pendant thingy with a square of my birthstone) and all was good. Someone buy me an early bday present!

Maybe Jay will find somethin in Europe, hahaha. He wants to do somethin tomorrow so I'll be callin him then. Uh's a date :P L's like, fine, call it an outing. Hahaha...I'm like, an outing? Who says that? If we were goin fox hunting, maybe...THAT'S an outing :P


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