Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Today was interesting. P came over to use my computer so I helped her with her hw :P Then we had enough of that and went to Timmy's. We purposely went to the one not near Q's cuz she was like, no we'd get tempted to play pool, haha. Well we went anyway. There was too many ppl at Timmy's so we just took our stuff to go. While we were in line, there were these 2 chicks in front of us ordering. One had left and came back and P was all, oh I thought that was you...that girl just brushed me, ugh. Or somethin like that. So we were standin there the whole time til the girl turned around and was like, P?? And P screamed. I wasn't payin attention so I was like, what the hell is goin on? Haha. They didn't realize they knew eachother til they saw eachother's faces :P I forgot her name but they go to hair school together. We got introduced and she's like, oh you! Apparently P talks about me, hee. So the girl's like, what are you doin around here? P's like, you ass, I live even dropped me home once, hahaha.

Anyway, so we were back in the car and P's like, k let's play one game at Q's. I'm like, you wanna go to Q's to play one game?? She's like, OK we'll play 2! Or 3! Haha, she's a nut. We played a game, then another cuz she wanted a chance to win one back, then she got all excited when she won the 2nd that she was like, OK one more, one more! Then she lost so that was it for us.

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