Saturday, October 09, 2004

Today was so good! The only thing that sucked was not bein able to talk to everyone in length. You know how you can't get caught up and hear all the stories with one person cuz there's just so many other ppl to listen to? And you can't have them repeat the same stuff they just told the person next to you over and over cuz you were havin a convo with someone else. But it was wicked to see the out-of-towners. And I still can't believe J's movin to Texas. And Jay is actually in Windsor, not London. So we'll take a trip out to see them both someday. Probably Jay sooner cuz it's obviously a lot closer and cheaper :P And the outlet shopping in Windor and Detroit, haha. After lunch we went for bubble tea and talked about everythin...from old hs times to plans for the future to the whole situation with Shy, haha.

"'s 'all intents and purposes', not all intensive purposes." LOL Oh man, I love them all.

Everybody's home for Thanksgiving weekend. Fish's sister is home and got her surgery done on Thurs. It's lookin good so I'm def glad to hear that. I think Cat and Kim wanna hit a club tonight...if not, me and Meen and her crew are gonna.

My mom's on the list of potential jurors. She might get picked for jury duty. That's funny...well not hilarious funny but you know.

And the Jay date thing...omg I don't think I'm literally able to tell a story if it has to with some guy without it bein complicated and lengthy. I'll post about last night soon.

Ah Sat. It's been pretty awesome so far. Except my neck and shoulder totally hurt. Not from what you think :P I think I slept wrong or it was the weird way I took off my jacket while drivin. Anyway.


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