Sunday, October 17, 2004

I think I'm gettin old. There, I said it. I know everybody's been sayin THEY'RE gettin old but now I'm sayin it. It's the whole almost 25, which is halfway to 50, or 5 from 30 which is 'middle age' or whatever crap. I'm not OLD old yet but damn, these partyin days are gettin tiring. Just a night of goin out drags me down the next day, haha. I'm like, I'm almost 24...that's still way young...but then I figured we've been doin this for about 6 yrs straight since we were 18. So that'd explain it :P

Well L's bday yesterday was fun. The girl had like 20 ppl at Philthy McNasty's, which is actually a cool place for dinner, who woulda thought? The place has a magician during the night so this guy comes up to the table and L has this very wary and suspicious look on her face cuz she thought he was some stripper we hired LOL "Hi, my name's Bobby..." "OK what's goin on!?" Hahahaha!

Then about 15 of us went clubbin at Inside later. That place is insane, I don't think any of us are ever gonna go back there. The problem with havin a big group of ppl is that someone WILL get lost and/or disappear and it's so much harder dealin with everyone to get in. I can't even explain it, it was total chaos. With who goin in who's car, findin other ppl in line, goin home with who, forgettin keys and purses in other cars, findin cars. It was good times still tho. It was me, L, G, Fish, Lionel (I actually YELLED when they walked in, haha...I get overexcited when it's ppl I haven't seen in a while), Al, Mike, P, Shy, Pris, Vick, Paul, Shannon, Lana, Fiona, Eric, and some other peeps from school or whatever.

Guess who I fuckin saw at Inside? This guy who hit on me last New Yr's eve at Piccadilly Circus! Hahahaha! That was just so weird, cuz who woulda thought I'd run into him almost a yr later. I told L when I saw him outside and G saw him when we were inside (even SHE recognized him still) . I was gonna go up to him and see if he remembered me but we were all goin upstairs so I didn't get to.

I'm sure there's a story or 2 I'm leavin out but my brain isn't recalling them right now :P


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