Sunday, October 10, 2004

So Sat I got up earlier than I woulda liked so I'm already kinda tired but I ended up goin out with Meen last night after all so that was a pretty frickin long day! She was already downtown for a party and we were gonna meet her there. Mo and Reema and co. picked me up and we all drove down. Mo and Reem are nuts on their own but when they're together? It's CRAZY. But it's the funniest thing in the world. Ever. They were singin songs the way Christina Aguilera sings the national anthem and bickering the ENTIRE time, but in the way that it's cute and amusing. Killed me.

They couldn't decide where to go so since we were already there, we hit Joker. We were way overdressed for Joker, haha but Meen had never been and it was like 12 already so there we went. "The fabulous ladies in white there in the window." "Oh where did her friend go? Where'd the other one go, her friend's gone!" LOL The lovely go-go girls.

It was fun. Downtown was madness that night. It seemed all the crazies came out. Or everybody got extra drunk, whatever. We left around 2:30-3 and there was traffic. When the impatient honking started, someone figured "oh I like this game" and evvvverybody wanted in on this game and started honking too, haha. There was even a big yellow school full of partiers (probably some bar-crawl) who waved and gave us the devil horns :)

The crew was hungry so the search was on for a place to eat that was open at 4 am. McD's it is. Ugh, I just can't eat a burger at that time. Breakfast maybe, but they weren't doin it til 5. Boo. So after droppin everyone home and Mo veering into the oncoming lane (no cars tho, it's dead at this hr, thank god) from dozin for a split second, I got home at 5. That was some good sleep. Weird cuz I still got up the normal time I do anyway.

So today me and L went shoppin, lookin for ideas for Halloween costumes and hittin Chapters. Jay called me to say bye before leavin for Europe.

Felt like takin a nap when I got home. Then tonight I picked up P at Woodside and went to Q's. This chick that we recognized who used to work at the bar was there but she was just chillin and playin too. There was this guy who was just hangin around and not even playin but he seemed to know a few ppl. I swear he musta been drinkin/high cuz you can just tell when somethin's off about someone. But he was still alright cuz he talked to us a bit, played a bit. Then the chick came over and asked if the dude was bothering us, cuz I think she was tryin to help us out. Apparently she told P that he had bothered her when she worked there and he just like, solicits and doesn't even come there with anybody, just by himself. Weird. And then he was like, what's she sayin about me? And that she doesn't like him cuz he doesn't buy drinks :P Anyhoo, that was a long passage about nothing.


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