Thursday, October 21, 2004

Of course you guessed it...I'm doin my essay proposal right now. I did the biblio last night and now I'm stuck. Does this qualify as writer's block? :P

I think the only way to fix that is to procrastinate some more and blog! That'll get this damn brain goin. You know what I realized about myself? I cannot friggin finish what I start. I'd get on somethin and have this OCD-like urge to move onto the next thing when I haven't even done the 1st thing yet. Sporadic much? I guess cuz I wanna do it all. Or I bore easily. Or I have ADD.

Well at least this paper is goin good. I'm more than half done (tho in random fragmented unfinished paragraphs! :P) and I still have about 40 mins til I'd normally leave for class...and I'd actually get there in time for the start! Outrageous!

My grandma's outta the hospital today; we went to pick her up this morning. I'm gonna come home from class and take a nap. No way am I gonna stay for the movie cuz I will 100% fall asleep.


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