Monday, October 18, 2004

I was just thinkin what should I do a movie, call up 1 of the girls and go out, whatever...then I was like, I should be reading, what am I doin?? I have my essay proposal and bibliography worth 25% due on Thurs! Worst work ethic ever :P Meh, we'll see if I actually get around to it! It shouldn't take that long, I figure if I spend 1 day at the library, then I can get it I'll probably go on Wed, haha. P just emailed me and says she wants to see a movie tomorrow...or tonight, dependin on how much work we get done :P

But I'll be good and at least read today. But really, sometimes I think what's the point? Yes, I took a trip to the hospital again today and it makes me think about these kinda things. It affects me, tho I might not show it with a sad face or talkin about it a lot or by what I write. Talk about wasting your time...doin work that you don't wanna do, I mean. Life can be over before you know it and what have you done? Shit that you could care less about. I personally might not have lived every day to the fullest and took risks and danced like no one's lookin and all that but at least if I did things my way, my days wouldn't have sucked. At least that much is true. You can be still experiencing stuff and just able to BE...maybe not doin all that you could but at least not hating what you're doin. I know maybe I should...stretch every minute, say everythin I want to, just do and not think (Nike!). There are just things that stop you from it. Cuz if everyone did that, my god...chaos! Anarchy! Haha.

If only I could talk so much about...Canadian cinema :P


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